Elena Panteley

Laboratoire Laboratoire Signaux et Systèmes
elena.panteley [at] centralesupelec.fr
Publications :
- Communication on a congress - 71 documents
- Anes Lazri, Mohamed Maghenem, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Practical Synchronization of Perturbed Networks of Semi-Passive Systems, 2024-12-16. (https://hal.science/hal-04609468v2)
- M. E. B. Lysø, Elena Panteley, Pettersen K. Y., Gravdahl J. T.. Orbital Control for Swimming in Underwater Snake Robots using Energy-Shaping and Consensus Control, 2024-12-16. (https://hal.science/hal-04943274v1)
- Anes Lazri, Mohamed Maghenem, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Global Uniform Ultimate Boundedness of Semi-Passive Systems Interconnected Over Directed Graphs, 2024-07-10. (https://hal.science/hal-04789601v3)
- Renato Vizuete, Paolo Frasca, Elena Panteley. SIS Epidemics on Open Networks: A Replacement-Based Approximation, 2024-06-25. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-04796487v1)
- Maitreyee Dutta, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Sukumar Srikant, Emmanuel Nuño. A δ-persistently-exciting formation controller for non-holonomic systems over directed graphs, 2023-12-13. (https://hal.science/hal-04266237v2)
- Anes Lazri, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Dynamic Consensus under Weak Coupling: a case study of nonlinear oscillators, 2023-12-13. (https://hal.science/hal-04266220v1)
- Pelin Şekercioğlu, Ioannis Sarras, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Julien Marzat. Bipartite Formation over Undirected Signed Networks with Collision Avoidance, 2023-12-11. (https://hal.science/hal-04049669v3)
- Maitreyee Dutta, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Sukumar Srikant. Backstepping leaderless dynamic consensus among nonlinear systems over directed networks: application to attitude synchronisation control, 2023-07-09. (https://hal.science/hal-03869850v1)
- Maitreyee Dutta, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Sukumar Srikant. Dynamic consensus and adaptive bias compensation for multi-agent linear systems over directed networks, 2023-07-09. (https://hal.science/hal-03869863v2)
- Pelin Şekercioğlu, Elena Panteley, Ioannis Sarras, Antonio Loria, Julien Marzat. Exponential Bipartite Containment Tracking over Multi-leader Coopetition Networks, 2023-05-31. (https://hal.science/hal-03869969v3)
- Anes Lazri, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. On Global Asymptotic Stability of Heterogeneous Modular Networks with Three Time-Scales, 2023-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04049681v2)
- Bikash Adhikari, Elena Panteley, Irinel-Constantin Morarescu. Three time scales modeling of the undirected clustered network, 2022-12-06. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03754270v1)
- Renato Vizuete, Charles Monnoyer de Galland, Julien Hendrickx, Paolo Frasca, Elena Panteley. Resource allocation in open multi-agent systems: an online optimization analysis, 2022-12-06. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03754207v1)
- Maitreyee Dutta, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, Srikant Sukumar. Strict Lyapunov Functions for Dynamic Consensus in Linear Systems Interconnected Over Directed Graphs, 2022-12-06. (https://hal.science/hal-04297615v1)
- Emmanuel Nuño, Antonio Loria, Angel Paredes, Tonatiuh Hernández, Elena Panteley. Leader-Follower Consensus Formation Control of Nonholonomic Vehicles with Input Constraints, 2022-10. (https://hal.science/hal-03869741v1)
- Anes Lazri, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Dynamic consensus of nonlinear oscillators under weak coupling, 2022-09. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03754339v1)
- Renato Vizuete, Paolo Frasca, Elena Panteley. Gradient descent for resource allocation with packet loss, 2022-07-05. (https://hal.science/hal-03705202v1)
- Adel Bechihi, Elena Panteley, Arnaud Bouttier. Exponential Convergence of the Consensus Algorithm over a Shared Broadcast Channel, 2021-12-14. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03754160v1)
- Charles Monnoyer de Galland, Renato Vizuete, Julien M. Hendrickx, Paolo Frasca, Elena Panteley. Random coordinate descent algorithm for open multi-agent systems with complete topology and homogeneous agents, 2021-12-13. (https://hal.science/hal-03437026v1)
- Vineeth Varma, Bikash Adhikari, Irinel-Constantin Morȃrescu, Elena Panteley. Optimal campaign strategy for social media marketing with a contrarian population, 2021-09-22. (https://hal.science/hal-03365824v1)
- Antonio Loria, Emmanuel Nuño, Elena Panteley. Leader-follower consensus formation control of differential-drive nonholonomic vehicles with time-varying delays, 2021-06-22. (https://hal.science/hal-03442742v1)
- Riccardo Bertollo, Elena Panteley, Romain Postoyan, Luca Zaccarian. Uniform global asymptotic synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators via hybrid coupling, 2020-07-11. (https://hal.science/hal-02562689v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Emmanuel Nuño, Elena Panteley. Decentralized partial-consensus control of nonholonomic vehicles overnetworks with interconnection delays, 2020-07-01. (https://hal.science/hal-03101503v1)
