The majority of the students of CentraleSupélec are destined for high-level positions in corporations, who have in turn always been associated with the life of the school as trainers in their own right and as partners of the Research Center: CentraleSupélec has 13 industrial research chairs, 140 companies involved in educational programs, including more than 20 SMEs / ETIs.



Seeking partnership proposals

CentraleSupélec offers a catalog of partnerships enabling corporations to accompany the curriculum and to benefit from considerable visibility with the students. At the heart of this partnership is the sponsorship of one or more third-year options / majors in the engineering programs. Companies regularly participate in the form of courses, conferences, case studies or cooperative projects.

Depending on their level of partnership, companies can go even further by accompanying students, for example, from the first year onwards, or by participating in numerous events and meetings such as the Business Discovery Evenings, Professional Round Tables, Careers Forums and so on. Proposal of subjects related to education: stakes, innovation, CIS + internships.

In 2015/2016, CentraleSupélec was ranked by QS 35th world for the employability of its graduates and 7th worldwide in reputation employer.

Partner companies of the school.

CentraleSupélec boasts 140 partner companies: large international groups and SMBs alike.

Discover our paRtner companies



To become one of the best scientific institutions in the world, CentraleSupélec has developed its presence in the major countries of the future in order to meet the growing demand of highly qualified engineering companies:

École Centrale Beijing


In 2005, convinced by the excellence of the École Centrale education, broad-based and open towards the world and business, École Centrale Paris, with the École Centrale Group and Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) created École Centrale Beijing.

CentraleSupélec thus became the first French Engineering Grande École to export its excellence and teaching model abroad.

École Centrale Beijing offers a six-year program to train high-level generalized, versatile and trilingual engineers. After intensive language training, students spend two years completing Preparatory Classes before entering the three remaining years of the Engineering program, recognized by the French Commission for Engineering degrees (

École Centrale Beijing has signed privileged partnership agreements within the business world, a lever for it to develop economic links between France and China by providing non-specialized and bicultural engineers for employment.

Beyond initial training and the close relationships with industry, the school has a strong culture of research. It collaborates closely with the Beihang University on specific research projects.

Today, École Centrale Beijing boasts more than 700 students and 300 graduates. 


Mahindra École Centrale


In 2014, a new École Centrale opened in India: Mahindra École Centrale (MEC).

Mahindra École Centrale is a private teaching institution created by CentraleSupélec with Mahindra Educational Institutes (Mahindra Group) in partnership with the Jawaharlal Technological University. The school is located on the Bahadurpally campus of Tech Mahindra in Hyderabad.



The Engineering program leads to the award of an Indian State diploma. This diploma is also recognized as a French Engineering degree.

The two first years are modeled on the two first years of Preparatory Class in French Grandes Écoles. Introductory lessons in engineering are progressively integrated with management and creativity lessons. The two final years enable students to specialize (in Mechanical Engineering, IT and Logistics Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering).

The teaching is inspired by CentraleSupélec teaching, with lessons adopting a systemic approach, activities dedicated to developing skills including leadership, creativity, teamwork and a real openness to the world of business and the world via student exchanges, internships and participation of international professionals and instructors.

In September 2016 Mahindra École Centrale welcomed its 3rd class, now boasting nearly 700 students across its three class years.


Ecole Centrale Casablanca


In 2015, CentraleSupélec strengthened its international presence by opening a third international school: École Centrale Casablanca.



Developed on the Écoles Centrales model, the École Centrale Casablanca three-year post-Preparatory Class Engineering program leads to the award of a Moroccan state diploma.

The first year is spent completing the joint series of modules of the program. Students are encouraged to go abroad for a semester to study with a partner school or university, or work in a company within the network.

For those who wish to explore the international dimension further, or gain a long-term professional experience, the school offers the opportunity to complete a placement year at the end of the 2nd year.

Over the course of the 3rd year, students gain sectorial specialization and discover careers. The program ends with an eight-month internship, and an end-of-studies project that supports their evolution towards the world of work.

Alongside its engineering program, École Centrale Casablanca also offers a Specialized Master’s (SM) degree in leadership and innovative projects, aiming to train high-level professionals with the skills to manage complex projects.

In September 2016, the school welcomed 80 students to its second class year. École Centrale Casablanca will inaugurate its new Bouskoura campus, located on the outskirts of Casablanca, beginning of 2017.


