École Centrale Group
The five Écoles Centrales located in France (CentraleSupélec, École Centrale Lille, École Centrale Lyon, École Centrale Marseille and École Centrale Nantes), form the École Centrale Group, an association governed by Law 1901 and chaired by CentraleSupélec, in which each school is a founding member. They share a vision of training generalized engineers who are internationally minded and trained to a high scientific level. Each conserving their distinct identity, autonomy and degree programs, they are committed to developing their enriching complementarities and synergies, as well as their combined potential for companies.

ESSEC Business School
Initiated in 2009 with the creation of the joint double degree, CentraleSupélec and ESSEC Business School forged an excellence alliance in 2014 to train the engineer-manager profiles of the future. Through this strategic bilateral alliance, the two institutions work to develop joint programs, share their international networks (especially their locations abroad), and to bring their ICTE resource centers closer together.

Paris-Sud University
Paris-Sud University is particularly renowned for the quality of its fundamental research (mathematics and physics) and also in the fields of health sciences, law and sports science. Since its creation, Paris-Sud University scientists have been awarded two Nobel prizes and four Fields medals for research.
CentraleSupélec and Paris-Sud University offer a double degree, as well as a Biomedical specialization University Diploma to 2nd-year student-engineers, managed by the French Institute for Biomedical Higher Education (IFSBM) of Paris-Sud University.

L’ENS Paris-Saclay
Scientific research and training are fundamental missions for ENS Paris-Saclay. Beyond career perspectives associated with higher education, the school also trains executives for public bodies and large companies. Over four years, the school prepares students for careers in higher education and research, and in public and private sector research and development departments that require significant scientific experience.
The degree awarded validates the equivalent of a Baccalaureate +5 years of higher education according to the international standard; this equates to a Master’s degree. ENS Paris-Saclay co-manages the CentraleSupélec LPQM laboratory.

T.I.M.E. (Top Industrial Managers for Europe) is the leading European network for the training bicultural and bilingual engineers. Created in 1989, it enables its 50 members (TUM, Politecnico di Milano, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Université libre de Bruxelles, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, etc.) to offer an Engineering graduate diploma (Master’s degree level); the members are major technological universities mainly located in Europe (Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, UK, etc.) as well as in Brazil, Australia, China and Japan.

5+6 program with China
The 5+6 double degree exchange program was created in 1995 between the École Centrale Group (lien vers partie dédiée GEC) and six Chinese universities. As a result, there are currently nearly 900 double-degree graduates.

5+6 program with Brazil
For more than 13 years, the 5+6 program established between the École Centrale Group (lien vers partie groupe École Centrale) and six Brazilian universities has trained double-degree engineers. More than 700 Brazilian students and 150 French students have taken advantage of this program. Partner Brazilian universities of the five Écoles Centrales are:

On the strength of their longstanding cooperation, Politecnico di Milano, CentraleSupélec, Technische Universität Berlin and University College London decided to create Alliance4Tech, a strategic alliance to develop together new approaches and programs of excellence that are both attractive and innovative, on a European scale and which meet the needs of companies in world markets. This association is developing joint actions in teaching and research and forging company relationships.
One of the first actions concerns à la carte mobility in the field of industrial engineering, but other fields will follow, including entrepreneurship, professional mobility and ongoing training.

Georgia Tech / United States and France
Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA) and its international campus Georgia Tech-Lorraine, located in the Metz Technology Park, is an innovative teaching and research institution that offers training programs (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) in engineering sciences disciplines, including Electrical Engineering, IT Engineering and Mechanics. CentraleSupélec and Georgia Tech have a strategic agreement in place covering research, teaching, innovation, entrepreneurship and academic mobility.

The Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER) is a non-profit association of universities and large European institutions, founded in 1990. Its objectives are to guarantee high quality teaching in the field of Engineering Sciences, as well as to improve the links between partner institutions for research and ongoing training.