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This master will be suitable for those who are considering a career in the Industry Sector.
The specialisation prepares graduates for professional roles such as: Industrial Manager, Product Line Manager, Project Manager, Consultant, Production Manager, Lean Manager (...)



  • A minimum 180 ECTS credits Bachelor or Master degree in Sciences, Business or Economics
  • Proficiency in English

Admission Calendar

1st round

2nd round

3rd round

Deadline for online application

10 Jan. 2024

29 Mar. 2024

6 Jun. 2024

Eligibility results

23 Jan. 2024

19 Apr 2024


Interviews for eligible candidates

30 Jan. - 1 Feb. 2024

24 Apr. - 10 May 2024

25-27 Jun. 2024

Acceptance results

6 Feb. 2024

13 May 2024

2 Jul. 2024

CentraleSupélec students can apply until May 23, 2024.


How to Apply?



Carefully complete the online application form before the deadline specified in the Admission Calendar and include the following required documents:

  • A copy of a Master/ or a Bachelor diploma already obtained OR a certificate of enrolment for current Bachelor studies
  • A 2-year university transcript of your Master or Bachelor degree
  • A copy of your TOEFL or TOEIC listening and reading score or IELTS score (taken within the last two years) *
  • We strongly recommend adding two reference letters to your application

An admission committee declares the eligibility of candidates. Eligibility results will be displayed on our website.

* Given the current circumstances, we will accept scores from tests taken more than 2 years ago.
Online English tests are still accepted. Please enquire directly with the test providers.
Exemption: native speakers and international students with a minimum of 2 years of studies in an English-speaking country.



If you are declared eligible, you are invited to a personal interview with the Academic Director of the Master as well as professionals from the sector.
Acceptance results are sent out by email on the date specified in the Admission Calendar.



If you are accepted and offered a place you must confirm acceptance of the offer by the date specified in the Admission Calendar and pay a non-refundable deposit of €2.000 to secure a place in the program.

This programme is designed to train future industry leaders by developing both their leadership and engineering skills. It will enable graduates to support companies in all sectors of industry in their transformation or innovation projects.

Today, transformation is no longer simply digital or organisational, and our graduates will have the tools to lead and implement all types of transformation. Students are in direct contact with our partner companies through company seminars, industrial site visits and inter-company round tables.


The Degree

This specialisation is part of the ESCP Master of Science (MSc) programme. Students will obtain the French Master degree (DEAMIE) as well as a joint CentraleSupélec and ESCP diploma, the MSc in Industry Transformation Management.

•     CentraleSupélec delivers its specific knowledge of industry, based on engineering sciences and industrial management.
•    ESCP Business School offers its high level of management and leadership skills.

Students will benefit from the support of both schools and courses will be taught by high-level professors from each environment. They will also experience both campuses by attending classes in these two different locations, in Paris and Saclay.



After a specific workshop to meet each other and create a group dynamic for the following months, students will follow fundamental courses. These courses will provide students with the fundamental skills to analyse and manage industrial environments.

They will also follow a specific module to improve their leadership and develop their managerial skills.

Finally, the whole class will participate in a learning expedition in Berlin, in order to exchange on entrepreneurship and agility.


Download the MSc in Industry Transfomation Management brochure.


Term 1 - Core Courses (from July 2024 to October 2024)

These six modules are compulsory only for candidates with less than 240 ECTS (or equivalent):

  • Economics
  • Statistics
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Marketing
  • Leadership
  • Strategy

A specific module on Industrial Engineering mandatory for all students

Classes online for candidates with less than 240 ECTS previous degree. They run in an online format between July and September prior to the campus terms. Candidates may be exempted from attending these modules based on their previous working experience (3 years required).


Terms 2 - Classes on the ESCP Paris Campus (from October 2024 to December 2024)

Following an induction seminar designed for students to meet one another and create a group dynamic for the year ahead, they will follow fundamental courses, and acquire specific skills to analyse and manage industrial environments.

  • Industrial Projects & Systems Management
  • Operations Management & Lean Efficiency
  • Data Analytics for Sense Making
  • Industry 4.0
  • Leadership Development
  • Consultancy Projects
  • Activities with Partners (Industrial Visits, Conferences, Breakfasts…)

You will also follow a specific module to improve their leadership and develop their managerial skills. Students will also take a compulsory seminar on Ethics, Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance.


