centrale supélec




To apply to complete a doctoral program with CentraleSupélec, the candidate must hold a Master’s or equivalent diploma.

The application for a doctorate must be submitted to one of the doctoral schools with which the thesis supervisor is associated, and must detail at least the following: a thesis subject, a thesis supervisor, a research department, and funding. Conditions for admission are defined within each doctoral school.

Doctoral students are recruited by doctoral schools:



Academic registration is completed with doctoral schools and administrative registration with CentraleSupélec. Registration is initiated online via the ADUM website.

Cost and funding

The annual cost of registration for completing a thesis is €391. Funding comes from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, industrial companies and funding organizations (ANRT, Digiteo, etc.).


Thesis charter

The charter formalizes the agreement between the doctoral student, the thesis supervisor, the director of the research unit in which the student intends to prepare the doctorate, the director of the doctoral school to which the student is attached and the registration institution. The objective of this charter is to ensure that the doctorate is completed under optimal conditions and to encourage the student to pursue a career as a young researcher with success. For each signatory, the charter outlines rights and obligations.


Interdisciplinary programs

Doctoral students are invited to take additional classes (120 hours over three years), over and above their research work, to deepen their scientific knowledge and prepare their professional future.

Since the new decree dated May 25, 2016, doctoral students must prepare a training agreement signed by the school director, and compile a portfolio of training programs listing the skills they have acquired during the completion of their thesis.

CentraleSupélec participates in the professional insertion of students by providing interdisciplinary training programs, pooled across doctoral colleges. These training programs are organized in streams, to provide doctoral students with a comprehensive overview of business sectors and sectors associated with the training offering. Some programs are labeled (e.g. the Association of French Engineering Schools (CDEFI), etc.).

  • For the Paris-Saclay campus, the course catalogue is available at the following address
  • For the Rennes campus, the course catalogue is available at the following address
  • For the Metz campus, the course catalogue is available at the following address


Additional placements

During their studies, within the doctoral charter, the doctoral student may complete additional remunerated assignment representing 1/6 of their academic agenda (renewable under certain conditions). These include:

  • Teaching placement (64 hours of tutorials) enabling doctoral students to gain teaching experience via one of the teaching departments
  • Consultancy and expertise placement that can be completed within a company, a local authority, an administrative body, a public institution, an association or a foundation
  • Placement to promote scientific and technical research results
  • Dissemination of scientific and technical information placement
  • A call for applications is open every year.


International Joint Supervision (Cotutelle)

In order to encourage mobility among PhD students and develop international scientific cooperation, PhD students may complete their thesis under joint supervision between two institutions, one in France and one overseas.

Joint supervision is established either with a framework agreement signed between the two institutions, and an application, or with an individual agreement.

For the Châtenay-Malabry and Gif-sur-Yvette campuses, click here.

European label

In order to recognize the European dimension of a doctoral project, Université Paris-Saclay awards a “European Doctorate” label to a PhD student with at least three months of mobility experience in Europe, as well as other criteria. You can read all the details here.

Associations for doctoral students

There are currently two associations of doctoral students at CentraleSupélec. These associations organize scientific and social events as well as events that bring together companies and students, and forums that give doctoral students from CentraleSupélec and the four other École Centrales a chance to get together. Doctoral students also participate actively in the school’s other associations.

The school at the heart of Université Paris-Saclay


CentraleSupélec participates in six LabEx (Laboratories of Excellence), two EquipEx (Equipment of Excellence) and one IRT (Institute for Technological Research) as part of the Université Paris-Saclay.

CentraleSupélec is a leading actor in the Paris-Saclay IdEx, labeled an “excellence initiative”. The aim of this IdEx is to roll out the activities of Université Paris-Saclay.

These successes position CentraleSupélec in relation to major societal issues: energy, digital society, health, nanosciences, environment and risks.

Within IdEx, CentraleSupélec works in synergy particularly with Paris-Sud University and ENS Cachan. The development of these successful projects demonstrates strong ties with our partners and our capacity to develop a prestigious university. Université Paris-Saclay aims to be one of the top 10 hubs for teaching and research worldwide.

The Université Paris-Saclay Doctoral College brings together 20 specialized doctoral schools associated with research laboratories. CentraleSupélec works with five Université Paris-Saclay doctoral schools.


Centrale supélec

(crédit: Université Paris-Saclay).


The objective of this doctoral college is to organize the doctoral policy and coordinate and pool certain activities within and across doctoral schools. It guarantees the quality of high-level scientific training and international scientific visibility. CentraleSupélec collaborates with five of the Université Paris-Saclay doctoral schools:

  • École Doctorale de Mathématiques Hadamard (EDMH) [Doctoral School of Hadamard Mathematics]
  • École Doctorale EOBE [Doctoral School of Electrical, Optical, Biophysics and Engineering]
  • École Doctorale INTERFACES [Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Approaches: Foundations, Applications and Innovations] 
  • École Doctorale SMEMAG (Sciences Mécaniques et Énergétiques, Matériaux et Géosciences [Doctoral School of Mechanical Sciences and Energy, Materials and Geosciences])  
  • École Doctorale STIC (Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication [Doctoral School of Information and Communications Sciences and Technology])  


Completing a doctorate with Université Bretagne Loire


Since the decree dated August 6, 2006, CentraleSupélec has been authorized to award the doctorate for students of the MATISSE Doctoral School within the Université Bretagne Loire doctoral college, as well as for the EMMA and IAEM doctoral schools of the Université de Lorraine.