École Centrale Casablanca: creation of a hub 

École Centrale Casablanca is the first non-specialized school of engineers in Morocco, with innovative teaching that aims to train high-level scientific engineers with an interdisciplinary culture and very open to the world. École Centrale Casablanca positions itself as a university hub on a Pan-African dimension, entirely integrated within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the French-speaking region of West Africa, providing access to the international network of the other Écoles Centrales and the best international scientific research, with the explicit aim of training the elite directors of the African continent of tomorrow.

To become one of the best scientific institutions in the world, CentraleSupélec has developed its presence in the major countries of the future in order to meet the growing demand of highly qualified engineering companies:

École Centrale Beijing

In 2005, Écoles Centrale Group, together with Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), created École Centrale Beijing. This initiative brings together the broad-based, international and business-oriented École Centrale education to Beihang’s high academic standards. Écoles Centrale Group thus became the first French Engineering Grande École group to export its excellence and teaching model abroad.

École Centrale Beijing offers a six-year program to train high-level generalized, versatile and trilingual engineers. After intensive language training, students spend two years completing Preparatory Classes before entering the three remaining years of the Engineering program, recognized by the French Commission for Engineering degrees.

École Centrale Beijing has signed privileged partnership agreements within the business world, a lever for it to develop economic links between France and China by providing general, bicultural engineers for employment.

Beyond initial training and close relationships with industry, the school has a strong culture of research. It collaborates closely with Beihang University on specific research projects.

Mahindra École Centrale

In 2014, a new École Centrale opened in India: Mahindra École Centrale (MEC).

Mahindra École Centrale is a private teaching institution created by CentraleSupélec with Mahindra Educational Institutes (Mahindra Group) in partnership with the Jawaharlal Technological University. The school is located on the Bahadurpally campus of Tech Mahindra in Hyderabad.

The Engineering program leads to the award of a Bachelor degree, an Indian national diploma. The first two years are modeled on the first two years of Preparatory Classes to French Grandes Écoles. Introductory lessons in engineering are progressively integrated with management and creativity lessons in the third year. The final two years enable students to specialize, either in Mechanical Engineering, IT and Logistics Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Civil Engineering.

The teaching methodology is inspired by CentraleSupélec’s own methodology, with lessons adopting a systemic approach, activities dedicated to developing skills including leadership, creativity, teamwork and a real openness to the world of business and the world via student exchanges, internships and participation of international professionals and instructors.


Ecole Centrale Casablanca

Opening a third international school École Centrale Casablanca in 2015

Developed on the Écoles Centrale model, École Centrale Casablanca’s three-year post-Preparatory Class Engineering program leads to the award of a Moroccan national diploma.

During the first year, students complete a joint series of modules of the program, common to every option. Students are encouraged to go abroad for a semester to study with a partner school or university, or work in a company within the network. For those who wish to explore the international dimension further, or gain a long-term professional experience, the school gives them the opportunity to complete a placement year at the end of the 2nd year.

Over the course of the 3rd year, students gain sectorial specialization and discover careers. The program ends with a six-month internship, and an end-of-studies project that supports their evolution towards the world of work.

Alongside its engineering program, École Centrale Casablanca also offers a Specialized Master’s degree in Leadership and Innovative Projects, aiming at training high-level professionals with the skills to manage complex projects.

Centrale Casablanca aims at becoming a pan-African hub of higher education, fully integrated in the West African, French-speaking entrepreneurship ecosystem. Centrale Casablanca opens the doors of the international network of other Écoles Centrale and to the best scientific research in the world. Its objective is to train today the African elites of tomorrow.


Developing an international group


With a network of 176 partner universities in 45 countries, CentraleSupélec is building a truly global group of interconnected schools, which will continue to expand. We are an international institution with a 30% student population from overseas, representing nearly 70 nationalities. 50% of our local students opt for a double-degree internationally.

In November 2015, the 5 schools of the Groupe Écoles Centrale revamped their organisational framework, reflecting the schools' desire to strengthen their cooperation and develop their international policy.

The Groupe Ecoles Centrale has also been making strides in the developing the project of the Ecole Centrale Afrique Australe ​​in Mauritius. The group also signed, in October 2015, a memorandum of understanding with the University of São Paulo to study the advisability of opening a new school in Brazil.