Term 3 - Classes on the CentraleSupélec Saclay Campus and ESCP Berlin Campus (from January 2025 to June 2025 )

  • A specific project to drive by student teams, for the benefit of a company working in industrial area. You will have to analyse and deliver solutions to them, using a supervision and coaching by professors from both schools.
  • A specialisation to choose between 3 specific modules : supply chain 4.0 (CentraleSupélec), management for future industry (ESCP Business School) or industry disruptive thinking (ESCP Business School / CentralSupélec). You will benefit from courses and skills to sustain their own carreer choices.
  • Finally, you will have to attend common courses at ESCP Business School (Ethics / Research seminar) and a specific module on social impacts in CentraleSupélec.
  • Courses :
    • Human System Integration
    • Organisational Transformation
    • Entrepreneurship
    • IA and Transformation
    • Leadership Development
    • Sustainability Management
    • Research Seminar
    • Intercultural Management


Term 4 - Professional Mission, Master Thesis & Research Seminar (From July 2023 to December 2023)

  • Professional Mission

After learning key industrial management skills, students will be challenged to put them into practice by joining a company anywhere in the world
for 4 months. The role must be clearly industry oriented to be validated, engaging our students in the field of industrial operations or projects.
They must demonstrate their ability to :
· manage operations and/or projects that have an impact on the evolution of the industry.
· gain direct exposure to the operations field by working with blue-collar and frontline engineers or managers
· provide solutions and systems that integrate the skills learned in the programme.

  • Master Thesis

Each student will have to defend his or her thesis, based on both academic and field experiences. They will be mentored by a professor from one of the two partner schools. This professor will help them choose the right topic and provide a solid methodology.
They will then defend their work in front of a jury composed of the thesis director (professor) and one of the academic directors. The jury will
represent both schools to deliver the degree.
During this time, students will also participate in a mandatory Research Seminar held by a ESCP professor.

Students in the engineering cycle pay a different rate according to the conditions defined by the decree of January 2, 2015 setting CentraleSupélec's tuition fees.

  •     The full and half EU* fees apply by default to students of all nationalities enrolled in the engineering cycle by September 1, 2018 at the latest.

  •     As of September 1, 2018, the full and half price UE* rates apply to all foreign students in the engineering cycle who meet the conditions set out in the decree of January 2, 2015 establishing CentraleSupélec's tuition fees.

* The notion "EU" includes the member states of the European Union, the other states party to the agreement on the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation



EU Full price *

€ 3,500.00

EU Half price *

€ 1,750.00

Non-EU Full price

€ 5,900.00

Non-EU Half price

€ 2,950.00


For more informations (tuition fees, administrative registration, accomodations, ...):

Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It helps higher education institutions across the continent to strenghthen their exchanges and collaborations. Erasmus+ aims at improving the quality and reinforcing the European dimension of higher education, increasing the mobility of students, professors and staff, and between higher education institutions and private compagnies, as well as transparency and recognition of qualifications obtained in Europe. 

On its Paris-Saclay campus, CentraleSupélec coordinates or collaborates to over 50 master's degrees. Upon graduation, students obtain the national master's degree from Université Paris-Saclay, of which CentraleSupélec is a founding member. 

Within the Graduate School of Engineering and Systems Sciences, CentraleSupélec coordinates 16 master's degree programmes, organised in 5 specialisations, one master's degree programme of the Graduate School of Computer Science and one master's degree programme of the Graduate School Biosphera. These master's degrees are administratively coordinated by the Master's team of CentraleSupélec. 

The professors of CentraleSupélec also collaborate to 42 other master's degree programmes of various Graduate Schools of the University. These programmes are coordinated by other members of Université Paris-Saclay, which are in charge of their pedagogical and administrative management. Please visit Université Paris-Saclay website for a full list of master's degree programmes. 




Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation 

The primary aim of the course is to provide a solid foundation in all the fields of engineering sciences which relate to electronics, energy, automation, computer engineering, telecommunications and signal and image processing. English and general training courses are also offered.

Courses which start in the second semester allow students to gradually specialise in the fields of telecommunications, systems, information processing, micro-nanoelectronics and micro-nanotechnology, instrumentation, energy conversion and processing. In the 2nd year, courses aimed at research, employment and non-specific purposes give shape to the final degree.

Two courses are available which are entirely off-site. The Communication and data engineering course is taught in Hanoi in Vietnam in partnership with VNU-UET. The M2 higher education training in Computer Engineering, Signal Processing, Automation, Electronics and Telecommunication is available in Tunis in partnership with UFTAM and is an adapted program to complement initial training at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.



The course covers, in a general and cross-disciplinary manner, the field of energy (physics of the many sources, production, conversion, storage, management) and its complex interrelationship with transport in the broadest sense. After all, energy produced must be transported and used. The transport of goods and people itself requires energy and therefore also requires improvements in propulsion methods (electric, hybrid, combustion), energy conversion and storage, and structures (lightness, strength, assembly processes).
The themes addressed within the Master’s in energy (innovative materials, new energy technologies, networks, sustainable mobility) are widely covered in the research activities of partner institutions and R&D centres in the region. This course is based on an exceptional network in the field of energy which is at the standard of the Plateau de Saclay: Two Energy Transition Institutes (IPVF on photovoltaics, VEDECOM on carbon-free mobility) and numerous academic (CNRS, CEA, etc.) and industrial (Renault, PSA, Thales, Safran, EDF, etc.) research laboratories.


