Course description

Courses are staggered thoughout the semester. Exams take place at the end of each course.

Spring Semester 2019 (January 28th - June 28th)

The courses are either taught in French (F) or in English (E).
In the following list, by clicking on the name of the course, you will find precise information about it (description, main content, duration, exams schedule).


International students will have the possibilty to take part in an Innovation Project. This is an opportunity to work on a project with other students and develop team work skills. The incoming international students will choose a project that interests them upon arrival. 9 ECTS will be awarded upon successful completion.

Language of instruction

International students usually take French and/or English courses.

International Semester Program @CS

Broaden your horizons by spending a semester or a full academic year at CentraleSupélec. You can design your own academic path by choosing courses in English in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science and Applied Maths, Applied Physics or Industrial Engineering and more.

Location & Campus Life

The CentraleSupélec, Châtenay Campus is located in a southern suburb, just 30 minutes from the Paris city center:

Grande Voie des Vignes
92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France

On campus housing is guaranteed for international students. 
There are more than 1000 students representing 30 nationalities on campus. International students have the possibility of getting involved in a range of student organizations.


Centrale supélec


We offer four tracks entirely in English in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE), Computer Science/Applied Math, Applied Physics and Industrial Engineering. It is also possible to choose courses taught in French to personalize your study program.


How to apply

If you wish to apply to CentraleSupélec Semester Abroad Program, you must contact the International Affairs Office of your home institution to be nominated.

 Once you have been nominated by your Home Institution to CentraleSupélec, you will receive email instructions from our office.

  • International Relations Offices are required to nominate their students wishing to apply for a Student exchange Program on Moveonnet.

    • Deadline for Fall Semester nominations : up to end of March

    • Deadline for Spring Semester nominations : mid-October

  • You should then apply online following the email instructions.

    • Deadline for Fall Semester application : mid-April

    • Deadline for Spring Semester application : beginning of November

The international Office of the home institution will be informed of the students' admission by email. If accepted, the student will receive an official letter.



Enjoy an intensive two-week program in Sustainability operated jointly with the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden), the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary), the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) and the Istanbul Technical University (Turkey) and get ECTS!



Paris Digital Lab recruits the best software engineering talents from top universities worldwide.


MSc in Datascience and Business Analytics

Combine the best of business and engineering in a very innovative and complete program in data sciences and business analytics, jointly coordinated by CentraleSupélec and ESSEC Business School.


Graduate Year Program

CentraleSupélec awards specialization diplomas in its main fields of expertise:

  • Automation
  • Energy
  • IT
  • Telecommunications
  • Signal Processing and Electronics

The specialization program is similar to the 3rd year of one of the Supélec Engineering program majors: a period of six months comprising classes, study groups, experimental activities and projects, followed by end-of-studies work in a company. The degree obtained specifies the speciality. Students must have obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent (five years of higher education) in order to apply.

Double Degree


Since 1989, CentraleSupélec has developed partnerships with high-ranking international universities in order to forge double-degree agreements.

Today, students from more than 80 universities with double degree agreements spend two years completing their engineering studies with CentraleSupélec and can simultaneously obtain engineering diplomas from the school and from their home universities.

Conditions of admission

Students must be registered with a partner university that has signed a double-degree agreement with CentraleSupélec (Supélec/École Centrale Engineering programs); these students may apply once they have been nominated by the International Relations office of their home universities

Double degree programs:

  • 1st year + 2nd year double degree (3rd & 4th year of higher education)

International students having completed at least two years of higher education studies can apply to CentraleSupélec for the 1st year (Supélec or École Centrale Engineering programs) and return to their home universities to finalize their Master’s degree or equivalent

  • 2A+3A double degree (4th & 5th year of higher education)

International students having completed at least three years of higher education can apply for the CentraleSupélec Engineering program to enter in the 2nd year.

For further information, please contact :

Direction of Research  :
Tél. : +33(0)1 75 31 61 03


Director of Research

Tel. : +33 (0)1 75 31 61 03

Bernard YANNOU
Deputy Director of Research & Industry Partnerships
Tél. : +33 (0) 1 75 31 65 21 – E-mail :

Bernard JOUGA
Associate Director, Research & Industry Partnerships - Campus of Rennes
Tel. : +33(0)2 99 84 45 28 - E-mail :

Stéphane MARCHAL
Associate Director, Research & Industry Partnerships - Campus of Metz
Tel. : +33(0)3 87 76 47 68 - E-mail :


The CentraleSupélec program will be organized according to thematic modules, each lasting eight weeks, combining theory, methodology and cross-disciplinary relevance on a given topic.

Each student must take ten modules over the course of their program. They can also take interdisciplinary, language and sports courses and must also complete a large project.

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Centrale supélec

A global School of Engineering