Key dates for École Centrale Paris and Supélec

In the nineteenth century, French industry took on the pivotal role of accompanying The Industrial Era, by encouraging practical applications of scientific discoveries. Training civil engineers who would be equipped with both industrial know-how and scientific expertise became one of the nation’s highest priorities. At this time and with these ideals, l’École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures (1829) and l’École Supérieure d’Électricité (1894), were created by some of the nation’s greatest scientists.


1829 / Centrale Paris

L’École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures est créée pour former “les médecins des usines et des fabriques” par Alphonse Lavallée, Jean-Baptiste Dumas, Théodore Olivier et Eugène Péclet.

1857 / Centrale Paris

Afin d’assurer sa pérennité Alphonse Lavallée, premier directeur, fondateur et propriétaire de l’École Centrale, fait don de celle-ci à l’État français.

1884 / Centrale Paris

L’École Centrale s’installe dans de nouveaux locaux rue Montgolfier à côté du Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers.

1894 / Supélec

Créée par Eleuthère Mascart et la Société internationales des électriciens, l’École Supérieur d’Électricité se veut référence dans les sciences de l’information, de l’énergie et des systèmes.

1896 / Supélec

Nouvelle dénomination : École Supérieure d’Électricité. Le directeur est Paul Janet, Normalien.

1921 / Centrale Paris

Les premières Centraliennes sont diplômées.

1927 / Supélec

Deux femmes obtiennent pour la première fois le diplôme d’ingénieur Supélec.

1927 / Supélec

Inauguration du siège à Malakoff. Le bâtiment abrite l’École mais aussi la Société Française des Électriciens.

1946 / Centrale Paris

L’École demande son inscription au budget de la Nation. Rattachée au Ministère chargé de l’éducation, elle est dotée de la personnalité civile et morale et de l’autonomie financière.

1960 / Supélec

Passage de la scolarité à 3 ans.

1969 / Centrale Paris

L’École s’installe sur le campus de Châtenay-Malabry. Elle réorganise en profondeur ses enseignements et choisit la marque “École Centrale Paris”.

1972 / Supélec

Ouverture du campus de Rennes.

1975 / Supélec

Installation à Gif-sur-Yvette.

1985 / Centrale Paris

L’École devient EPSCP et classée “Grand établissement d’enseignement supérieur” dans le cadre de la nouvelle Loi. Elle est habilitée à délivrer le Doctorat.

1985 / Supélec

Ouverture du campus de Metz.

1988 / Centrale Paris

Lancement du réseau T.I.M.E. (Top Industrial Managers for Europe) et du programme de doubles diplômes européens.

1990 / Centrale Paris

La charte portant création de “l’Intergroupe des Écoles Centrales”, aujourd’hui Groupe École Centrale, est signée dans les locaux du Musée Picasso.

2005 / Centrale Paris

Ouverture de l’École Centrale Pékin en Chine.

2007 / Centrale Paris

Nouveau projet éducatif centralien et refonte du cycle ingénieur sous l’appellation “Ariane”.

2009 / Centrale Paris

Création du “Collège des Sciences de l’Ingénieur et des Systèmes”. Signature du Partenariat stratégique avec l’ESSEC Business School.

2013 / Centrale Paris

Convention relative à la création de l’École Centrale Casablanca signée au Maroc.

2014 / Centrale Paris

Ouverture de Mahindra École Centrale, à Hyderabad en Inde.



Key dates in the history of the CentraleSupélec alliance

Collaboration between École Centrale Paris and Supélec, initially limited to the joint competitive entrance exam, has steadily expanded over the years to cover many fields of teaching and research and led to the creation of CentraleSupélec on January 1, 2015


centrale supelec

1967 :

L’École Centrale Paris, Supélec, Sup Optique et l’École Centrale Lyon signent une convention pour organiser à partir de 1968, le Service du concours à épreuves écrites communes.

centrale supelec

2005 :

Signature d’un accord-cadre de coopération, notamment dans les domaines de la recherche et des relations industrielles.

centrale supelec

2006 :

Signature d’un accord entre Centrale Paris, Supélec et Schlumberger pour la création d’un centre d’expertise commun.

centrale supelec

2006 :

Création avec le CNRS de C3S (Centrale Supélec Sciences des Systèmes), groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique visant à apporter des réponses efficaces aux systèmes complexes.

centrale supelec

2006 :

Ouverture réciproque aux étudiants des options de 3e année des 2 cycles ingénieurs.

centrale supelec

2006 :

Mise en place par les 2 Écoles d’un partenariat académique avec l’ESCP-EAP sur les thématiques scientifiques et sur le management en contexte international.

