Jerome Juillard

jerome.juillard [at]

Publications :

  • Communication on a congress - 69 documents
    • Ali Mostafa, João R. Raposo de O. Martins, Jérôme Juillard, Pietro M. Ferreira. A gm/Id based methodology to estimate OTA requirements in low-pass discrete time Σ∆-ADCs, 2024-05-19. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Zalfa Jouni, Jorge Ayala-Cuevas, Lucca Reinehr, Martin François, Erwan Libessart, Laurent Bourgois, Jean Guérard, Raphaël Levy, Alexis Brenes, Elie Lefeuvre. Efficient parameter estimation techniques for nonlinear MEMS resonators, 2023-05-30. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Zalfa Jouni, Laurent Bourgois, Erwan Libessart, Margot Morlans, Jean Guerard, Raphaël Lévy, Alexis Brenes, Elie Lefeuvre. MEMS resonator parameter estimation from fast frequency sweeps, 2022-04-24. (
    • Margot Morlans, Jean Guerard, Jerome Juillard. Characterization of electrical and mechanical coupling in MEMS gyroscopes with electrical measurements, 2021-08-25. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Antonio Somma, Alexis Brenes. Experimental investigation of parametric evasion properties of resonant sensors using electrostatic gap-closing actuation, 2021-03-22. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Ali Mostafa, Pietro Maris Ferreira, Manon Gouspy, Michael Kraft. A highly-linear, integration-compatible output metric for amplitude-modulated resonant sensors based on weakly-coupled resonators, 2020-10-25. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Antonio Somma, Alexis Brenes. Noise evasion properties of electrostatic gap-closing MEMS resonators with pulsed excitation waveforms, 2020-07-19. (
    • Pietro Maris Ferreira, João R. Raposo de O. Martins, Ali Mostafa, Jérôme Juillard. Process-Voltage-Temperature Analysis of a CMOS-MEMS Readout Architecture, 2019-05-12. (
    • Ali Mostafa, Jérôme Juillard, João R. Raposo de O. Martins, Pietro Maris Ferreira. An Adaptative Ratio-Metric Analog-To-Digital Interface For Weakly-Coupled Resonant Sensors Based On Mutually Injection-Locked Oscillators, 2019-05-12. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Bogdan Vysotskyi, Elie Lefeuvre, Jérôme Juillard. Reliability of etching angle estimation of MEMS resonators from electrical measurements, 2019-05-12. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Alexis Brenes, Manon Gouspy, Michael Kraft. Towards the optimization of excitation waveform for electrostatic resonant sensors with enhanced frequency stability, 2019-05-12. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Pierre M Prache, Pietro Maris Ferreira, Nuria Barniol. Resolution of phase difference and frequency measurements of mutually injection-locked oscillators for resonant sensing applications, 2018-05-22. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Ali Mostafa, Pietro Maris Ferreira. Nonlinear enhancement of locking range of mutually injection-locked oscillators for resonant sensing applications, 2018-04-10. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Ali Mostafa, Pietro Maris Ferreira. Analysis of resonant sensors based on mutually injection-locked oscillators beyond the critical Duffing amplitude, 2018-04-10. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Pierre M Prache, Pietro Maris Ferreira, Nuria Barniol. Impact of output metric on the resolution of mode-localized MEMS resonant sensors, 2017-07-09. (
    • Pierre M Prache, Pietro Maris Ferreira, N Barniol, Jérôme Juillard. Monolithic integration of mutually injection-locked CMOS-MEMS oscillators for differential resonant sensing applications, 2016-12-11. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Alexis Brenes, Filipe Vinci dos Santos. Influence of excitation waveform on the frequency stability of anelectrostatic MEMS oscillator, 2016-09-04. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Jérôme Juillard, Filipe Vinci dos Santos. Resonant pull-in of high-Q MEMS oscillators with arbitrary closed-loop phase shift, 2016-09-04. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Jérôme Juillard, Filipe Vinci dos Santos. Impact of the closed-loop phase shift on the frequency stability of capacitive MEMS oscillators, 2016-05-30. (