- Tonatiuh Hernández, Antonio Loria, Emmanuel Nuño, Elena Panteley. Consensus-based formation control of nonholonomic robots without velocity measurements, 2020-05-12. (https://hal.science/hal-03101538v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, Srikant Sukumar. Strict Lyapunov functions for consensus under directed connected graphs, 2020-05-12. (https://hal.science/hal-03101555v1)
- Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Mohamed Maghenem. Strict Lyapunov functions for model-reference adaptive control based on the Mazenc construction, 2019-10-23. (https://hal.science/hal-02367914v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Adaptive leader-follower formation control of mobile robots following arbitrary reference trajectories, 2019-10-09. (https://hal.science/hal-02367899v1)
- Emmanuel Nuno, Tomatiuh Hernandez, Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Leaderless Consensus-based Formation Control of Multiple Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with Interconnecting Delays, 2019-07-10. (https://hal.science/hal-02367891v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Herman Lekefouet, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Decentralized synchronization of time-varying oscillators under time-varying bidirectional graphs, 2019-07-10. (https://hal.science/hal-02367890v1)
- Srikant Sukumar, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, William Pasillas-Lépine. On Consensus of Double Integrators Over Directed Graphs and with Relative Measurement Bias, 2018-12-17. (https://hal.science/hal-02368233v1)
- Thomas Lathuilière, Giorgio Valmorbida, Elena Panteley. Limit cycles in Liénard systems with saturation, 2018-10-30. (https://hal.science/hal-01974946v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Leader-follower simultaneous tracking-agreement formation control ofnonholonomic vehicles, 2018-06-27. (https://hal.science/hal-01753379v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Global tracking-stabilization control of mobile robots with parametric uncertainty, 2017-07-09. (https://hal.science/hal-01744931v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Abraham Bautista-Castillo, Emmanuel Nuño, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Consensus-based Formation Control of Nonholonomic Robots using a Strict Lyapunov Function, 2017-07-09. (https://hal.science/hal-01744950v1)
- Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Stability, as told by its developers, 2017-07-09. (https://hal.science/hal-01744940v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. A robust δ-persistently exciting controller for formation-agreement stabilization of multiple mobile robots, 2017-05-24. (https://hal.science/hal-01744926v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Beyond complete synchronization of identical systems: multi-dimentional dynamic consensus, 2017. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01757328v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Singular-perturbations-based analysis of synchronization in heterogeneous networks: A case-study, 2016-12-12. (https://hal.science/hal-01357285v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Lyapunov-based formation-tracking control of nonholonomic systems under persistency of excitation, 2016-08-23. (https://hal.science/hal-01357287v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. A strict Lyapunov function for non-holonomic systems under persistently-exciting controllers, 2016-08. (https://hal.science/hal-01357288v1)
- Sofia Avila-Becerril, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Global position-feedback tracking control of flexible-joint robots, 2016-07-06. (https://hal.science/hal-01357298v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Effects of network topology on the synchronized behaviour of coupled nonlinear oscillators: a case study, 2016. (https://hal.science/hal-01744924v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, Ali El Ati. Analysis and control of Andronov-Hopf oscillators with applications to neuronal populations, 2015-12-15. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01262559v1)
- Elena Panteley. Synchronisation of heterogeneous networks: dynamic consensus, 2015-10-14. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01298193v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. On practical synchronisation and collective behaviour of networked heterogeneous oscillators, 2015-08-26. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01262568v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, Laurie Conteville. On practical synchronization of heterogeneous networks of nonlinear systems: application to chaotic systems, 2015-07-01. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01262742v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, Ali El Ati. On the stability and robustness of Stuart-Landau oscillators, 2015-06-24. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01262570v1)
