Andrea Cozza

Laboratoire Génie Électrique et Électronique de PariS
andrea.cozza [at]
Publications :
- Article in a review - 53 documents
- Andréa Cozza. Wide-Band Prediction of Stirrer Efficiency in Over-the-Air Test with Variable Loading Conditions, 2025-01. (
- Andréa Cozza. A Framework for Comparing and Predicting Stirrer Efficiencies in Different Reverberation Chambers, 2024-03. (
- He Shao-Yin, Song Yu, Andréa Cozza, Xie Yan-Zhao, Wang Zhao-Yang. A Fault Location Method based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion for Non-uniform Transmission Lines with Uncertainty Parameters, 2024. (
- Shao-Yin He, Andréa Cozza, Yan-Zhao Xie. Fault-Location Accuracy of Natural Frequencies Using Incomplete HVDC Station Models, 2023-06. (
- Andréa Cozza. Stirring Coherence Time to Predict Stirrer Efficiency in Loaded Reverberation Chambers, 2023. (
- Andréa Cozza. Understanding the Apparently Poor Conductivity of Galvanized Steel Plates, 2021-10. (
- Andréa Cozza, Shao-Yin He, Yan-Zhao Xie. Surge Compression for Improved Fault Location Accuracy in Full Transient-Based Methods, 2021-01-15. (
- Andréa Cozza, Shao-Yin He, Yan-Zhao Xie. Impact of Propagation Losses on Fault Location Accuracy in Full Transient-Based Methods, 2020-03. (
- Moussa Kafal, Andréa Cozza. Multi-Frequency TR-MUSIC Processing to Locate Soft Faults in Cables Subject to Noise, 2020-02. (
- Shaoyin He, Andréa Cozza, Yanzhao Xie. Electromagnetic Time Reversal as a Correlation Estimator: Improved Metrics and Design Criteria for Fault Location in Power Grids, 2019-06-12. (
- Florian Monsef, Andréa Cozza, Ramiro Serra. Linking Lag-1 Correlation Coefficients Between Field-Related Quantities in a Reverberation Chamber, 2019. (
- Shao-Yin He, Andréa Cozza, Yan-Zhao Xie. On the Spatial Resolution of Fault Location Techniques Based on Full Fault Transients, 2019. (
- Andréa Cozza. Low Frequency Model-Based Identification of Soft Impedance Faults in Cables, 2018-11-21. (
- Andréa Cozza, Florian Monsef. Power Dissipation in Reverberation Chamber Metallic Surfaces Based on Ferrous Materials, 2018-10-16. (
- Andrea Cozza. Stochastic Modeling of Impulse Responses in Reverberating Environments, 2018-10. (
- Moussa Kafal, Jaume Benoit, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Soft Fault Diagnosis in Wire Networks Using Time Reversal Concept and Subspace Methods Soft, 2018-06. (
- Andréa Cozza. Never Trust a Cable Bearing Echoes: Understanding Ambiguities in Time-Domain Reflectometry Applied to Soft Faults in Cables, 2018-04. (
- Moussa Kafal, Jaume Benoit, Andréa Cozza, Lionel Pichon. A Statistical Study of DORT Method for Locating Soft Faults in Complex Wire Networks, 2018-03. (
- Andrea Cozza. Power Loss in Reverberation Chambers by Antennas and Receivers, 2017-12-08. (
- Andréa Cozza, Lyazid Aberbour, Benoît Derat. Implications in the Interpretation of Plane-Wave Expansions in Lossy Media and the Need for a Generalized Definition, 2017-11. (
- Andréa Cozza, Francesco Masciovecchio, Cécile Dorgan, Mohamed Serhir, Florian Monsef, Dominique Lecointe. A Dielectric Low-Perturbation Field Scanner for Multi-Path Environments, 2017. (
- Andrea Cozza. Likelihood of Meeting Isotropic Conditions in Reverberation Chambers from Power Transmission, 2017. (
- Ramiro Serra, Andy C. Marvin, Franco Moglie, Walter Mariani Primiani, Andrea Cozza, Luk R. Arnaut, Yi Huang, Mike O. Hatfield, Marco Klingler, Frank Leferink. Reverberation Chambers à la carte: An overview of the different mode-stirring techniques, 2017. (
- Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. Steering Focusing Waves in a Reverberation Chamber with Generalized Time Reversal, 2016-12-28. (
- Moussa Kafal, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. An efficient technique based on DORT method to locate multiple soft faults in wiring networks, 2016-08. (
- Andrea Cozza, F Monsef. Layered Electric-Current Approximations of Cylindrical Sources, 2016-03-11. (
- Moussa Kafal, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Locating Multiple Soft Faults in Wire Networks Using An Alternative DORT Implementation, 2016-02. (
- Henri Vallon, Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef, Anne-Sophie Chauchat. Time-Reversed Excitation of Reveberation Chambers: Improving Efficiency and Reliability in the Generation of Radiated Stress, 2016-01. (
- Andréa Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Echo Response of Faults in Transmission Lines: Models and Limitations to Fault Detection, 2016. (
- Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. On the Influence of Medium Statistics on the Robustness of Time-Reversal Transmissions, 2016. (