    • Pierre Prache, Arantxa Uranga, Nuria Barniol, Jérôme Juillard. Temperature-drift rejection and sensitivity to mismatch of synchronized strongly-coupled M/NEMS resonators, 2016-01-24. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Jérôme Juillard, Laurent Bourgois, Filipe Vinci dos Santos. Parameter estimation from nonlinear frequency response of MEMS resonators, 2015-05-24. (
    • Pierre Prache, Jérôme Juillard, Nuria Barniol. Une nouvelle architecture pour les capteurs M/NEMS résonants, 2015-05-05. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Jérôme Juillard, Laurent Bourgois, Filipe Vinci dos Santos. Characterization of capacitive MEMS resonators via nonlinear open-loop frequency responses, 2015-04-27. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Gabriel Vidal-Alvarez, Nuria Barniol. A further study of reduced-order modeling techniques for nonlinear MEMS beams, 2015-04-27. (
    • Jérome Juillard, Alain Bonnoit, Nuria Barniol, Arantxa Uranga, Gabriel Vidal-Alvarez. A Novel Architecture for Differential Resonant Sensing, 2014-09-07. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Jérome Juillard, Filipe Vinci dos Santos, Bonnoit Alain. Characterization of MEMS Resonators via Feedthrough De-embedding of Pulsed-mode Response, 2014-09-07. (
    • Dimitri Galayko, Eléna Blokhina, Eldar Zianbetov, Andrii Dudka, François Anceau, Eric Colinet, Anton Korniienko, Jérôme Juillard, Philippe Basset. Complexity in heterogeneous systems on chips: Design and analysis challenges, 2014-06-01. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Jérôme Juillard, Filipe Vinci dos Santos. Electrostatically-induced modal crosstalk phenomena in resonant MEMS sensors, 2014-04-01. (
    • Jerome Juillard. A comparative study of reduced-order modeling techniques for nonlinear MEMS beams, 2014-04-01. (
    • Eldar Zianbetov, Dimitri Galayko, François Anceau, Mohammad Javidan, Chuan Shan, Olivier Billoint, Anton Korniienko, Eric Colinet, Gérard Scorletti, Jean-Michel Akre, Jérôme Juillard. Distributed clock generator for synchronous SoC using ADPLL network, 2013-09-22. (
    • Laurent Bourgois, Jérome Juillard. LIMBO Self-Test Method using binary input and dithering signals, 2013-07-01. (
    • Jérome Juillard, Grégory Arndt, Julien Arcamone, Eric Colinet. Influence of excitation waveform and oscillator geometry on the resonant pull-in of capacitive MEMS oscillators, 2013-04-16. (
    • Laurent Bourgois, Jérome Juillard. Convergence Analysis of an Online Approach to Parameter Estimation Problems Based on Binary Noisy Observations, 2012-12-10. (
    • Farbod Ghassemi, Maira Possas, Gilles Amendola, Jérome Juillard. FPGA implementation of a low-cost method for tracking the resonance frequency and the quality factro of MEMS sensors, 2012-10-28. (
    • J.L. Munoz-Gamarra, N. Barniol, Jérôme Juillard. Analysis of a MEMS-based ring oscillator, 2012-05-20. (
    • Chuan Shan, Eldar Zianbetov, Mohammad Javidan, François Anceau, Mehdi Terosiet, Sylvain Feruglio, Dimitri Galayko, Olivier Romain, Eric Colinet, Jérome Juillard. FPGA implementation of reconfigurable ADPLL network for distributed clock generation, 2011-12-12. (
    • Laurent Bourgois, Jérôme Juillard. A Recursive Nonlinear System Identification Method Based on Binary Measurements, 2011-09-12. (
    • Olivier Legendre, H. Bertin, O. Garel, H. Mathias, S. Megherbi, Kian Jafaridinani, Jérôme Juillard, Eric Colinet. A Low-Cost, Built-In Self-Test Method for Resistive MEMS sensors, 2011-09-04. (