- Roméo Ortega, Elena Panteley. When is a parameterized controller suitable for adaptive control ?, 2014-12-15. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01103633v1)
- Roméo Ortega, Elena Panteley. L1-adaptive control always converges to a linear PI control and does not perform better than the PI, 2014-08-24. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01103619v1)
- Elena Panteley, A. El Ati. On pratical stability of a network of coupled nonlinear limit-cycle oscillators, 2014-08-22. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01103694v1)
- Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Partial state-feedback control of 4th order hyper-chaotic system with one input, 2014-07-06. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01103651v1)
- Elena Panteley, Laurie Conteville, Antonio Loria. On pratical synchronization of a network of diffusively coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons, 2014-07-06. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01103668v1)
- A. El Ati, Elena Panteley. Asymptotic phase synchronization of Kuramoto model with weighted non-symetric interconnections: A case study, 2013-12-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00934181v1)
- Sofía Avila-Becerril, G. Espinoza-Perez, Elena Panteley, Roméo Ortega. Consensus control of flexible joint robots, 2013-12-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00930012v1)
- J.G. Romero, David Navarro-Alarcon, Elena Panteley. Robust globally exponentially stable control for mechanical systems in free/constrained-motion tasks, 2013-12-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00934166v1)
- William Pasillas-Lépine, Ihab Haidar, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley. Closed-loop Deep Brain Stimulation Based on Firing-rate Regulation, 2013-11-06. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00978779v1)
- A. El Ati, Elena Panteley. Phase locked synchronization for Kuramoto model with attractive and repulsive interconnections, 2013-10-13. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00934222v1)
- Elena Panteley, A. El Ati. On pratical stability of a network of coupled nonlinear limit-cycle oscillators, 2013-10-13. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00934192v1)
- Ali El Ati, Elena Panteley. On the stability of Kuramoto model with positive and negative interactions, 2013-08-26. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00831336v1)
- Laurie Conteville, Elena Panteley. On asymptotic equivalence of the "all-to-all" Kuramoto model and certain linear system: stability analysis of phase locked solutions, 2013-07-17. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00831330v1)
- Ihab Haidar, William Pasillas-Lépine, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet. Basal ganglia oscillations: the role of delays and external excitatory nuclei, 2013-07-17. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00742100v3)
- Ioanis Sarras, Roméo Ortega, Elena Panteley. Asymptotic stabilization of nonlinear systems via sign-indefinite damping injection, 2012-12-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00776901v1)
- Ali El Ati, Elena Panteley. On Frequency Synchronization of Kuramoto Model with Non-Symmetric Interconnection Structure, 2012-12-06. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00831333v1)
- Laurie Conteville, Elena Panteley. Practical synchronization in complex networks of nonidentical dynamical nodess, 2012-07-09. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00831288v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Eugénie Gonçalves. The EECI-HYCON Graduate School on Control: Back on ten years of doctoral training, 2012-06-19. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00829199v1)
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet, William Pasillas-Lépine, Elena Panteley, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. A proportional mean-field feedback for the desynchronization and inhibition of Kuramoto oscillators, 2012-02-20. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00782000v1)
- Alessio Franci, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. Desynchronization of coupled phase oscillators, with application to the Kuramoto system under mean-field feedback, 2011-12-12. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00652625v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. A new characterisation of exponential stability, 2010-07-05. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00831375v1)
- Esten Grotli, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley, Jan Gravdahl. Robustness of ISS systems to inputs with limited moving average, with application to spacecraft formations, 2010-06-15. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00522182v1)
- Andrew Teel, Dragan Nesic, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Uniform stability of sets for difference inclusions under summability criteria, 2009-12-16. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00831373v1)
- Denis Efimov, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Multigoal output regulation via supervisory control: Application to stabilization of a unicycle, 2009-06-10. (https://hal.science/hal-00447658v1)
