For a period of 10 months maximum

Contribution: €200/month

  • €150/month for CROUS grant holders
  • €150/month for people with disabilities

For students registered on the Rennes campus only

Priority applications:

  • Placements outside of Europe
  • Accredited stays (double-degree) or unpaid internships (80 days min.)
  • Social criteria (CROUS grants), family quotient of the taxable household < €30,000
  • Academic criteria (good results in 1st and 2nd years)
  • Cannot be combined with any other international mobility financial aid

CentraleSupélec offers Master Programs in the frame of Université Paris-Saclay fully taught in English or in French and English in the following fields:

  • Economics of Environment, Energy and Transport

  • Materials Science and Engineering

  • Nuclear Energy

  • Master in Mechanics

  • Process Engineering

  • Civil engineering

  • Energy

  • Information Sciences

  • Industrial Engineering

  • Electrical Engineering

  • Engineering and Ergonomics of the Physical Activity

  • Innovation, Society and Business

  • Physics

  • Mathematics


You are a high-achieving computer science undergraduate or post-graduate student and want to live an intensive digital experience (2 to 6 months) in a stimulating professional and academic environment working on key digital challenges for the major French and European companies : The digital Tech Program is made for you!

Broaden your horizons by spending a semester or a full academic year at CentraleSupélec. You can design your own academic path by choosing courses in English in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science and Applied Maths, Applied Physics or Industrial Engineering and more.


Location & Campus Life

The CentraleSupélec, Châtenay Campus is located in a southern suburb, just 30 minutes from the Paris city center:

Grande Voie des Vignes
92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France

On campus housing is guaranteed for international students. 
There are more than 1000 students representing 30 nationalities on campus. International students have the possibility of getting involved in a range of student organizations. 



Centrale supélec



We offer four tracks entirely in English in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), Computer Science/Applied Math, Applied Physics and Industrial Engineering. It is also possible to choose courses taught in French to personalize your study program.

The course load at CentraleSupélec is usually 30 ECTS per semester and upon successful completion of the 30 ECTS, the CESI degree (Certificate of Study in Engineering Science) will be awarded. We suggest that students should take a minimum of 24 ECTS per semester.

Incoming international students can design their own academic path.

Please, note that courses are staggered thoughout the semester. Exams take place at the end of each course.

Spring '17

Full Schedule of Courses

The courses are either taught in French (F) or in English (E).
In the following list, by clicking on the name of the course, you will find precise information about it (description, main content, duration, exams schedule).

You can find further information in the Course Catalog.


International students will have the possibilty to take part in an Innovation Project. This is an opportunity to work on a project with other students and develop team work skills. The incoming international students will choose a project that interests them upon arrival. 9 ECTS will be awarded upon successful completion.


International students usually take French and/or English courses.


How to apply

If you wish to apply to CentraleSupélec Semester Abroad Program, you must contact the International Affairs Office of your home institution to be nominated.

 Once you have been nominated by your Home Institution to CentraleSupélec, you will receive email instructions from our office.

  • International Relations Offices are required to nominate their students wishing to apply for a Student exchange Program on Moveonnet.

    • Deadline for Fall Semester nominations : up to end of March

    • Deadline for Spring Semester nominations : mid-October

  • You should then apply online following the email instructions.

    • Deadline for Fall Semester application : mid-April

    • Deadline for Spring Semester application : beginning of November


The international Office of the home institution will be informed of the students' admission by e-mail. If accepted, the student will receive an official letter.

These programs give students the opportunity to complete a semester or even an academic year in immersion in an interdisciplinary program covering science, engineering and social sciences.

CentraleSupélec has adopted the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Students can complete international placements of varying lengths in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year (no tuition fees owing for students from partner universities), or in laboratories of the school to develop projects. Results obtained are transmitted to students’ home universities:

  • 1st-year classes (3rd year of higher education) for the Supélec Engineering program: Fall Semester and/or Spring Semester
  • 2nd-year classes (4th year of higher education) for the Supélec or École Centrale Engineering programs: Fall Semester and/or Spring Semester.
  • 3rd-year classes (5th year of higher education) for the École Centrale Engineering program: entire year + internship
  • Classes + research project in one of the CentraleSupélec laboratories. Students should contact the research laboratory director before applying. 

Course Catalog Centrale track

Academic calendar

1st and 2nd years of Engineering studies

  • Fall Semester (1st semester): beginning of September – end of January
  • Spring Semester (2nd semester): beginning of February – mid-June

3rd year of Engineering studies

  • 1st period (classes): beginning of September – end of March
  • 2nd period (internship): beginning of April – end of September

Since 1989, CentraleSupélec has developed partnerships with high-ranking international universities in order to forge double-degree agreements.

Today, students from more than 80 universities with double degree agreements spend two years completing their engineering studies with CentraleSupélec and can simultaneously obtain engineering diplomas from the school and from their home universities.