    • Jean-Michel Akré, Jérôme Juillard, Mohammad Javidan, Eldar Zianbetov, Dimitri Galayko, Anton Korniienko, Eric Colinet. A Design Approach for Networks of Self-Sampled All-Digital Phase-Locked Loops, 2011-08-29. (
    • Mohammad Javidan, Eldar Zianbetov, François Anceau, Dimitri Galayko, Eric Colinet, Jérôme Juillard. A novel technique to reduce the metastability of Bang-Bang Phase Frequency Detectors, 2011-05-15. (
    • Eldar Zianbetov, François Anceau, Mohammad Javidan, Dimitri Galayko, Eric Colinet, Jerome Juillard. A Digitally Controlled Oscillator in a 65-nm CMOS process for SoC clock generation, 2011-05-15. (
    • Mohammad Javidan, Eldar Zianbetov, François Anceau, Dimitri Galayko, Anton Korniienko, Eric Colinet, Gérard Scorletti, Jean-Michel Akre, Jérome Juillard. All-digital PLL array provides reliable distributed clock for SOCs, 2011-05-15. (
    • Kian Jafaridinani, Jérôme Juillard, Eric Colinet. A Recursive System Identification Method Based on Binary Measurements, 2010-12. (
    • Olivier Legendre, Hervé Mathias, Emile Martincic, Jérôme Juillard, Frédérick Mailly. High Resolution Micro-Pirani Pressure Sensor Gauge with Transient Response Processing, 2010-11-01. (
    • Grégory Arndt, Eric Colinet, Julien Arcamone, Jérôme Juillard. Limits of a single active transistor-based amplifier designed for MEMS/CMOS co-integrated oscillator purposes, 2010-09. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Kian Jafaridinani, Eric Colinet. Estimation quality of a weighted least-square parameter estimation method based on binay observations, 2010-08. (
    • Jean-Michel Akre, Jérôme Juillard, Sorin Olaru, Dimitri Galayko, Eric Colinet. Determination of the Behaviour of Self-Sampled Digital Phase-Locked Loops, 2010-08. (
    • J. Akre, Jérôme Juillard, Sorin Olaru, D. Galayco, Eric Colinet. Determination of the behaviour of self-sampled digital phase-locked loops, 2010-08-01. (
    • Eldar Zianbetov, Mohammad Javidan, François Anceau, Dimitri Galayko, Eric Colinet, Jérôme Juillard. Design and VHDL Modeling of All-Digital PLLs, 2010-06-20. (
    • Jean-Michel Akre, Jérôme Juillard, Dimitri Galayko, Eric Colinet. Synchronized State in Networks of Digital Phase-Locked Loops, 2010-06-20. (
    • A. Korniienko, Eric Colinet, Gérard Scorletti, Eric Blanco, Dimitri Galayko, Jérôme Juillard. A clock network of distributed ADPLLs using an asymmetric comparison strategy, 2010-05-30. (
    • Grégory Arndt, Eric Colinet, Jérôme Juillard. Design of a co-integrated CMOS/NEMS oscillator with a simple electronic circuit, 2010-05. (
    • Grégory Arndt, Eric Colinet, Julien Arcamone, Jérôme Juillard. Theoretical study of a self-sustained CMOS-integrated nano-oscillator, 2010-03-23. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Grégory Ardnt, Eric Colinet. Enhancing the frequency stability of a NEMS oscillator with electrostatic and mechanical nonlinearities, 2009-09. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Kian Jafaridinani, Eric Colinet. Consistency of weighted least-square estimators for parameter estimation problems based on binary measurements, 2009-07. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Bonnoit Alain, Emilie Avignon, S. Hentz, Kacem N, Eric Colinet. From MEMS to NEMS: closed-loop actuation of resonant beams beyond the critical Duffing amplitude, 2008-10. (
    • Christophe Le Blanc, Eric Colinet, Jérôme Juillard. Digital implementation of a BIST method based on binary observations, 2008-09. (
    • A. Missoffe, J. Juillard, Denis Aubry. A piecewise-linear reduced-order model of squeeze-film damping for deformable structures including large displacement effects, 2008-04. (
    • Alexia Missoffe, Denis Aubry, Jérôme Juillard. A reduced-order piecewise-linear model of squeeze-film damping for deformable structures including large displacement effects, 2008-04. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Eric Colinet. Initialization of the BIMBO self-test method using binary inputs and outputs, 2007-12. (