- Article in a review - 50 documents
- Charles Monnoyer de Galland, Renato Vizuete, Julien Hendrickx, Elena Panteley, Paolo Frasca. Random Coordinate Descent for Resource Allocation in Open Multiagent Systems, 2024-11. (https://hal.science/hal-04875888v2)
- Pelin Şekercioğlu, Ioannis Sarras, Antonio Loría, Elena Panteley, Julien Marzat. Leader-follower and Leaderless Bipartite Formation-consensus over Undirected Coopetition Networks and under Proximity and Collision-avoidance Constraints, 2024-05. (https://hal.science/hal-04298252v2)
- Bikash Adhikari, Jomphop Veetaseveera, Vineeth Satheeskumar Varma, Irinel-Constantin Morarescu, Elena Panteley. Computationally efficient guaranteed cost control design for homogeneous clustered networks, 2024-05. (https://hal.science/hal-03594634v1)
- Maitreyee Dutta, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, Sukumar Srikant. MRAC-based dynamic consensus of linear systems with biased measurements, over directed networks, 2024-03. (https://hal.science/hal-03869892v2)
- Pelin Şekercioğlu, Elena Panteley, Ioannis Sarras, Antonio Loria, Julien Marzat. Distributed Bipartite Containment Tracking over Signed Networks with Multiple Leaders, 2024-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03869932v2)
- Anes Lazri, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loría. Analysis and Control of Multi-timescale Modular Directed Heterogeneous Networks, 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04266142v2)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Singular-Perturbations-Based Analysis of Dynamic Consensus in Directed Networks of Heterogeneous Nonlinear Systems, 2023-10. (https://hal.science/hal-03752340v2)
- Maitreyee Dutta, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Sukumar Srikant, Emmanuel Nuño. A δ-persistently-exciting formation controller for non-holonomic systems over directed graphs, 2023-06. (https://hal.science/hal-04049688v2)
- Manfredi Maggiore, Antonio Loría, Elena Panteley. Reduction Theorems For Stability of Compact Sets in Time-Varying Systems, 2023-02. (https://hal.science/hal-03275336v1)
- Antonio Loria, Emmanuel Nuno, Elena Panteley. Observerless Output-feedback Consensus-based Formation Control of 2nd-order Nonholonomic Systems, 2022-12. (https://hal.science/hal-03752301v1)
- Maitreyee Dutta, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, Sukumar Srikant. Strict Lyapunov functions for dynamic consensus in linear systems interconnected over directed graphs, 2022. (https://hal.science/hal-03752255v1)
- Emmanuel Nuno, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Esteban Restrepo. Rendezvous of Nonholonomic Robots via Output-Feedback Control Under Time-Varying Delays, 2022. (https://hal.science/hal-03752270v2)
- Adel Bechihi, Elena Panteley, Arnaud Bouttier. Input-to-state Stability for Hybrid Kalman Filters, 2022. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-04491663v1)
- Adel Bechihi, Elena Panteley, Pierre Duhamel, Arnaud Bouttier. A Resource Allocation Algorithm for Formation Control of Connected Vehicles, 2022. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03752470v1)
- Emmanuel Nuño, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Leaderless consensus formation control of cooperative multi-agent vehicles without velocity measurements, 2022. (https://hal.science/hal-03442759v1)
- Bikash Adhikari, Irinel-Constantin Morarescu, Elena Panteley. An emerging dynamics approach for synchronization of linear heterogeneous agents interconnected over switching topologies, 2021-01. (https://hal.science/hal-02940901v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Emmanuel Nuno, Elena Panteley. Distributed full-consensus control of nonholonomic vehicles under non-differentiable measurement delays, 2021-01. (https://hal.science/hal-02901395v1)
- Renato Vizuete, Paolo Frasca, Elena Panteley. On the influence of noise in randomized consensus algorithms, 2021. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02899936v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Romain Postoyan, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Lyapunov-based synchronization of networked systems: From continuous-time to hybrid dynamics, 2020-12. (https://hal.science/hal-02901359v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. A unique robust controller for tracking and stabilisation of non-holonomic vehicles, 2020-10. (https://hal.science/hal-02367651v1)
- Emmanuel Nuno, Antonio Loria, Tonatiuh Henández, Mohamed Maghenem, Elena Panteley. Distributed Consensus-formation of Force-controlled Nonholonomic Robots with Time-varying Delays, 2020-10. (https://hal.science/hal-02901297v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Cascades-based leader-follower formation-tracking and stabilization of multiple nonholonomic vehicles, 2020-08. (https://hal.science/hal-02367526v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Emmanuel Nuno, Elena Panteley. Consensus-based formation control of networked nonholonomic vehicles with delayed communications, 2020-05. (https://hal.science/hal-02901345v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria, Ali El-Ati. Practical dynamic consensus of Stuart–Landau oscillators over heterogeneous networks, 2020. (https://hal.science/hal-02367699v1)
