Michael Kirkpatrick

mike.kirkpatrick [at] centralesupelec.fr

Publications :

  • POSTER - 2 documents
    • Vladimir Pineda Bonilla, Riantsoa Rabemarolahy, Françoise Foray, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Philippe Molinié, Emmanuel Odic. Analysis of the effects of partial discharges in a power cable for aeronautical applications, 2024-02-07. (https://hal.science/hal-04506036)
    • Romaric Landfried, Philippe Dessante, Carolyn Jacobs, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Thierry Leblanc, Emmanuel Odic, Philippe Testé. Activités du GeePs dans le Domaine des Décharges et des Arcs Électriques Application à l'Aéronautique, 2015-06-01. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01284641)
  • Article in a review - 13 documents
    • Robert Szilágyi, Philippe Molinié, Michael J Kirkpatrick, E. Odic, Giacomo Galli, Philippe Dessante. Role of Temperature in Partial Discharge Inception Voltage at Triple Junctions, 2023-09-15. (https://hal.science/hal-04231278)
    • Giacomo Galli, Hassen Hamrita, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Emmanuel Odic, Christian Jammes. A new discriminating high temperature fission chamber filled with xenon designed for sodium-cooled fast reactors, 2020-07-11. (https://hal.science/hal-03243193)
    • Dunpin Hong, Hervé Rabat, Michaël Kirkpatrick, E. Odic, Nofel Merbahi, Jérôme Giacomoni, Olivier Eichwald. Evidence of a corona discharge induced by natural high voltage due to vertical potential gradient, 2019-03-01. (https://hal.science/hal-02100144)
    • Giacomo Galli, Hassen Hamrita, C. Jammes, Michael J. Kirkpatrick, Emmanuel Odic, Philippe Dessante, Philippe Molinié. Paschen’s Law in Extreme Pressure and Temperature Conditions, 2019. (https://hal.science/hal-02117590)
    • Giacomo Galli, Hassen Hamrita, C. Jammes, Michael J Kirkpatrick, E. Odic, Philippe Dessante, Philippe Molinié, B. Cantonnet, J.-C. Nappé. Characterization and Localization of Partial-Discharge-Induced Pulses in Fission Chambers Designed for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors, 2018-09. (https://cea.hal.science/cea-01916651)
    • Zuzana Kovalova, Magali Leroy, Carolyn Jacobs, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Zdenko Machala, Filipa Lopes, Christophe O Laux, Michael S Dubow, Emmanuel Odic. Atmospheric pressure argon surface discharges propagated in long tubes: physical characterization and application to bio-decontamination, 2015-11. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01244705)
    • A. Simonin, Jocelyn Achard, K. Achkasov, Stéphane Béchu, C. Baudouin, O. Baulaigue, C. Blondel, Jean-Pierre Boeuf, Gilles Cartry, W. Chaibi, C. Drag, H.P.L. P L de Esch, D. Fiorucci, G. Fubiani, I. Furno, R. Futtersack, P. Garibaldi, A. Gicquel, C. Grand, Ph Guittienne, G J M Hagelaar, A. Howling, R. Jacquier, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Didier Lemoine, Bruno Lepetit, T. Minea, E. Odic, A. Revel, B.A. A Soliman, P. Teste. R&D around a photoneutralizer-based NBI system (Siphore) in view of a DEMO Tokamak steady state fusion reactor, 2015-11-01. (https://amu.hal.science/hal-02381781)
    • K Almaksour, Michael J. Kirkpatrick, Ph Dessante, E. Odic, A Simonin, Hubert P. L. de Esch,, Bruno Lepetit, D Alamarguy, F Bayle, Ph Teste. Experimental study of the reduction of field emission by gas injection in vacuum for accelerator applications, 2014-10-03. (https://hal.science/hal-01078131)
    • Khaled Almaksour, Michael Joseph Kirkpatrick, Emmanuel Odic, Philippe Dessante, Philippe Teste. Cathode Surface Morphology Effects on Field Emission: Vacuum Breakdown Creation of Field Emitters, 2014-10. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01073063)
    • M. Kirkpatrick, Francois Rousset. Wright meets AD: not all landscapes are adaptive, 2005-09. (https://hal.science/halsde-00323206)
    • A. R. Lemmon, Carole Smadja, M. Kirkpatrick. Reproductive character displacement is not the only possible outcome of reinforcement., 2004-01-01. (https://hal.science/hal-01946520)