centrale supelec

2007 :

L’entité Centrale Paris-Supélec a le statut de membre fondateur du Pôle de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur (PRES) UniverSud Paris.

centrale supelec

2008 :

Centrale Paris rejoint Supélec dans deux des RTRA d’Île-de-France, Digitéo et le Triangle de la Physique.

centrale supelec

2008 :

Création d’un Master international dédié à l’ingéniérie nucléaire, en partenariat avec l’Université Paris-Sud, Paris Tech et le CEA avec le soutien de groupes industriels.

centrale supelec

2009 :

Création d’une option de 3e année commune dans le domaine de l’énergie. Soutenue par de nombreux partenaires industriels

centrale supelec

2009 :

d’un Groupement d’Intérêt Économique, GIE « Centrale Paris & Supélec », destiné à faciliter la valorisation de leur recherche commune.

centrale supelec

2009 :

Création du Collège des Sciences de l’Ingénierie et des Systèmes (CSIS), en partenariat avec l’ENS Cachan et l’Université Paris XI Orsay.

centrale supelec

2009 :

Création de la 1ère chaire commune « Sciences des Systèmes et défis énergétiques », soutenue par EDF.

centrale supelec

2010 :

Mise en place d’un double-diplôme avec l’université Paris-Sud.

centrale supelec

2010 :

Premier contrat du GIE avec General Electric, portant sur les aspects de visualisation d’images médicales.

centrale supelec

2010 :

Premier forum étudiants entreprises commun Centrale-Supélec, rassemblant près de 200 entreprises et 3000 étudiants.

centrale supelec

2011 :

Création de la marque CentraleSupélec.

centrale supelec

2011 :

Les écoles sont 2 partenaires essentiels et complémentaires des projets de laboratoires d’Excellence (Labex) et Equipex, et jouent un rôle décisif dans l’obtention du label « IDEX ».

centrale supelec

2012 :

Choix du projet architectural et urbain de l’agence OMA pour la future École Centrale Paris à Saclay.

centrale supelec

2012 :

Centrale Paris et Supélec remportent ensemble 2 Labex, dans le cadre de l’Université de Paris-Saclay.

centrale supelec

2012 :

Centrale Paris et Supélec sont membre fondateur de l’université Paris-Saclay, labellisée IDEX (Initiative d’Excellence).

centrale supelec

2013 :

Hervé Biausser est nommé Directeur de Supélec et reconduit à ses fonctions de Directeur de Centrale Paris.

centrale supelec

2014 :

Mise en place d’un catalogue commun de formation continue (Executive Education).

centrale supelec

2015 :

Création du nouveau Grand Établissement CentraleSupélec et fusion des activités de recherche.

centrale supelec

2015 :

Ouverture de l’École Centrale Casablanca au Maroc.

centrale supelec

2017 :

Inauguration du nouveau campus de Saclay et fermeture du campus de Châtenay-Malabry.

centrale supelec

2018 :

Mise en place du cursus Ingénieur CentraleSupélec.


CentraleSupélec is a public institution under ministerial charter, devoted to the sciences and engineering. This charter is shared between the Ministry of Higher Education,  Research and Innovation, and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital Technologies.

CentraleSupélec was officially established on January 1st, 2015, bringing together two leading engineering schools in France; Ecole Centrale Paris and Supélec. The co-operation between our two grandes écoles, as they are known in the French system, had progressively been gaining momentum since 2009, with sustained alliance in three core areas: engineering education, executive education and research.

Since 1969, our schools have shared the same admissions process; by way of competitive entrance examinations. The similarities in our respective student populations naturally led to a certain harmony in terms of our approach to innovation, entrepreneurship, internationalisation and leadership development. Our journey towards becoming CentraleSupélec, has allowed us to consolidate our research to cover all of the engineering and systems sciences.

Today we boast multiple campuses across the country; in the Paris region, Metz and Rennes. We have 4200 students and 370 faculty members and researchers, all of whom interact with our global network: three international campuses (China, India and Morocco) and five associated laboratories (Brazil, Canada, The United States and China). We also have successful partnerships with 176 international universities and 140 corporate institutions. Our academic and research excellence is nestled in our firm and fruitful cooperations with large national institutions such as the CNRS, CEA, INRIA, ISERM and ONERA.

We are:

  • ranked among the best universities in the world; 177th by QS;
  • ranked 28th by QS and 35th by THE in terms of employability.