- Emmanuel Nuno, Ioannis Sarras, Antonio Loria, Mohamed Maghenem, Emmanuel Cruz-Zavala, Elena Panteley. Strict Lyapunov–Krasovskiĭ Functionals for undirected networks of Euler–Lagrange systems with time-varying delays, 2020-01. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02414136v1)
- Liudmila Tumash, Elena Panteley, Anna Zakharova, Eckehard Schöll. Synchronization patterns in Stuart–Landau networks: a reduced system approach, 2019-05. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02414119v1)
- Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Mohamed Maghenem. Strict Lyapunov Functions for Model Reference Adaptive Control: Application to Lagrangian Systems, 2019. (https://hal.science/hal-02367693v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Abraham Bautista, Emmanuel Nuno, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems With Nonholonomic Restrictions via Lyapunov’s Direct Method, 2019. (https://hal.science/hal-02367702v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. A Cascades Approach to Formation-Tracking Stabilization of Force-Controlled Autonomous Vehicles, 2018-08. (https://hal.science/hal-01744645v1)
- Thomas Lathuiliere, Giorgio Valmorbida, Elena Panteley. Periodic orbits in planar linear systems with input saturation, 2018-05-29. (https://hal.science/hal-01811047v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. A robust δ -persistently exciting controller for leader-follower tracking-agreement of multiple vehicles, 2018-03. (https://hal.science/hal-01744639v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Formation-Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicles Under Relaxed Persistency of Excitation Conditions, 2018. (https://hal.science/hal-01744634v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Synchronization and Dynamic Consensus of Heterogeneous Networked Systems, 2017. (https://hal.science/hal-01744615v1)
- Sofía Avila-Becerril, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. A Separation Principle for Underactuated Lossless Lagrangian Systems, 2017. (https://hal.science/hal-01744620v1)
- Esten Ingar Grøtli, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet, Jan Tommy Gravdahl. Robustness of ISS systems to inputs with limited moving average: Application to spacecraft formations, 2016-03-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01262244v1)
- Ihab Haidar, William Pasillas-Lépine, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. Closed-loop firing rate regulation of two interacting excitatory and inhibitory neural populations of the basal ganglia, 2016-02-02. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01270695v1)
- Roméo Ortega, Elena Panteley. Adaptation is unnecessary in L1 adaptive control, 2016-02. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01261963v1)
- Romeo Ortega, Elena Panteley, Alexey Bobtsov. Comments on ‘comparison of architectures and robustness of model reference adaptive controllers and L 1 -adaptive controllers’, 2016-01. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01262248v1)
- Luca Greco, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley. Robustness of stochastic discrete-time switched linear systems with application to control with shared resources, 2015-12. (https://hal.science/hal-00728093v2)
- Alexey Bobtsov, Anton Pyrkin, Roméo Ortega, Slobodan N. Vukosavik, Aleksandar M. Stankovic, Elena Panteley. A robust globally convergent position observer for the permanent magnet synchronous motor, 2015-11. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01261957v1)
- Roméo Ortega, Elena Panteley. When is a parameterized controller suitable for adaptive control ?, 2015-03. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01261583v1)
- Sofia Avila Becerril, G. Espinoza-Perez, Elena Panteley, Roméo Ortega. Consensus control of flexible joint robots, 2015. (https://hal.science/hal-01103608v1)
- Ihab Haidar, William Pasillas-Lépine, Elena Panteley, Antoine Chaillet, Stéphane Palfi, Suhan Senova. Analysis of delay-induced basal ganglia oscillations: the role of external excitatory nuclei, 2014-03. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00978760v1)
- Roméo Ortega, Elena Panteley. Comments on L1-adaptive control: stabilization mechanism, existing conditions for stability and performance limitations, 2014. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00934147v1)
- Alessio Franci, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. Desynchronization and inhibition of Kuramoto oscillators by scalar mean-field feedback, 2012-04. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00782002v1)
- Denis Efimov, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Robust output stabilization: improving performance via supervisory control, 2011. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00521506v1)
- Andrew Teel, Dragan Nesic, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Summability Characterizations of Uniform Exponential and Asymptotic Stability of Sets For Difference Inclusions, 2010. (https://hal.science/hal-00687416v1)
- Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Arturo Zavala. Adaptive observers for robust synchronization of chaotic systems, 2009-12-01. (https://hal.science/hal-00447311v1)
- Dragan Nesic, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Andrew Teel. On stability of sets for sampled-data nonlinear inclusions via their approximate discrete-time models and summability criteria, 2009-03. (https://hal.science/hal-00447620v1)
- Andrew Teel, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley, Dobrivoje Popović. Smooth time-varying stabilization of driftless systems over communication channels, 2006-12. (https://hal.science/hal-01755514v1)
- Pre-submission / Working document - 6 documents
- Anes Lazri, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Reduction and Analysis of Networks of Nonlinear Oscillators under Weak Coupling Gain, 2024-04. (https://hal.science/hal-04609528v1)
- Adel Bechihi, Elena Panteley, Arnaud Bouttier. Input-to-state stability for hybrid Kalman filters, 2022-08-19. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-03754330v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Singular-Perturbations-Based Analysis of Dynamic Consensus in Directed Networks of Heterogeneous Nonlinear Systems, 2022-08-16. (https://hal.science/hal-03752354v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Multi-agent simultaneous formation-tracking and stabilization of nonholonomic vehicles, 2018-11-14. (https://hal.science/hal-01922458v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. A universal adaptive controller for tracking and stabilization control of nonholonomic vehicles, 2017-10-03. (https://hal.science/hal-01609231v1)
- Mohamed Maghenem, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. iISS formation tracking control of autonomous vehicles, 2016-09-12. (https://hal.science/hal-01364791v1)
- Work chapter - 4 documents
- Renato Vizuete, Charles Monnoyer de Galland, Paolo Frasca, Elena Panteley, Julien Hendrickx. Trends and Questions in Open Multi-agent Systems, 2024-03-21. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-04796016v1)
- Antonio Loria, Emmanuel Nuño, Elena Panteley, Esteban Restrepo. Physics-based output-feedback consensus-formation control of networked autonomous vehicles, 2024. (https://hal.science/hal-04298646v1)
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Synchronisation and Emergent Behaviour in Networks of Heterogeneous Systems: A Control Theory Perspective, 2016. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01757229v1)
- Esten Grotli, Antoine Chaillet, Elena Panteley, Jan Gravdahl. Optimal controller gain tuning for robust stability of spacecraft formation, 2011-09-20. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00652629v1)
- Work - 1 document
- Romain Postoyan, Paolo Frasca, Elena Panteley, Luca Zaccarian. Hybrid and networked dynamical systems, 2024-03. (https://hal.science/hal-04628500v1)
- Report - 3 documents
- Dimitri Peaucelle, Damien Trentesaux, Gülgün Alpan, Romain Postoyan, Jean Auriol, Christophe Bérenguer, Eric Bonjour, Olivier Cardin, Vincent Cheutet, William Derigent, Valérie dos Santos Martins, Sylvain Durand, Paolo Frasca, Laurent Geneste, Marion Gilson, Virginie Goepp, Mamadou Kaba Traoré, Jimmy Lauber, Michaël Di Loreto, Guillaume Mercère, Sylvie Norre, Elena Panteley, François Pérès, Petreczky Mihaly, Franck Plestan, Nacim Ramdani, Evren Sahin, Reine Talj, Louise Travé-Massuyès. Groupement de Recherche MACS - Bilan 2019-2023 et Projet 2024-2028, 2023-10-17. (https://laas.hal.science/hal-04246559v1)
- Anes Lazri, Mohamed Maghenem, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Global Uniform Ultimate Boundedness of Semi-Passive Systems Interconnected over Directed Graphs, 2023-09-21. (https://hal.science/hal-04298308v1)
- Anes Lazri, Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. On the robustness of networks of heterogeneous semi-passive systems interconnected over directed graphs, 2023-07-27. (https://hal.science/hal-04298380v1)
- PROCEEDINGS - 1 document
- Elena Panteley, Antonio Loria. Effects of network topology on the synchronized behaviour of coupled nonlinear oscillators: a case study, 2017. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01757337v1)
- POSTER - 2 documents
- Liudmila Tumash, Elena Panteley, Anna Zakharova, Eckehard Schöll. Stuart-Landau networks: chimera states and cluster synchronization, 2016. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01757518v1)
- Liudmila Tumash, Elena Panteley, Anna Zakharova, Eckehard Schöll. Synchronization patterns in Stuart-Landau networks: a reduced system approach, 2016. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01757361v1)
- HDR - 1 document
- Elena Panteley. A stability-theory perspective to synchronisation of heterogeneous networks, 2015-06-15. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/tel-01262772v1)
- Other submission - 1 document
- Denis Efimov, Antonio Loria, Elena Panteley. Robust output stabilization: improving performance via supervisory control, 2009-06-02. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-00831369v1)