- Moussa Kafal, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Locating Faults with High Resolution Using Single-Frequency TR-MUSIC Processing, 2016. (
- Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza. A Possible Minimum Relevance Requirement for a Statistical Approach in a Reverberation Chamber, 2015. (
- Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. Transmission-Based Imaging of an Electrically Small Aperture in a Shielded System, 2015. (
- Florian Monsef, Ramiro Serra, Andrea Cozza. Goodness-of-Fit Tests in Reverberation Chambers: Is Sample Independence Necessary?, 2015. (
- Philippe Meton, Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. A Class of Focusing Waves with Controllable Spatial Extension and Directivity, 2014-08. (
- Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. Multiple-Source Time-Reversal Transmissions in Random Media, 2014-08. (
- Florian Monsef, Andréa Cozza. Average Number of Significant Modes Excited in a Mode-Stirred Reverberation Chamber, 2014-04. (
- Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza. Variability and Confidence Intervals of the Power Measured in a Reverberation Chamber, 2014-03-04. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. A Noniterative Method for Locating Soft Faults in Complex Wire Networks, 2013-01-04. (
- Andrea Cozza. Probability Distributions of Local Modal-Density Fluctuations in an Electromagnetic Cavity, 2012-04-05. (
- Andrea Cozza. Emulating an Anechoic Environment in a Wave-Diffusive Medium through an Extended Time-Reversal Approach, 2012-03. (
- Andrea Cozza. Source Correlation in Randomly Excited Complex Media, 2012-01. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. A Matched-Pulse Approach for Soft-Fault Detection in Complex Wire Networks, 2012-01. (
- Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza. Limitations of the equivalence between spatial and ensemble estimators in the case of a single-tone excitation, 2011. (
- Andrea Cozza. The Role of Losses in the Definition of the Overmoded Condition for Reverberation Chambers and Their Statistics, 2011. (
- Andrea Cozza. Increasing peak-field generation efficiency of reverberation chamber, 2010-01. (
- Andrea Cozza, Abdelbassir Abou-El-Aileh. Accurate Radiation-Pattern Measurements in a Time-Reversal Electromagnetic Chamber, 2010. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauterman. Experimental demonstration of directive pulsed wavefront generation in reverberation chambers, 2010-01. (
- Andrea Cozza, Houmam Moussa. Enforcing a deterministic polarization in a reverberating environment, 2009-12. (
- Andrea Cozza. Statistics of the performance of time reversal in a lossy reverberating medium, 2009-11. (
- Andrea Cozza, Benoit Derat. On the dispersive nature of the power dissipated into a lossy half-space close to a radiating source, 2009-09. (
- Andrea Cozza, Bernard Demoulin. Closed-form expressions for the total power radiated by an electrically long multiconductor line, 2009-02. (
- Andrea Cozza, Bernard Demoulin. On the modeling of electric railway lines for the assessment of infrastructure impact in radiated emission tests of rolling stock, 2008-08. (
- Communication on a congress - 66 documents
- Andréa Cozza, Laurent Liard, Olivier Pascal, Nathalie Raveu. Caractérisation en milieu réverbérant des effets d’un plasma sur le rayonnement d’une antenne, 2024-05-23. (
- O Pascal, V Mazières, F Gaboriau, R Pascaud, Stéphane Mazouffre, Cyril Cailhol, Laurent Garrigues, V Laquerbe, Laurent Liard, Alexandre Guglielmi, Andréa Cozza. Vers la mesure au sol des émissions RF des propulseurs spatiaux ioniques, 2024-03-26. (
- Andréa Cozza. Time reversal in reverberation chambers : From increased efficiency to generalized time reversal, 2023-06-30. (
- Moussa Kafal, Andréa Cozza. A Heuristic Approach Applied to Time Reversal MUSIC Method for Soft Fault Location in Noisy Transmission Line Networks, 2019-06-17. (
- Moussa Kafal, Reza Razzaghi, Andréa Cozza, Fabrice Auzanneau, Wafa Ben Hassen. A Review on the Application of the Time Reversal Theory to Wire Network and Power System Diagnosis, 2019-05-20. (
- Andréa Cozza, Florian Monsef. Time reversal and reverberation chambers, 2018-08-13. (
- Andréa Cozza. Time-Reversal Imaging Techniques for soft-fault detection in cable networks, 2018-08-13. (
- Andréa Cozza, Florian Monsef. Time reversal and reverberation chambers, 2018-07-30. (
- Andréa Cozza. Time-Reversal Imaging Techniques for soft-fault detection in cable networks, 2018-07-30. (
- Moussa Kafal, Benoît Jaume, Andréa Cozza. A Statistical Study of DORT method for Locating Soft Faults in Complex Wire Networks, 2017-06-18. (
- Moussa Kafal, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. An Efficient Technique Based on DORT Method to Locate Multiple Soft Faults in Wiring Networks, 2015-11-02. (