Conditions of admission

Students must be registered with a partner university that has signed a double-degree agreement with CentraleSupélec (Supélec/École Centrale Engineering programs); these students may apply once they have been nominated by the International Relations office of their home universities

Double degree programs:

1st year + 2nd year double degree (3rd & 4th year of higher education)
International students having completed at least two years of higher education studies can apply to CentraleSupélec for the 1st year (Supélec or École Centrale Engineering programs) and return to their home universities to finalize their Master’s degree or equivalent

2A+3A double degree (4th & 5th year of higher education)
International students having completed at least three years of higher education can apply for the CentraleSupélec Engineering program to enter in the 2nd year.

Understanding the Grandes Écoles system


In France, scientific and technical training at Master’s level are provided:   

  • either by the university stream according to the B.M.D. organization which follows the harmonization of European higher education programs
  • or through the Grandes Écoles, which admit students after a national entrance exam which they prepare for intensively over two years in Preparatory Classes (very advanced lessons in mathematics and physics) in Grandes Écoles.


CentraleSupélec is an engineering Grande École, ranked among the three best engineering schools in France.

The school delivers a Master’s level Engineering degree after two years of intensive coursework in fundamental, technical and human sciences, followed by scientific Preparatory Classes and three years of interdisciplinary training in engineering sciences and complex systems.

In France, an Engineering graduate can also pursue a doctorate.



Centrale supélec Centrale supélec



T.I.M.E. (Top Industrial Managers for Europe) – 53 partners

The T.I.M.E. network was founded in 1989 (the former École Centrale Paris was one of the founding members) and unites 53 of the best engineering schools and universities in Europe and more recently from all over the world (Brazil, China, Japan). Of the more than 3,000 double-degree graduates in the network, more than half completed a CentraleSupélec double degree.

For more information visit



Groupe des Ecoles Centrale (GEC)

Created in 1990, this unites the five Écoles Centrales: École Centrale Marseille, École Centrale Nantes, École Centrale Lille, École Centrale Lyon and CentraleSupélec. These five schools aim to work together on international education, research and innovation, and on recruiting the best international students.





is a strategic alliance created by CentraleSupélec, Politecnico di Milano, Technische Universität Berlin and University College London with the objective of creating a European campus without borders to facilitate student and instructor/staff mobility.

Alliance4Tech is founded on shared values:

  • Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Leadership and creativity
  • Social and ethical responsibility
  • Cultural diversity and an international environment

Through its various actions, Alliance4Tech aims to:

  • promote shared programs and provide students with the opportunity to spend one or two trimesters in partner universities;
  • encourage instructor exchanges’
  • develop a shared strategy concerning emerging countries.
  • For more information visit


More informations



Vison2020 (en Anglais)

Launched in April 2013, Vision2020 is a European networking platform that enables SMEs, universities and corporate to collaborate effectively through the Horizon 2020 EU funding program.

Vision2020 was launched to foster business-university collaboration across Europe for organizations that wanted to tap into the EU Horizon 2020 fund for research and innovation. Essentially the ethos behind Vision2020 is to bring together excellence-based research organizations and highly innovative SMEs so that they can form trusted consortia and collaborate together effectively. The main goal is to facilitate this process and connect innovators across different sectors.

More informations



The 5+6 program with China – 5 Écoles Centrales and 6 Chinese universities

This network, which associates the five Écoles Centrales with Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Southwest Jiaotong University, has existed for the past 20 years. It was developed on the same exchange model as the T.I.M.E. network and trains around 50 double-degree students per year.


The 5+6 program with Brazil – 5 Écoles Centrales and 6 Brazilian universities

At the beginning of the 2000s, this was a network uniting the five Écoles Centrales with the School of Engineering of the University of São Paulo, the Federal University of Ceará, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the University of Campinas, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. It was created to develop double-degree exchanges between France and Brazil. Today, École Centrale Paris trains around 15 double-degree students per year between the two countries.



CESAER – 50 institutions in 24 countries

CentraleSupélec is also a member of the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER). This is a network of excellence aiming to promote innovation and good practice to maintain standards of quality in engineering training.



Erasmus +

This program is funded by the European Union and supports exchanges between higher education institutions in Europe with the aim of:

  • improving the quality and strengthening the European dimension of higher education;
  • increasing mobility of university students, instructors and staff;
  • reinforcing multilateral cooperation among higher education institutions themselves, and between higher education institutions and companies;
  • practicing transparency and recognition of qualifications obtained in higher education and higher vocational education in Europe. 

See the Erasmus+ CentraleSupélec charter



Erasmus Mundus programs

Since 2008, the school has been committed to Erasmus Mundus programs, initially as a partner and later as a coordinator. It therefore contributes to strengthening the ties between Europe and China with TANDEM, and with the Japan/Korea region with BEAM and EASED.



Horizon 2020 is the European Union funding program for research and innovation for the 2014-2020 period. It focuses its financing on achieving three priorities: scientific excellence, industrial primacy and social challenges.

More informations