The CentraleSupélec alumni network is 35 000 graduates strong, across a range of sectors in five continents.

CentraleSupélec is also a founding member of Université Paris-Saclay, the T.I.M.E Network and the Alliance 4Tech, in addition to being strategic partner to ESSEC Business School and holding the presidency of the Groupe École Centrale.

A rounded academic offering renowned for excellence

CentraleSupélec is a world-class institution with four core activities:

  • The prestigious Ingénieurs Généralistes program (currently under the Centrale and Supélec tracks respectively).
  • Research in the engineering and systems sciences.
  • The Doctoral Program, with its vibrant network of eight doctoral schools as well as a Masters program.
  • The Executive Education program which includes Specialised Masters (in 23 subject areas) and Executive Certificates.

A new engineering program in 2018

In 2018 we launched the new CentraleSupélec Engineering Curriculum. It is designed to emphasise student agency within a skill-building academic program; a program aimed at crafting expertise, fostering autonomy and nurturing career development from the very start.

At the heart of this program is the combination of the fundamental and the applied sciences, approached from a complex perspective within a multidisciplinary framework. These disciplines include mathematics, physics, computer science and technology, energy, mechanics and industrial engineering.

' CentraleSupélec is responding to needs of the global scientific community in shaping and supporting our students, within the current needs of society while leading it towards future trajectories. Our vision is that of the whole engineer. One who is independent-thinking as well as being socially and environmentally responsible. Be he or she a creator or a business leader, the CentraleSupélec graduate, will be able to bring together scientific excellence, technical expertise and an openness of spirit founded on the values of humanism, respect, sharing and co-operation; values that define us as an institution.'  Romain Soubeyran, President of CentraleSupélec.

A leading public institution with an international network

Ranked among the top 200 universities worldwide by QS, we have a network of 176 partner universities in 45 countries and 80 double-degree agreements.  Our international student population is at 30%, with 24% international faculty members, as well.  We have an alumni network of 35,000 people all over the world.

We also continue to develop our presence in China, India and other major countries of the future. In 2005, Ecole Centrale Paris, together with the Groupe Ecole Centrale , became the first top-tier French engineering school to export its pedagogical model abroad, with the creation of Ecole Centrale Pekin in China. In 2014, Mahindra Ecole Centrale was launched in India, and in 2015, Ecole Centrale Casablanca was launched in Morocco. In addition to our overseas campuses, we also have active partnerships with academic and research institutions around the world, with five associated international laboratories in China, United States, Singapore and Canada.

We are thus building a global group of schools and interconnected laboratories, which we intend to expand further in the years to come. Most recently, in October 2015, the École Centrale Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of São Paulo towards one day opening a school in Brazil. We are also working on the idea of a Southern African Ecole Centrale in Mauritius.

A leading engineering school within Paris-Saclay University

CentraleSupélec has been a key school in defining the Université Paris-Saclay project, the development of its Doctoral Schools, its Masters program, as well as creating the label of an Excellence Initiative (IDEX).

As a leading engineering school within Paris-Saclay University, we:

  •  co-direct five doctoral schools: Interfaces, SMEMG, STIC, EOBE, and Mathematics Jacques Hadamard
  • offer a wide range of subjects within the Masters programs. Between 2015 and 2019, the program was restructured around 14 titles and 40 courses
  • participate in 6 laboratories of excellence (LABEX) and 2 equipments of excellence (EQUIPEX)
  • partner with high-profile actors on the Plateau de Saclay (EDF R & D, CEA, CNRS, IRT SystemX, etc.)

A school for the future

Our world is experiencing unprecedented change, specifically through digital revolutions, and massive data. These transformations to society are not only real but bring with them immense challenges that our engineers of the future will need to steer.

We need engineers who can handle problems within increasingly complex systems, we need engineers who can think scientifically, and finally we need engineers who are truly innovative. Our vision at CentraleSupélec for our graduates is for them to be able to bring together diverse fields of expertise, to generate new solutions, to initiate and invoke change. Our mission is for our graduates to enter professional life with a strong focus on ethics, responsibility and citizenry, as well as with committed dialogue and actions on socio-environmental concerns.

We are the school of this changing world, we have been since 1829. We have, at every stage in our history, adjusted and adapted our curriculum and research to fit the times, to change with the times and most of all, our engineers have defined their times and will continue to do so in the future.

