Dernières publications

Article dans une revue
User Experience of Visualizations in Motion: A Case Study and Design Considerations
Lijie Yao, Federica Bucchieri, Victoria Mcarthur, Anastasia Bezerianos, Petra Isenberg
Article dans une revue
PREVis: Perceived Readability Evaluation for Visualizations
Anne-Flore Cabouat, Tingying He, Petra Isenberg, Tobias Isenberg
Article dans une revue
Talk to the Wall: The Role of Speech Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics
Gabriela Molina León, Anastasia Bezerianos, Olivier Gladin, Petra Isenberg
Article dans une revue
Objective and subjective evaluation of speech enhancement methods in the UDASE task of the 7th CHiME challenge
Simon Leglaive, Matthieu Fraticelli, Hend ElGhazaly, Léonie Borne, Mostafa Sadeghi, Scott Wisdom, Manuel Pariente, John R. Hershey, Daniel Pressnitzer, Jon P. Barker
Article dans une revue
Investigating the formation and growth of Titan's atmospheric aerosols using an experimental approach
Zoé Perrin, Nathalie Carrasco, Thomas Gautier, Nathalie Ruscassier, Julien Maillard, Carlos Afonso, Ludovic Vettier
Article dans une revue
Article dans une revue
DiffFit: Visually-Guided Differentiable Fitting of Molecule Structures to a Cryo-EM Map
Deng Luo, Zainab Alsuwaykit, Dawar Khan, Ondřej Strnad, Tobias Isenberg, Ivan Viola
Article dans une revue
Advanced FE-based multimodal correlation analyses for the characterization of woven composite
Andrija Zaplatić, Zvonimir Tomičević, Xuyang Chang, Petar Kosec, Stéphane Roux, François Hild
Article dans une revue
Image-based simulation of mitral valve dynamic closure including anisotropy
Nariman Khaledian, Pierre-Frédéric Villard, Peter Hammer, Douglas Perrin, Marie-Odile Berger