- Benoît Derat, Lyazid Aberbour, Andrea Cozza. Near-field and vector signal analysis techniques applied to specific absorption rate measurement, 2015-09-21. (
- Mouad Djedidi, Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza. Preliminary study on the use of complex media for antenna characterization, 2015-07-19. (
- Moussa Kakal, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. An enhanced DORT approach for locating multiple soft‐faults in complex wire networks, 2015-05-16. (
- Moussa Kafal, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Multiple Soft-Fault Localization Using an Enhanced DORT Technique for Wiring Networks, 2015-03-24. (
- Florian Monsef, Andréa Cozza. Preliminary results on antenna testing in reverberating environments, 2014-11-16. (
- Philippe Meton, Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza, Marc Lambert, Jean-Christophe Joly. Synthèse de front d'onde en chambre réverbérante par retournement temporel, 2014-07-01. (
- Philippe Meton, Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza, Marc Lambert, Jean-Christophe Joly. Synthèse de front d'onde en chambre réverbérante par retournement temporel, 2013-11-28. (
- Henri Vallon, Guillaume Defrance, Anne-Sophie Chauchat, Andrea Cozza. Améliorer la génération de champs forts grâce au retournement temporel, 2013-11-13. (
- Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza. Variabilité de la densité d'énergie dans une chambre réverbérante à brassage de modes, 2013-10-28. (
- Henri Vallon, Guillaume Defrance, Andrea Cozza. Etude du gain en puissance du retournement temporel en milieu réverbérant, 2013-05-14. (
- Philippe Meton, Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza, Marc Lambert, J.C. Joly. Analyse de la génération de fronts d'ondes dans une chambre réverbérante pour la mesure d'antennes, 2013-05-14. (
- Philippe Meton, Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza, Marc Lambert, J.C. Joly. Analysis of Wavefront Generation in A Reverberation Chamber for Antenna Measurements, 2013-04-08. (
- Lyazid Aberbour, Benoit Derat, Andrea Cozza. Analysis of Vector E-field Sensor Array for Real-Time SAR Assessment, 2013-04-08. (
- Benoit Derat, L. Aberbour, Kristell Quelever, T. Julien, M. Dembinski, Stéphane Pannetrat, Andréa Cozza. A Novel Technology for Fast and Accurate Specific Absorption Rate Measurement, 2013-03-04. (
- Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. Créer de l'ordre dans un milieu aléatoire : le retournement temporel généralisé et ses applications potentielles, 2013-03. (
- Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza. Analyse Physique des chambres réverbérantes à brassage de modes, 2013-03. (
- Andrea Cozza. Coherent wavefront synthesis in a wave-diffusive medium, 2012-07-08. (
- Philippe Meton, Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef, Marc Lambert, Jean-Christophe Joly, Pierre Bruguière. Numerical analysis of pulsed local plane-wave generation in a TREC, 2012-07-02. (
- Andrea Cozza, Charlie Galle, Jean-Pierre Brasile, Christian Carel. Sensing coupling paths in an equipment, 2012-05-21. (
- Andrea Cozza, Wee Jin Koh, Yong Yeh Tan, Yew Seng Ng. Controlling the state of a reverberation chamber by means of a random multiple-antenna stirring, 2012-05-21. (
- Andrea Cozza. Un nouveau paradigme pour les chambres réverbérantes : la TREC, 2012-04-04. (
- Andrea Cozza, Charlie Galle, Jean-Pierre Brasile, Christian Carel. Validation expérimentale du couplage d'un front d'onde généré par une chambre réverbérante à retournement temporel sur un objet, 2011-11-16. (
- Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. How a Physical Definition of Overmodedness Can Explain Local Statistical Non-Compliancy, 2011-09-26. (
- Andrea Cozza. A Skeptic's View of Unstirred Components, 2011-09-26. (
- Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza. Analysis of Time-Reversal-Based Propagation for Spatial focusing and Multiplexing, 2011-09-12. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. A Distributed Non-Iterative Approach for Soft-Fault Location in Complex Wire Networks, 2011-09-06. (
- Andrea Cozza. A Statistics-Based Definition of the Overmoded Condition for Reverberation Chambers, 2011-08-13. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Performance analysis of the matched-pulse-based fault detection, 2010-10. (
- Florian Monsef, Andrea Cozza, Layane Abboud. Effectiveness of Time-Reversal technique for UWB wireless communications in standard indoor environments, 2010-09-20. (