We shape the future by:

• training multidisciplinary engineer-entrepreneurs and experts in complex systems

  • developing innovative research responses to major technological, economic, social and environmental challenges
  • enabling practicing professionals to acquire the skills they need to adapt to change and make their businesses more competitive


Building the CentraleSupélec engineering curriculum

The design of the new curriculum, which will be held launched in September 2018, is one of CentraleSupélec's most important projects, affording us a unique opportunity to directly respond to the needs of society, employers and students; to rethink our pedagogy and to position ourselves within complex educational and societal issues.

The objectives assigned to the new curriculum are many, because it will have to equip engineering students with all the skills, abilities and values ​​that the 21st century demands, and to contextualise their educational journey with regard to their professional ambitions and, more broadly, their lives.

This new curriculum is built on deep philosophical belief that if knowledge is the foundation of all learning, acquiring that knowledge cannot be reduced to mere accumulation. CentraleSupélec’s  new curriculum will mark a significant detour from conventional student-teacher hierarchies and place our students within a dynamic centre stage, where learning itself is approached as a complex system. The new curriculum will focus on developing the skills of students to deal with situations in their entirety, with relevance, efficiency, creativity and sense of responsibility and most of all, to do so autonomously.


A new program in 2018


The students who will join the School in September 2018 in 1st year will be the first to follow the new curriculum, and graduate in 2021 as engineers from CentraleSupélec.


CentraleSupélec will not seek to deposit and accumulate knowledge but to truly develop our students’ skills, aptitudes and values.”
John Cagnol, Director of the New Curriculum.



The CentraleSupélec Campus in Paris-Saclay


In September 2017, CentraleSupélec has inaugurated its new campus in Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, which consists of four buildings, two of which are are brand new, and a total of 105,000 m2. The spaces are designed to promote interdisciplinary exchanges, collaboration and innovation.

Major facilities such as student housing, a learning center, a library, a gymnasium and sports fields will complement this space which, in the long term, will be clustered with ENS Paris-Saclay and Université Paris-Sud, on the Plateau du Moulon. Located 25km south of Paris, it will attract more than 30 000 people, including 8000 students and employees in the public and private sectors.

The Saclay campus of CentraleSupélec consist of 4 buildings:

  • The Breguet building, with 40,000 m2 dedicated to teaching and research, which was built in 1974 and will soon be renovated
  • The GeePs, the Paris Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory, located on Rue Joliot Curie on the Plateau du Moulon
  • The Eiffel Building, a new building of more than 40,000 m2 designed by the Dutch architectural agency OMA, which is managed by Rem Koolhaas. Known as the Eiffel Building, it is set to be a place for work and informal exchanges that will mix traditional teaching contexts with and spaces for collaborative work, laboratories, offices and catering.
  • The Bouygues Building, a second new building of approximately 25,000 m2, designed by the Swiss architectural firm Gigon / Guyer, which is used for teaching and research activities, as well as shared areas at the neighborhood level : a sports complex, teaching rooms, etc.

""This modern, avant-garde campus, connected to its neighborhood, city and world, will be one of the major attractions of the school."
Martine Beurton, Project Manager New Campus


Saclay 2.0: the sponsorship campaign dedicated to the new campus


With the support of some 60 partner companies and 3,500 graduates, the Ecole Centrale Paris Foundation in 2014 launched its new sponsorship campaign "Saclay 2.0", dedicated to the construction of the new CentraleSupélec campus. With the objective of bringing together, by 2010, 10% sponsorship of the construction budget, i.e. € 25 million. The campaign closed in 2015 with €16 million collected and 4,200 individual donors, demonstrating the alumni's attachment to their school and their enthusiasm for this magnificent project.

Commitment: Further Development of the Metz and Rennes Campuses

Although the success of the future Saclay campus is one of our key projects, we also place the further development of the Rennes and Metz campuses at the heart of our priorities. With 524 students, the Breton and Lorraine campuses shine through their research laboratories and their roots in the domains of SMEs and ETIs, which will play a major role in innovation and job creation.

Rennes campus


Since 1972, the CentraleSupélec campus in Rennes has been located in a sophisticated technological environment; the Rennes Atalante and MEITO technopole, where research centers, higher education institutions and leading corporations all come together. With 275 engineering students and 28 students in Specialized Masters, the campus hosts three specialised tracks: Automated Systems Engineering (ISA), Electronic Systems, Networks and Images (SERI), and Secure Information Systems (SIS).