Civil Engineering

This course combines specialist fields, which are mainly research-oriented, related to civil engineering (construction, geotechnics, transportation, hydraulics, environment) and subsurface engineering.
For aspects related to constructions in their environment, expertise and continuity of knowledge from the material to the structure are expected. In addition, understanding the construction process, comfort conditions and the durability of buildings are important elements in the training.
As far as subsoil engineering is concerned, in addition to the strong relationship between soil and constructions, the exploration and exploitation of reservoirs and storage facilities (water, gas, oil, CO2, waste, etc.) is one of the major objectives.


Complex Systems Engineering

The Master’s in Complex System Engineering (ISC) aims to address the modelling, design and management of systems, products, processes and organisations (particularly industrial), making extensive use of modelling sciences, system engineering and systems science as well as industrial engineering.

In terms of disciplines, this Master's degree is at the interface between applied mathematics, computer science, operations research, mechanics, automation, economics, management and management of design and production tools. It includes organisation science, the analysis of interacting agent systems and the study of technical and organisational systems. It builds bridges between modelling, digital simulation, design, management and optimisation of socio-technical systems for industry and services.



Aeronautics, space, transport, energy, environment, bio-medical, etc. are all fields whose development is based on the advances made in research in mechanics and mechanical engineering.
Within this broad context, the Mechanics degree course at UPS is aimed at students who have a Bachelor's degree (obtained in Mechanics or an equivalent) and who have a particular interest in digital and experimental sciences, a curiosity and scientific rigour.


Computer Science (Graduate School of Computer Science)

The aim of the course in computer science is to train professionals (in industry and research) in the theoretical principles behind computer science, and the different concepts and devices used in the computer systems of today and in the future.


Environmental, Energy and Transport Economics (Graduate School Biosphera)

Global challenges, whether they relate to energy, food or the environment, require the use of knowledge from many different sources and integrated approaches. Graduates are required: to have a command of economic theory and its application to decision making; to be able to hit the ground running as soon as the degree is awarded by knowing how to set up data processing, statistical and econometric methods and the necessary IT resources; to understand political, economic and scientific challenges and be familiar with recent research developments; to have managerial knowledge (cost-benefit analysis, decision making under uncertainty, management of disputes) as well as ‘soft skills’ (knowledge of sectors, ability to debate on political issues, negotiation).

The primary aim of the degree is to provide training which deals with the whole range of issues concerning energy, the environment and food in terms of economic factors and in an analytical and future-orientated manner. Graduates must have the skills to design strategies to address energy, environmental and agri-food challenges, particularly in relation to climate change, overexploitation of natural resources, water and air pollution, land use (food/bioenergy) and the transition to a low-carbon world. They must be able to incorporate these strategies into the fields of production, services and consulting. They must also have the scientific knowledge to enable the most motivated to participate in both private and public research.

Double degree programmes with Brazil

At the beginning of the 2000s, a network uniting the five Écoles Centrale with the School of Engineering of the University of São Paulo, the Federal University of Ceará, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the University of Campinas, the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro was set up. It was created to develop double-degree exchanges between France and Brazil. The network now brings together 11 Brazilian universities, the latter one being ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica), to the 5 Écoles Centrale. Today, CentraleSupélec trains around 30 double degree students per year between the two countries.


“4+4” programme with China

In 1996, the 4 Écoles Centrale of Lille, Lyon, Paris and Nantes signed a partnership agreement with Tsinghua University, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Southwest JiaoTong University in China. In 2002, they were joined by École Centrale Marseille, which had just been created, and later in 2011 came Zhejiang University and Beijing JiaoTong University. It developed along the same lines as the T.I.M.E. network and trains around 50 double degree students every year.

Alliance4Tech is a strategic alliance uniting CentraleSupélec, Politecnico di Milano, Technische Universität Berlin and University College London, with the objective of creating a European campus without borders to facilitate student and teaching staff mobility. 

Alliance4Tech relies on shared values: innovation and entrepreneurship, leadership and creativity, social and ethical responsibility, and cultural diversity and international environment.

Through its various actions, Alliance4Tech aims at promoting shared programs and providing students with the opportunity to undertake a double mobility programme in partner universities (two semesters in two different institutions).


CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research)

CentraleSupélec is also a member of the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research. This is a network of excellence aiming at promoting innovation and good practices to maintain standards of quality in engineering training. It currently has more than 50 member institutions in twenty-four countries.
