Alexios Aravanis

Laboratoire Laboratoire Signaux et Systèmes
alexis.aravanis [at]
Publications :
- Article in a review - 5 documents
- Lam-Thanh Tu, Abbas Bradai, Yannis Pousset, Alexis I Aravanis. On the Spectral Efficiency of LoRa Networks: Performance Analysis, Trends and Optimal Points of Operation, 2022-02-02. (
- Lam-Thanh Tu, Tan Nguyen, Tran Trung Duy, Phuong Tran, Miroslav Voznak, Alexis I Aravanis. Broadcasting in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Fountain Codes Approach, 2022. (
- Lam-Thanh Tu, Abbas Bradai, Yannis Pousset, Alexis I. Aravanis. Energy Efficiency Analysis of LoRa Networks, 2021-05-31. (
- Alexis I Aravanis, Lam Thanh Tu, Olga Muñoz, Antonio Pascual-Iserte, Marco Di Renzo. A tractable closed form approximation of the ergodic rate in Poisson cellular networks, 2019-07-22. (
- Alexis Aravanis, Olga Muñoz, Antonio Pascual-Iserte, Marco Di Renzo. On the Coordination of Base Stations in Ultra Dense Cellular Networks, 2019-04-23. (
- Work chapter - 1 document
- Marco Di Renzo, Alexis I Aravanis. Catching the 6G Wave by Using Metamaterials: A Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Paradigm, 2021-11-05. (
- Communication on a congress - 1 document
- Alexis Aravanis, Olga Muñoz, Antonio Pascual-Iserte, Marco Di Renzo. On the Coordination of Base Stations in Ultra Dense Cellular Networks, 2019-04-28. (