Jeremy Fix

jeremy.fix [at]
Résumé :
- Mes sujets d'intérêt portent sur l'étude de phénomènes émergents de population d'unités en particulier dans le contexte de l'apprentissage de comportements sensorimoteurs pour un agent artificiel. Initialement attiré par le domaine des neurosciences, je suis intéressé par les phénomènes émergents dans d'autres disciplines comme la physique, l'éthologie, etc..
Publications :
- Article in a review - 12 documents
- Lucie Klopffer, Nicolas Louvet, Simon Becker, Jérémy Fix, Cédric Pradalier, Laurence Mathieu. Effect of shear rate on early Shewanella oneidensis adhesion dynamics monitored by deep learning, 2024-12. (
- Shufan Yang, Julien Le Kernec, Olivier Romain, Francesco Fioranelli, Pierre Cadart, Jérémy Fix, Chengfang Ren, Giovanni Manfredi, Thierry Letertre, Israel David Hinostroza Sáenz, Jifa Zhang, Huaiyuan Liang, Xiangrong Wang, Gang Li, Zhaoxi Chen, Kang Liu, Xiaolong Chen, Jiefang Li, Xing Wu, Yichang Chen, Tian Jin. The Human Activity Radar Challenge: Benchmarking Based on the ‘Radar Signatures of Human Activities’ Dataset From Glasgow University, 2023-04. (
- Salim Khazem, Antoine Richard, Jérémy Fix, Cedric Pradalier. Deep learning for the detection of semantic features in tree X-ray CT scans, 2023-01. (
- Tristan Gillard, Jérémy Fix, Alain Dutech. Using habituation as a simple and fundamental learning mechanism in an embodied artificial agent, 2023. (
- Pierre Aublin, Mouin Ben Ammar, Jeremy Fix, Michel Barret, Joachim Behar, Julien Oster. Predict alone, decide together: cardiac abnormality detection based on single lead classifier voting, 2022-05-25. (
- Tristan Gillard, Jérémy Fix, Alain Dutech. [Re] Modeling habits as self-sustained patterns of sensorimotor behavior, 2022-04-23. (
- Jérémy Fix, Chengfang Ren, Arthur Costa Lopes, Guillaume Morice, Shuwa Kobayashi, Thierry Letertre, Israel Hinostroza. Deep learning for aircraft classification from VHF radar signatures, 2021-04-16. (
- Jérémy Fix. Template based black-box optimization of dynamic neural fields, 2013-10. (
- Nicolas P. Rougier, Jérémy Fix. DANA: Distributed (asynchronous) Numerical and Adaptive modelling framework, 2012-12-07. (
- Jérémy Fix, Nicolas P. Rougier, Frédéric Alexandre. A dynamic neural field approach to the covert and overt deployment of spatial attention, 2011. (
- Julien Vitay, Jérémy Fix, Frederik Beuth, Henning Schroll, Fred H Hamker. Biological Models of Reinforcement Learning, 2009-03. (
- Jérémy Fix, Nicolas P. Rougier, Frédéric Alexandre. From physiological principles to computational models of the cortex, 2007. (
- POSTER - 2 documents
- Elena Berhocoïrigoin, Philippe Le Noac'H, Sakina-Dorothée Ayata, Martin Laviale, Jérémy Fix, Cedric Pradalier. Assessing the validity of a large-scale joint Species Distribution Model in the marine realm, 2024-10-21. (
- Jérémy Fix. Principes de transformations sensorimotrices à l'aide de neurones Sigma-Pi, 2006-10-23. (
- Communication on a congress - 25 documents
- Quentin Gabot, Jérémy Fix, Joana Frontera-Pons, Chengfang Ren, Jean-Philippe Ovarlez. Preserving polarimetric properties in PolSAR image reconstruction through Complex-Valued Auto-Encoders, 2024-10-21. (
- Victor Dhédin, Jérémie Levi, Jérémy Fix, Chengfang Ren, I. Hinostroza. Complex-valued Wasserstein GAN for SAR Image Generation, 2024-07-07. (
- Max Muzeau, Chengfang Ren, Jérémy Fix, Frederic Brigui, Jean-Philippe Ovarlez. On the impact of despeckling for supervised SAR super-resolution, 2024-04-23. (
- Salim Khazem, Jérémy Fix, Cedric Pradalier. Improving Knot Prediction in Wood Logs with Longitudinal Feature Propagation, 2023-09-27. (
- Tristan Gillard, Jérémy Fix, Alain Dutech. Exploring Sensitization in the Context of Extending the Behavior of an Artificial Agent, 2022-09-20. (
- Iane Vallanzasca, Martin Laviale, Cyril Regan, David Heudre, Carlos E. Wetzel, Philippe Usseglio-Polatera, Jérémy Fix, Cedric Pradalier, Eric Quinton, Sébastien Boutry, Soizic Morin. Développement d’une approche collaborative pour la collecte et l’analyse des images de diatomées d’eau douce : le cas des tératologies, 2022-09-13. (
- Jérémy Fix, Stéphane Vialle, Remi Hellequin, Claudine Mercier, Patrick Mercier, Jean-Baptiste Tavernier. Feedback from a data center for education at CentraleSupélec engineering school, 2022-05-30. (
