Why is an international experience compulsory?


Centrale supélec

As the old adage says: “travel shapes the young mind!” and indeed, experience has shown us that students leave and young adults return.

In its two forms, academic and professional, international mobility is a singular learning and maturing experience. CentraleSupélec has long understood the value of this as it has been a compulsory requirement of its program for over a decade. Lasting for a minimum of one continuous semester, similar to Erasmus mobility, to as long as two years, in the T.I.M.E. double-degree model, the average time spent abroad by a CentraleSupélec student is 13 months.


What does a student learn abroad?


First of all, separation. Indeed, it is with separation that the real learning begins. Leaving your school, your friends, your family and your comfort zone requires a lot of effort and determination.

After the anxiety has passed and once you are onboard the plane or train, the journey begins, and strangely, you feel a sense of freedom.

The shock can be violent at the beginning, to find one’s way and settle in. But fortunately our partner institutions have very good support systems. Thus begins a journey of discovery and exploration of the new environment. A different language, a surprising culture, different food, new codes and values to discuss and share, a different teaching or working environment – and new friends! The honeymoon period where everything is new, interesting and challenging lasts for a few months.

And then the culture shock takes over. Feeling fed up, loss of bearings, sensory overload, contusion and irritation, homesickness – you may find yourself in a vulnerable position of disarray that can be quite acute and painful. Although difficult to live through, this is a hurdle you overcome.

After that, begins a long process of acculturation and acceptance of the new environment with a perspective that can better balance the positive and negative aspects, and you will find a new feeling of wellbeing and equilibrium.

The transformation has taken place and the young adult returns satisfied, often with nostalgia, eager to repeat the experience.

International mobility is a rite of passage. It transforms the child into an adult and we discover ourselves. We develop new skills and adaptability, control, resilience, tolerance, we create a new friendship network, new values emerge and we start to see the world in a whole new light.

Making international mobility compulsory is the least we can do for our students and their future, to give them the opportunity to live this experience! For those students for whom this isn’t their first time abroad, their experience will be consolidated.

Students are advised to contact the International relations department of the home institutions to find out whether they have signed an agreement with CentraleSupélec regarding the Master’s program chosen.

Once students have been nominated by their home universities, they will be contacted via e-mail and will receive instructions from the CentraleSupélec International Business board.


IMPORTANT: All Master’s programs completed on the Gif-sur-Yvette and Châtenay-Malabry campuses are managed by Université Paris Saclay. Candidates must therefore apply two times:


Academic calendar



École Centrale Engineering program

Supélec Engineering program


   Nomination deadline

April 15

   Application deadline

May 15



   Nomination deadline

March 31

April 15

   Application deadline

April 30

May 15


   Nomination deadline

November 1

Application deadline

November 15


   Nomination deadline


April 15

   Application deadline


May 15

MASTER’S PROGRAMS (application to be submitted at the same time as Université Paris Saclay Master’s program application – except for Master’s completed in Metz or Rennes campuses)

   Session open from


April 15

   Application deadline


May 15



Candidates must first be selected and then nominated by the International Business board of their home institutions, via the Moveonnet (for the École Centrale Engineering program) or by e-mail (for the Supélec Engineering program).


Application procedure

Once students have been nominated by their home universities, they will be contacted via e-mail and will receive instructions from the CentraleSupélec International Business board.

Alongside their admission file, the student must select their list of modules they wish to complete, using the following forms:

  • École Centrale Engineering program – Fall Semester (S7)
  • École Centrale Engineering program – Spring Semester (S8)
  • École Centrale Engineering program – 3rd-Year Exchange Program (S9+S10)
  • Supélec – Fall/Spring Semester


Crédit/ ECTS

The number of credits to be earned per semester is 30 ECTS. Depending on what is expected by the home university, the student can either take all 30 ECTS credits or select at least 24 ECTS credits (École Centrale Engineering program) or at least 12 ECTS credits (Supélec Engineering program).

The International Business committee of the student’s home university will be informed of the admission or refusal by e-mail. An official letter will be sent directly to the student if their application is accepted by the host university.


Candidates must first be selected and then nominated by the International Business board of their home institutions who will send an e-mail to xaviere.marcy@centralesupelec.fr.


Application procedure

Once students have been nominated by their home universities, they will be contacted via e-mail and will receive instructions from the CentraleSupélec International Business board.

The International Business board of the student’s home university will be informed of the admission or refusal by e-mail. An official letter will be sent directly to the student if their application is accepted by CentraleSupélec.


Candidates must first be selected and then nominated by the International Business board of their home university via the Moveonnet (for the École Centrale Engineering program) or via e-mail (for the Supélec Engineering program).


Application procedure

Once students have been nominated by their home universities, they will be contacted via e-mail and will receive instructions from the CentraleSupélec International Business board.

The International Business board of the student’s home university will be informed of the admission or refusal by e-mail. An official letter will be sent directly to the student if their application is accepted by CentraleSupélec.


More information on the program of courses

Course Catalog Centrale track

Supélec track

Contribution: €1,000              

Semester or double degree in the following universities (Châtenay-Malabry campus):

  • UFRJ
  • USP
  • PUC Rio
  • Campinas
  • Universidade Federal do Ceará

Semester or double degree in the following universities (Gif-sur-Yvette, Rennes and Metz campuses):

  • UFRJ
  • USP
  • UFRN

Over 10 months maximum

Contribution: €275/month    

For students registered on the Châtenay-Malabry and Gif-sur-Yvette campuses only

Most recent household tax assessment
Gross income / number of tax household tax units < €19,190


Priority applications:

  • Non-European international placements
  • Non-accredited placement (semester mobility)
  • Cannot be combined with another international mobility aid

Over nine months maximum

Contribution: €400/month
Minimum two-month international placement

Priority applications:

  • Grant level
  • Study placements (double degree, semester or S7+S8)
  • Destination (transport costs + local living costs)
  • Cannot be combined with another international mobility aid

Contribution varies by mobility program and means.
For students registered on the Metz campus only.

Institutions selected for mobility in 2015/16:

  • EPFL (Switzerland)
  • KEIO (Japan)     
  • EPM (Canada)           
  • NUS (Singapore)

Apply directly on the Ouvertud website