    • Eric Colinet, Jérôme Juillard. SELF-TESTING OF SIGMA-DELTA MEMS SENSORS USING BIMBO, 2007-08. (
    • Eric Colinet, Jérôme Juillard. Identification of a one-bit lowpass sigma-delta modulator using BIMBO, 2007-05. (
    • Alexia Missoffe, Jérôme Juillard, Denis Aubry. Reduced-order modelling of the Reynolds equation for flexible structures, 2007-05. (
    • M. Dominguez, Joan Pons, J. Ricart, Jérome Juillard, Eric Colinet. INFLUENCE OF THE FEEDBACK FILTER ON THE RESPONSE OF THE PULSED DIGITAL OSCILLATOR, 2006-04. (
    • Eric Colinet, Dimitri Galayko, J. Juillard. Pulse-actuated micromechanical resonator using digital Kalman filtering, 2005-07-24. (
    • Jerome Juillard, Eric Colinet, Hana Baili. A piecewise response surface method for simulating MEMS with uncertain parameters, 2004-08-25. (
    • Hana Baili, Jerome Juillard. Management of Uncertainty within Estimation in Dynamical Context – Application to MEMS, 2004-06-09. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Hana Baili, Eric Colinet. Piecewise perturbation method (PPM) simulation of electrostatically actuated beam with uncertain stiffness, 2004-03-07. (
  • POSTER - 1 document
    • Jérôme Juillard, Margot Morlans, Zalfa Jouni, Jorge Ayala-Cuevas, Laurent Bourgois, Erwan Libessart, Jean Guérard, Raphaël Levy, Alexis Brenes, Elie Lefeuvre. Electrical characterization of MEMS gyroscopes with fast frequency sweeps, 2022-09-19. (
  • Article in a review - 29 documents
    • João R. Raposo de O. Martins, Ali Mostafa, Jérôme Juillard, Rachid Hamani, Francisco De Oliveira Alves, Pietro Maris Ferreira. A Temperature-Aware Framework on gm/ID-Based Methodology using 180 nm SOI from -40 ◦C to 200 ◦C, 2021-03-21. (
    • A Brenes, A Morel, J. Juillard, E. Lefeuvre, A. Badel. Maximum power point of piezoelectric energy harvesters: a review of optimality condition for electrical tuning, 2020-01-29. (
    • Jerome Juillard, Ali Mostafa, Pietro Maris Ferreira. Nonlinear Operation of Resonant Sensors Based On Weakly Coupled Resonators: Theory and Modeling, 2019-12. (
    • Jerome Juillard, Ali Mostafa, Pietro Maris Ferreira. Nonlinear operation of resonant sensors based on weakly-coupled resonators: Experimental investigation of an actively-coupled architecture, 2019-10. (
    • Dimitri Galayko, Chuan Shan, Eldar Zianbetov, Mohammad Javidan, Anton Korniienko, Olivier Billoint, François Anceau, Eric Colinet, Elena Blokhina, Jérôme Juillard. Synchronized Interconnected ADPLLs for Distributed Clock Generation in 65 nm CMOS Technology, 2019-10. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Pierre M Prache, Pietro Maris Ferreira, Nuria Barniol. Ultimate limits of differential resonant MEMS sensors based on two coupled linear resonators, 2018-12-01. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Bogdan Visotskyi, Elie Lefeuvre, Jérôme Juillard. Nondestructive gap dimension estimation of electrostatic MEMS resonators from electrical measurements, 2018-11. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Alexis Brenes. Impact of excitation waveform on the frequency stability of electrostatically-actuated micro-electromechanical oscillators, 2018-05-26. (
    • Yingxian Lu, Jérôme Juillard, Francesco Cottone, Dimitri Galayko, Philippe Basset. An Impact-Coupled MEMS Electrostatic Kinetic Energy Harvester and Its Predictive Model Taking Nonlinear Air Damping Effect Into Account, 2018. (
    • Pierre Prache, Jérome Juillard, Pietro Maris Ferreira, Nuria Barniol, Marti Riverola. Design and characterization of a monolithic CMOS-MEMS mutually injection-locked oscillator for differential resonant sensing, 2018-01. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Jérôme Juillard, Laurent Bourgois, Filipe Vinci dos Santos. Influence of the driving waveform on the open-loop frequency response of MEMS resonators with nonlinear actuation schemes, 2016-08. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Pierre Prache, Nuria Barniol. Analysis of Mutually Injection-Locked Oscillators for Differential Resonant Sensing, 2016-06-21. (