- Antonin Calba, Alain Dutech, Jérémy Fix. Density Independent Self-organized Support for Q-Value Function Interpolation in Reinforcement Learning, 2021-10-06. (
- Pierre Aublin, Mouin Ben Ammar, Nina Achache, Melina Benahmed, Aymane El Hichami, Michel Barret, Jérémy Fix, Julien Oster. Cardiac Abnormality Detection Based on an Ensemble Voting of Single-Lead Classifier Predictions, 2021-09-13. (
- Pierre Cadart, Marin Merlin, Giovanni Manfredi, Jérémy Fix, Chengfang Ren, I. Hinostroza, Thierry Letertre. Classification in C-band of Doppler signatures of human activities in indoor environment, 2021. (
- Israel Hinostroza Sáenz, Chengfang Ren, Thierry Letertre, Jérémy Fix. Analysis of airplane signatures using passive VHF radar for recognition perspectives, 2019-09. (
- Alain Dutech, Jérémy Fix, Hervé Frezza-Buet. Reconstruction d'état caché avec cartes auto-organisatrices récurrentes, 2018-07-02. (
- Benoît Chappet de Vangel, Jérémy Fix. In the quest of efficient hardware implementations of dynamic neural fields: an experimental study on the influence of the kernel shape, 2016-07-24. (
- Jérémy Fix. Dynamic Formation of Self-Organizing Maps, 2014-07-02. (
- Denis Baheux, Jérémy Fix, Hervé Frezza-Buet. Towards an effective multi-map self organizing recurrent neural network, 2014-04-23. (
- Jérémy Fix, Matthieu Geist. Optimisation de contrôleurs par essaim particulaire, 2012-05-23. (
- Jérémy Fix, Matthieu Geist. Monte-Carlo Swarm Policy Search, 2012-04-29. (
- Jérémy Fix, Matthieu Geist, Olivier Pietquin, Hervé Frezza-Buet. Dynamic Neural Field Optimization using the Unscented Kalman Filter, 2011-04-11. (
- Jérémy Fix, Henning Schroll, Katharina Anton-Erxleben, Thilo Womelsdorf, Stefan Treue, Fred Hamker. Influence of Spatial Attention on the Receptive Field Shape of Neurons in Monkey Area MT, 2010-10-06. (
- Jens Gustedt, Stéphane Vialle, Hervé Frezza-Buet, d'Havh Boumba Sitou, Nicolas Fressengeas, Jérémy Fix. InterCell: a Software Suite for Rapid Prototyping and Parallel Execution of Fine Grained Applications, 2010-06-06. (
- Frédéric Alexandre, Jérémy Fix, Axel Hutt, Nicolas P. Rougier, Thierry Viéville. On practical neural field parameters adjustment, 2008-10-08. (
- Jérémy Fix, Nicolas P. Rougier, Frédéric Alexandre. A computational approach to the covert and overt deployment of spatial attention, 2008-10-08. (
- Jérémy Fix, Nicolas P. Rougier, Frédéric Alexandre. A Top-down attentional system scanning multiple targets with saccades, 2007-03-21. (
- Jérémy Fix. A computational approach to the control of voluntary saccadic eye movements., 2007. (
- Jérémy Fix, Julien Vitay, Nicolas P. Rougier. A Computational Model of Spatial Memory Anticipation during Visual Search, 2006-09-30. (
- SOFTWARE - 1 document
- David Coeurjolly, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, Bertrand Kerautret, J. Miguel Salazar, Isabelle Sivignon, Robin Lamy, Baptiste Genest, Phuc Ngo, Pablo Hernandez Cerdan, Jérémy Fix. DGtal release 1.3, 2022-11-17. (
- Report - 6 documents
- Tristan Gillard, Alain Dutech, Jérémy Fix. Non-Associative Learning and the Iterant Deformable Sensorimotor Medium, 2022-05-19. (
- Jérémy Fix. Results from the deep learning challenge associated with the 3MD4040 lecture on plankton classification, 2022. (
- Amandine Gout, Yann Lifchitz, Titouan Cottencin, Quentin Groshens, Jérémy Fix, Cédric Pradalier. Evaluation of Off-The-Shelf CNNs for the Representation of Natural Scenes with Large Seasonal Variations, 2017-01-27. (
- Jérémy Fix, Hervé Frezza-Buet. YARBUS : Yet Another Rule Based belief Update System Jérémy Fix Hervé Frezza-Buet, 2015. (
- Frédéric Alexandre, Jérémy Fix, Nicolas P. Rougier, Thierry Viéville. Algorithmic adjustment of neural field parameters, 2009. (
- Jérémy Fix, Nicolas P. Rougier, Frédéric Alexandre. Mécanisme connexionniste pour l'anticipation visuelle, 2005. (
- Work chapter - 2 documents
- Jérémy Fix, Hervé Frezza-Buet. Look and Feel What and How Recurrent Self-Organizing Maps Learn, 2020-04-28. (
- Jérémy Fix, Julien Vitay, Nicolas P. Rougier. A distributed computational model of spatial memory anticipation during a visual search task, 2007. (
- Dissertation - 1 document
- Jérémy Fix. Mécanismes numériques et distribués de l'anticipation motrice, 2008-10-30. (