Today, the CentraleSupélec doctoral degree is awarded to doctoral students registered in these three doctoral schools.

CentraleSupélec participates in the Institute for Technological Research (IRT) B-Com, in the fields of Networks, Multimedia and Healthcare.

Beginning January 1, 2017, Université Bretagne Loire will offer a joint doctoral training program developed as part of the Doctoral College initiative.

The Doctoral College unites 11 interregional doctoral, disciplinary or specialization schools, supported by six geographically independent doctoral colleges, to provide a direct link among doctoral students, research teams and institutions.

Université Bretagne Loire delivers the doctorate as part of its co-accreditation with member or associate institutions.

Doctoral student registrations will continue to be recorded in institutions that are authorized to award the doctorate.

CentraleSupélec is authorized to award the doctorate and is co-accredited for the MATISSE Doctoral School for the fields of Mathematics, Telecommunications, IT, Signal, Systems and Electronics, as well as for interfaces for these fields. CentraleSupélec will be co-accredited for the new MathSTIC Doctoral School beginning January 1, 2017


Completing a doctorate in the Lorraine region


Since the end of the 1980s, research in the Lorraine region has been organized according to disciplinary fields, uniting several higher education institutions and public research organizations.

CentraleSupélec participates in the Technical Research Institute (IRT) M2P in the fields of Materials, Metallurgy and Processes.

CentraleSupélec is authorized to award the doctoral degree for the following doctoral schools:


Centrale supélec

CentraleSupélec has a research center that every year hosts more than 500 doctoral students on the three campuses (Gif-sur-Yvette, Metz and Rennes) in its 16 research units (independent and joint research units, including a collaboration with the CNRS) and through a mathematics federation.

Within these research units, which represent 1,100 research employees, subjects of research are explored within complex systems:

  • Materials and Processes
  • Mechanics, Energetics and Combustion
  • Applied Physics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Technology and IT Systems
  • Signal Processing, Automation
  • Electrical Engineering and Electronics
  • Industrial Engineering, Economics and Management

To navigate the complexities of systems and address the following seven societal issues:

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Health and biotechnology
  • Information and knowledge
  • Sustainable buildings and regions
  • Transport and mobility
  • Economic mutations


The research policy of CentraleSupélec and the research laboratories is focused on adopting an interdisciplinary approach with the aim of encouraging synergies between laboratories, while maintaining a continuum between upstream research and research in association with industries and services. CentraleSupélec provides its doctoral students with both a high-level scientific education and a guarantee of professional insertion through its strong ties with companies.

Free Moov’

News: CentraleSupélec is offering international candidates the chance to complete a semester or an entire year in our institution to study science, engineering or human sciences.



CentraleSupélec awards specialization diplomas in its main fields of expertise:

  • Automation
  • Energy
  • IT
  • Telecommunications
  • Signal Processing and Electronics

The specialization program is similar to the 3rd year of one of the Supélec Engineering program majors: a period of six months comprising classes, study groups, experimental activities and projects, followed by end-of-studies work in a company. The degree obtained specifies the speciality. Students must have obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent (five years of higher education) in order to apply.

The CentraleSupélec global offer of Master’s degree programs is managed by each campus


Master’s program management

Châtenay-Malabry and Gif-sur-Yvette

Université Paris-Saclay  + CentraleSupélec

(parallel application)


Metz Campus, CentraleSupélec


Rennes Campus,  CentraleSupélec


These programs are open to international students who fulfill the following admission criteria:

  • Nomination by a partner university having signed a Master’s agreement with CentraleSupélec
  • Expectation of earning a Bachelor’s degree at the end of the current academic year or of having completed at least four years of higher education studies (equivalent to 240 ECTS credits)

Students are admitted directly in the 2nd year of the Master’s program and obtain the degree after one year of studies. Due to the nature of their organization, Master’s programs must be completed in their entirety.

Candidates can apply to the 14 Master’s programs (“Mentions”) and the 40 tracks (“Parcours” Master 2) offered by CentraleSupélec.







  • Professeur responsable de l’option Aménagement et Constructions Durables (ACD) programme ingénieur et du mastère spécialisé ACD
    Télécharger la fiche de poste


  • Chef de projet en calcul scientifique – Ingénieur de Recherche, CDD
    Poste ouvert au Centre d’Excellence en Biotechnologies Blanches à Pomacle (20 km de Reims)
    MISSION : L’ingénieur numéricien participera au développement et à l’optimisation de codes de simulation de bio-procédés. Ces applications HPC seront déployées sur le mésocentre de calcul de Champagne-Ardenne ROMEO.