    • Jérôme Juillard. Analysis of resonant pull-in of micro-electromechanical oscillators, 2015-08. (
    • Alexis Brenes, Jérôme Juillard, Filipe Vinci dos Santos, Alain Bonnoit. Characterization of MEMS resonators via feedthrough de-embedding of harmonic and subharmonic pulsed-mode response, 2015-06. (
    • Mohammad Javidan, Jérome Juillard, Philippe Benabes. High-loop-delay sixth-order bandpass continuous-time sigma-delta modulators, 2013-11. (
    • Olivier Legendre, Hervé Bertin, Hervé Mathias, Souhil Mergherbi, Jérome Juillard, Eric Colinet, Kian Jafari. A low-cost built-in self-test method for thermally actuated resistive MEMS sensors, 2013-05. (
    • Kian Jafaridinani, Jérome Juillard, Morgan Roger. Convergence Analysis of an online Approach to Parameter Estimation Problems Based on Binary Observations, 2012-11. (
    • Olivier Legendre, Hervé Bertin, Olivier Garel, Ming Zhang, Hervé Mathias, Souhil Megherbi, Jérôme Juillard, Frédérick Mailly. High Resolution Micro-Pirani Pressure Sensor with Transient Response Processing and Time-Constant Evaluation, 2012-10. (
    • Jean-Michel Akre, Jérôme Juillard, Dimitri Galayko, Eric Colinet. Synchronization Analysis of Networks of Self-sampled All-Digital Phase-Locked Loops, 2012-04. (
    • Grégory Arndt, Eric Colinet, Julien Arcamone, Jérôme Juillard. A design methodology for fully integrated MEMS and NEMS Pierce oscillators, 2011-12. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Grégory Arndt, Eric Colinet. Modeling of Micromachined Beams Subject to Nonlinear Restoring or Damping Forces, 2011-02. (
    • Eric Colinet, Jérôme Juillard. A Weighted Least-Squares Approach to Parameter Estimation Problems Based on Binary Measurements, 2010. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Alain Bonnoit, Emilie Avignon, S. Hentz, Eric Colinet. Large amplitude dynamics of micro/nanomechanical resonators actuated with electrostatic pulses, 2010. (
    • Alexia Missoffe, Jérôme Juillard, Denis Aubry. A reduced-order model of squeeze-film damping for deformable micromechanical structures including large displacement effects, 2008-03. (
    • Alexia Missoffe, Jérome Juillard, Denis Aubry. A piecewise-linear reduced-order model of squeeze-film damping for deformable structures including large displacement effects, 2008-01-02. (
    • M. Dominguez, J. Pons, J. Ricart, Jérôme Juillard, Eric Colinet. Linear analysis of the influence of FIR feedback filters on the response of the pulsed digital oscillator, 2007. (
    • Eric Colinet, Jérôme Juillard. Modelling of nonlinear circular plates using modal analysis: simulation and model validation, 2006-01. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Eric Colinet. Using Tsypkin's approach for the study of a class of mixed-signal nonlinear systems, 2006. (
    • N. Aouad, G. Miquel-Mercier, E. Bienvenue, E. Tronel-Peyroz, G. Jeminet, J. Juillard, P. Seta. Lasalocid (X537A) as a selective carrier for Cd(II) in supported liquid membranes, 1998-02. (
  • LECTURE - 2 documents
  • Pre-submission / Working document - 3 documents
    • Armine Karami, Jérôme Juillard, Elena Blokhina, Philippe Basset, Dimitri Galayko. Electrostatic Near-Limits Kinetic Energy Harvesting from Arbitrary Input Vibrations, 2019-12-19. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Ali Mostafa, Pietro Maris Ferreira. Nonlinear operation of resonant sensors based on weakly-coupled resonators: experimental investigation of an actively-coupled architecture, 2019-06-05. (
    • Jérôme Juillard, Ali Mostafa, Pietro Maris Ferreira. Nonlinear operation of resonant sensors based on weakly-coupled resonators :Theory and modeling, 2019-05-22. (
  • Other submission - 1 document
  • PATENT - 1 document
  • HDR - 1 document