- Andrea Cozza. Estimating the Expected Power Density in a Reverberating Cavity Through Space Averaging, 2010-08-16. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauterman. Experimental analysis of the performance of a time-reversal electromagnetic chamber, 2010-04. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauterman. Vérification expérimentale des performances d'une chambre électromagnétique à retournement temporel, 2010-04. (
- Andrea Cozza, Houmam Moussa. Polarization selectivity for pulsed fields in a reverberation chamber, 2010-04. (
- Andrea Cozza. An Experimental Method for Assessing the Modal Density in a Reverberation Chamber, 2010-04. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Les impulsions adaptées pour la détection de défauts dans les réseaux filaires, 2010-03. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Impact of network topology on matched-pulse-based fault detection, 2010-03. (
- Andrea Cozza, Abd El-Bassir Abou El-Aileh. Accurate radiation pattern measurements in a time-reversal electromagnetic chamber, 2009-11. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Matched pulses to improve fault detection in wire networks, 2009-11. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauterman. Analyse expérimentale des performances d'une chambre électromagnetique à retournement temporel, 2009-11. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Utilization of matched pulses to improve fault detection in wire networks, 2009-10. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Les impulsions adaptées pour l'amélioration de la détection des défauts dans les réseaux filaires, 2009-10. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauterman. Génération de fronts d'ondes cohérents et directifs dans une chambre réverbérante, 2009-09. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauteman. Directive Wavefronts Inside a Time Reversal Electromagnetic Chamber, 2009-08-17. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Application du retournement temporel au diagnostic filaire automobile et avionique, 2009-07. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauteman. A novel way of using reverberation chambers through time reversal, 2009-03. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauterman. Génération de fronts d'ondes et directivité dans une chambre réverbérante, 2009-02. (
- Houmam Moussa, Andrea Cozza, Michel Cauterman. Modélisation circuit d'une chambre reverbérante à brassage de modes bidimensionnelle avec intégration de deux antennes et de leur couplage, 2008-05. (
- B. Derat, Andrea Cozza. Analysis of the transmitted field amplitude and averaged SAR increase due to mobile terminal - flat phantom multiple interactions, 2007-11. (
- Andrea Cozza, B. Derat, Nicolas Ribière-Tharaud. A new SAR assessment procedure for homogeneous and heterogeneous flat-phantoms based on near-field free-space measurements, 2007-11. (
- B. Derat, Andrea Cozza, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Influence of source - phantom multiple interactions on the field transmitted in a flat phantom, 2007-09. (
- Andrea Cozza, Olivier Merckel, Jean-Charles Bolomey. A probe-array approach for near-field measurements and field reconstruction in a lossy medium, 2007-06. (
- B. Derat, Andrea Cozza, Olivier Merckel, Jean-Charles Bolomey. Numerical analysis of a printed E-field RF probe-array used for rapid SAR assessment, 2007-03. (
- Andrea Cozza, Olivier Merckel, Jean-Charles Bolomey. A new probe-array approach for fast SAR measurements, 2007-03. (
- Andrea Cozza, Flavio G. Canavero, Bernard Démoulin. A Closed-Form Formulation for the Total Power Radiated by a Single-Wire Overhead Line, 2005-02-13. (
- PATENT - 5 documents
- Andrea Cozza. Method and system for generation of a statistically uniform field distribution inside a reverberation chamber, 2013-11-28. (
- Andrea Cozza, Benoit Derat, Stéphane Pannetrat. Système pour mesurer un champ électromagnétique, 2011-07-01. (
- Andrea Cozza, Houmam Moussa. Procédé de contrôle de la directivité et la polarisation de distributions cohérentes de champ dans un milieu réverbérant, 2010-10-07. (
- Work chapter - 2 documents
- Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. Time-reversal in diffusive media, 2017. (
- Layane Abboud, Andrea Cozza, Lionel Pichon. Performance Analysis of the Matched-Pulse-Based Fault Detection, 2010-10-13. (
- POSTER - 2 documents
- Andrea Cozza, Florian Monsef. Wavefront synthesis in a reverberation chamber: First experimental results, 2015-12-02. (
- Andrea Cozza. Predicting Power Distribution Inside a Reverberation Chamber, 2015-05-18. (
- HDR - 1 document
- Andrea Cozza. Stochastic modelling of large cavities : random and coherent field applications, 2012-09-28. (
- Dissertation - 1 document
- Andrea Cozza. Railways EMC : Assessment of Infrastructure Impact, 2005-06-22. (