    • M. Kirkpatrick, Virginie Ravigné. Speciation by natural and sexual selection: Models and experiments, 2002-03. (https://hal.science/halsde-00340719)
    • Ophélie Ronce, M. Kirkpatrick. When sources become sinks: Migrational meltdown in heterogeneous habitats, 2001-08. (https://hal.science/halsde-00342371)
  • Communication on a congress - 11 documents
    • Robert Szilágyi, Philippe Molinié, Michael J Kirkpatrick, E. Odic, Giacomo Galli, Philippe Dessante. Study of partial discharge and breakdown phenomena at triple junctions under various conditions of pressure and temperature, 2023-09-04. (https://hal.science/hal-04301429)
    • Robert Szilágyi, Philippe Molinié, Michael J Kirkpatrick, E. Odic, Giacomo Galli, Philippe Dessante. Étude des phénomènes de décharges partielles à partir d’un point triple sous conditions variées de pression et de température, 2023-07-04. (https://hal.science/hal-04203413)
    • Vladimir Pineda, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Philippe Molinié, E. Odic. Analyse des effets des décharges partielles dans un câble de puissance pour usage aéronautique, 2023-07-04. (https://cnrs.hal.science/hal-04424692)
    • Marine Karadjian, Nicolas Imbert, Catherine Munier, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Emmanuel Odic. Partial Discharge Detection in an Aeronautical Power Cable, 2018-07-09. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02402909)
    • Marine Karadjian, Nicolas Imbert, Catherine Munier, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Emmanuel Odic. Détection et identification de décharges partielles dans un câble aéronautique, 2018-07-03. (https://hal.science/hal-02981838)
    • Giacomo Galli, Hassen Hamrita, Christian Jammes, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Emmanuel Odic, Philippe Dessante, Philippe Molinié, Bernard Cantonnet, Jean-Christophe Nappé. Characterization and localization of partial-discharge-induced pulses in fission chambers designed for sodium-cooled fast reactors, 2017-06-19. (https://hal.science/hal-01767704)
    • H. de Esch, A. Simonin, C. Grand, Bruno Lepetit, Didier Lemoine, M. Márquez-Mijares, T. Minea, L. Caillault, B. Seznec, T. Jager, E. Odic, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Ph. Teste, Philippe Dessante, K. Almaksour. Development of a compact bushing for NBI, 2016-09-12. (https://hal.science/hal-02071160)
    • Dunpin Hong, Hervé Rabat, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Emmanuel Odic, Olivier Eichwald, Nofel Merbahi, Jérôme Giacomoni. Measurement of a corona discharge induced by the vertical potential gradient at the earth’s surface, 2016-09-11. (https://hal.science/hal-01526565)
    • Z. Kovalova, M. Leroy, Carolyn Jacobs, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Z. Machala, Filipa Lopes, Christophe O. Laux, Michael Dubow, Emmanuel Odic. Propagation of argon surface discharge in long tubes at atmospheric pressure, is bactericidal effect and the effect of UV emission, 2016-09-11. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-02398498)
    • C. Jammes, P. Filliatre, Zs. Elter, V. Verma, G. de Izarra, Hassen Hamrita, Mounir Bakkali, N. Chapoutier, A-C. Scholer, D. Verrier, C. Hellesen, S. Jacobsson Svärd, B. Cantonnet, J-C. Nappé, Philippe Molinié, Philippe Dessante, R. Hanna, Michael J Kirkpatrick, E. Odic, F. Jadot. Progress in the development of the neutron flux monitoring system of the French GEN-IV SFR: simulations and experimental validations, 2015-04-20. (https://centralesupelec.hal.science/hal-01282997)
    • Florent Sainct, Deanna A. Lacoste, Michael J Kirkpatrick, Emmanuel Odic, Christophe O. Laux. Temporal evolution of the electron density produced by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in water vapor at atmospheric pressure, 2014-11-03. (https://hal.science/hal-01866554)
  • PATENT - 2 documents