The laboratory GeePS is a joint unit of CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, Sorbonne Université and CNRS. It is located on two sites: the CentraleSupélec campus of the Paris-Saclay University in Gif-sur-Yvette and the Pierre & Marie Curie campus of the Sorbonne University in Paris.



The research conducted in the laboratory combines a triple approach: theory - numerical modelling - experimental characterization/validation. It is distributed over three research departments that ensure a continuum of activities that extend from materials to electronic systems or energy conversion systems.
The research activities are supported by two transverse expertise centres. The first centre capitalizes on the historical competence of the laboratory in numerical modelling of electromagnetic systems with an orientation towards multiphysics and coupled problems on the one hand and the complex electromagnetic environment on the other hand. The second gathers together the numerous experimental platforms of the laboratory with the primary objective of pooling together instrumentation skills and sharing know-how and resources.

GeePs is divided into three departments

Materials: Physics & Components

In the "Materials" division, we are interested in new materials for applications in the field of electronics and energy, for better efficiency, lower cost, or to avoid toxicity problems, or to achieve better stability and offer greater durability.

We study the fundamental aspects of materials, their electrical properties, but also physical or physicochemical properties, mechanical, magnetic, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric aspects, along with multi-physical couplings. These studies extend to the operation and properties of components made from these materials, which can be integrated into systems. We develop original characterization platforms and techniques, as well as adapted numerical modelling.
Our main application areas are in the themes: Photovoltaics, Nanoelectronics, Electrical Contacts and Connecting Devices, Power Electronics and Sensors and Functional Materials.

Electronics: Waves, Components,  Systems

The electronics department aims to address the societal challenges defined within the GeePs scientific project, by offering a wide range of solutions and methods in the field of hardware information processing.

To this end, it is developing a strategy promoting transversality and studies at interfaces, and conducting research in close connection with the industrial partners and the academic world on a national and international level. It focuses its activities around:

  • Ultra-low power consumption, miniaturization and reliability of integrated circuits and systems (autonomy of connected objects, bio-sensors)
  • Control of the generation, propagation and detection of electromagnetic waves (detection, localization and focusing of energy and information)
  • Multiphysical coupling of functional materials (energy transfer and energy harvesting)
  • Electromagnetic control of complex media and CEM (modelling and inverse problem)                     


Energy – components, conversion and systems

Electrical power systems must meet an increasing demand for integration to satisfy the constraints demanded of equipment whether in the field of land, air or space transportation, in the field of power generation and distribution, in isolated networks or in industrial processes. The increase in the level of physics integration brings the elements closer together and reinforces the complexity of the system’s behaviour through new couplings and interactions.

The "Energy" department aims to design, model, control and optimize electrical and electronic energy systems in order to broaden the fields of use of these systems (more electric aircraft, carbon-free vehicles, smart grids, biomedical applications, etc.) by meeting the challenges arising from the constraints on applications.

Expertise centres

  • Electromagnetic and Multiphysical Modeling: The Expertise Centre “Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling" results from historical expertise and a significant role played by the laboratory in developing of numerical models and simulation tools in Electrical Engineering. This is supported by over twenty modelling servers run by the department with access to the CentraleSupélec Mesocentre computing platform providing computing power, and electrical engineering and multiphysics modelling software both in-house and commercial.
  • Characterization Instrumentation Platforms: The disciplinary fields of the GeePs laboratory, which range from materials physics to component and systems engineering. In each of its domains of expertise, a recognized and solid know-how in both material and electrical characterization has been acquired over time. Through its research activities, the laboratory has a long history, and the skills, in the development of original instrumental devices to extend its experimental analysis capabilities. When appropriate, those devices can be commercialized. The GeePs has also invested in high-end, specialized, complementary equipment assuring its leading position locally and nationally.

Industrial partners

Airbus Helicopters, Amphénol Socapex, CEA, CETIM, DGA, EDF, EFI Automotive, FORVIA, IFP Energie Nouvelle, Leroy-Somer, ONERA, Quantom, Renault, RTE, Safran, SNCF, Stellantis, Thales, Valeo, ITE IPVF, VeDeCom, IRT SystemX

Academic partners

L2S, C2N, Esycom, ESTACA, LMD, LPGP, MSSMAT, SATIE, LIMSI, XLIM, IMN, ICMMO, LSPM, Inst. Fresnel, IRDL, GScop, Hôpital Marie Lannelongue, GdRs SEEDS / Ondes / SOC2, FedPV, GDRi Sinergie, ELyTMax, Texas University, Politechnico Turin, Univ. Patras, Univ. Rep.Paraguay, Univ. JiaoTong Xi’An, Univ. Rabat, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, LRI 3288 CINTRA (Singapore), KEK Tsukuba (Japon), Chang Gung University (Taiwan), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), Aalto (Finland).

Key Figures 2023

  • Faculty members and researchers: 96
  • PhD students: 68
  • Technical and administrative staff: 31
  • PostDocs: 18
  • Visiting professors: 8
  • Publications (source Web of Science): 114

More information

Visit the laboratory Website

Download the GeePs 2023 report HERE


Director: Emmanuel Odic

Latest submissions

Article in a review
Selection of a suitable conductor for inductive power transfer
Tanguy Phulpin, Rym Boulahbel, Hafaliana Randrianjanaka, Yann Leroy
Article in a review
Noise-Optimized Neuromorphic Spiking Radio in Context- Aware IoT
Pietro Maris Ferreira, Zalfa Jouni, Siqi Wang, Geoffroy Klisnick, A. Benlarbi-Delai
Article in a review
A modified PUMA/EPUMA for direction-of-arrival estimation of coherent sources
Diyuan Xu, Yide Wang, Biyun Ma, Qingqing Zhu, Julien Sarrazin
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