The school also has 2 Specialized Masters: Cybersecurity (Security of Information Systems) in partnership with TELECOM Bretagne and Embedded Systems Architect. These academic activities are carried out in close liaison with the University of Rennes 1 within the doctoral school MATISSE and the Université Bretagne Loire.

CentraleSupélec, through its campus in Rennes, is also a founding member of the highly competitive hub Images et Réseaux and l'Institut de Recherche Technologique.

With the Rennes campus, CentraleSupélec is also a founding member of the Images & Réseaux international competitive cluster, as well as the Institute for Technological Research 


Metz campus


Opened in Lorraine in 1985, the CentraleSupélec campus in Metz has  221 students, spread over the three years of studies. The third-year options are open to all students of the School as part of inter-campus mobility. They cover the fields of "Photonics and Communication Systems" and "Interactive and Robotic Systems". The activities of continuing education and research are developed along the same themes, within the teaching and research teams of the campus.

The research teams on the Metz campus are IMS (Information, Multimodality & Signal) and OPTEL (Optics and electronics for telecoms). The Metz campus has an Associated Laboratory LMOPS: Laboratoire Matériaux Optiques, Photoniques et Systèmes with the University of Lorraine.


The biggest university in Europe


CentraleSupélec was present at all stages of the creation of the Université Paris-Saclay, which officially came into being on November 5, 2019, with the publication of its founding decree in the Journal Officiel. The school is a component establishment of the university, along with AgroParisTech, the Institut d'Optique Graduate School and the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.

Université Paris-Saclay offers a complete and varied range of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees, the quality of which is recognised internationally thanks to the reputation of its research and the commitment of its teaching staff. Its components and component institutions further expand this offer with cutting-edge thematic training in sciences and engineering, life sciences and health, social sciences and humanities.

With 275 laboratories shared with the CEA, CNRS, IHES, INRAE, INRIA, INSERM, ONERA, the University Paris-Saclay represents 13% of the French research potential. Composed of 65,000 students, 9,000 teachers and lecturers and 11,000 technical and administrative staff, the University of Paris-Saclay is a driving force for the development of its territory and one of the best institutions in France.

At the same time, the University's component establishments and components are working on the construction of the 17 Graduate Schools. Each Graduate School coordinates a set of master's degrees and training programmes, doctoral schools and research teams organised around a theme, one or more disciplines, or a mission.

CentraleSupélec coordinates the Graduate School "Engineering and Systems Sciences".

In a unique ecosystem bringing together academic centres and industrial partners within the same territory, this "Engineering and Systems" Graduate School offers recognised master's and doctoral level courses in the fields of Engineering Sciences and associated digital sciences. These training courses open the way to professional integration into the Research and Development environment in France or abroad. The Graduate School has more than 1,400 Master's students and 600 PhDs graduating each year in several major research themes: materials, mechanics, civil engineering, industrial engineering, optics, electronics, telecommunications, electrical engineering, robotics, applied mathematics and numerics, high-performance computing, biomedical imaging, biotechnologies...

This Graduate School brings together more than sixty research laboratories that contribute to responding, through research and innovation, to major societal challenges. To prepare for tomorrow's world, it seeks to strike a balance between the ecological and economic development of our societies by conducting research at the best global level.  The increase in the international visibility of French engineering science education enables the Graduate School to attract the best students in its various training cycles.

CentraleSupélec's ambition between 2020 and 2024 is therefore to successfully launch this Graduate School to make it a strong point of Paris Saclay University.

The School has also chosen to be an operator in five other Graduate Schools:

    Higher education and research
    Computer Sciences
    Institute of Light Sciences






Flagship projects

CentraleSupélec is a leader within Université Paris-Saclay. We are responsible for the synergy between the academic and industrial actors on the Board and we generate ideas and projects that contribute to the success of the institution.

A search for leadership

It is primarily through our research that we at CentraleSupélec have established ourselves as a pillar of the Paris-Saclay cluster.

  • In 2009, we created the College of Sciences of Engineering and Systems (CSIS)
  • We have won 12 bids to tender under the Investments of Future program, designed to equip Université Paris-Saclay with laboratories and shared equipment of excellence.

We have also participated in 6 laboratories of excellence (LABEX) and 2 equipments of excellence (EQUIPEX) and co-directs 5 Université of Paris-Saclay Doctoral Schools.

Find out our Research Center


