Guillaume Lame

guillaume.lame [at]

Mots clés :

  • Healthcare systems engineering, health services research

Publications :

  • Communication dans un congrès - 29 documents
    • Valeria Pannunzio, Alexander Komashie, Sebastian Walsh, Richard Milne, Timoleon Kipouros, Guillaume Lamé, Anja Maier, Carol Brayne, P. John Clarkson. Exploring indicators of system-of-systems resilience: outcomes of a health systems design workshop at an international conference, 2024-05. (
    • A. La Rosa, Guillaume Lamé, M. Vaterkowski, M. Cuggia, B. Campillo-Gimenez, C. Tournigand, B. Baujat, C. Daniel, E. Kempf. Modalités d'identification des patients éligibles à l'inclusion dans des essais cliniques en oncologie : une étude qualitative dans le cadre du programme PENELOPE, 2024-04-04. (
    • A. Cohen, M. El Mejdani, T. Cassam Chenai, Guillaume Lamé, S. Priou, G. Chatellier, R. Flicoteaux, E. Kempf. Impact de la COVID-19 sur la prise en charge des patients atteints de cancer en fin de vie à l'AP-HP, 2024-04-04. (
    • Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, Marija Jankovic, Emmanuelle Kempf. “In conferences, everyone goes ‘health data is the future’ ”: an interview study on challenges in re-using EHR data for research in Clinical Data Warehouses, 2023-11. (
    • S. Marty, Guillaume Lamé, E. Guével, Sonia Priou, G. Chatellier, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. 1690O Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak on the initial clinical presentation of new solid cancer diagnoses: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2023-10-20. (
    • Sayfeddine Eddous, Guillaume Lamé, Benoît Decante, Bernard Yannou, Antoine Agathon, Laure Aubrège, Valérie Talon, Éléonore Dacosta-Noble. Current and potential applications of 3D printing in a general hospital, 2023-07-24. (
    • Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, Marija Jankovic, Gilles Chatellier, Romain Bey, Christophe Tournigand, Christel Daniel, Emmanuelle Kempf. Why Are Data Missing in Clinical Data Warehouses? A Simulation Study of How Data Are Processed (and Can Be Lost), 2023-05-22. (
    • Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, R. Flicoteaux, E. Guével, G. Chatellier, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. Valeur ajoutée des algorithmes de traitement automatique du langage: exemple de la prise en charge du cancer du pancréas à l'Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, 2023-03-16. (
    • E. Guével, S. Priou, Guillaume Lamé, R. Flicoteaux, Christophe Tournigand, G. Chatellier, E. Kempf. Utilisation du traitement automatique du langage pour le calcul et le suivi d'indicateurs de qualité de la prise en charge du cancer du sein, 2023-03-16. (
    • Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, Marija Jankovic, Romain Bey, Christel Daniel, Gilles Chatellier, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. Conséquences de la crise Covid-19 en oncologie médicale : promesses, réalisations et défis d'un entrepôt de données de santé, 2022-07-06. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, S. Huynh-Dagher, A. Komashie, M. Jankovic, T.-A. Duong. Is Anybody Listening? A Citation Analysis of Healthcare Design Research Articles Published in Design Journals, 2022-05-23. (
    • Nicholas Ciccone, François Patou, Alexander Komashie, Guillaume Lamé, P. John Clarkson, Anja Maier. Healthcare systems design: a sandbox of current research themes presented at an international meeting, 2020. (
    • Andreas Makoto Hein, Guillaume Lamé. Evaluating engineering design methods: taking inspiration from software engineering and the health sciences, 2020. (
    • S. Huynh, Guillaume Lamé, T. Hubiche, K. Ezzedine, T.-A. Duong. Google trends peut-il prédire de nouveaux signes cutanés durant les épidémies ?, 2020. (
    • Guillaume Lamé. Systematic Literature Reviews: An Introduction, 2019-08-05. (
    • Alexander Komashie, Guillaume Lamé, Francois ; Patou, Nicholas ; Ciccone, Anja Maier, P. John Clarkson. Exploring Healthcare Systems Design Research and Practice: Outcomes of an International Meeting, 2019-08-05. (
    • Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel, Guillaume Lamé. Adapting the FBS model of designing for usage-driven innovation processes, 2018-08-26. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel. Analyzing RID Methodology through the Lens of Innovative Abduction, 2018-05-21. (
    • Guillaume Lamé. Position Paper: On Design Research Engaging With Healthcare Systems, 2018-05-21. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal, Oualid Jouini, Muriel Carvalho, Christophe Tournigand, Pierre Wolkenstein. A Multimethodology for Hospital Process Redesign, 2017-08-21. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Oualid Jouini, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal. Combining the Viable System Model and Kotter’s 8 Steps for Multidepartment Integration in Hospitals, 2017-05-03. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Oualid Jouini, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal, Muriel Carvalho, Christophe Tournigand, Pierre Wolkenstein. Patient-Hospital Communication: a Platform to Improve Outpatient Chemotherapy, 2016-12-11. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Oualid Jouini, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal. Chimiothérapie ambulatoire : revue critique avec cas d'étude, 2016-07-11. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal, Oualid Jouini. Organizational redesign: insights from ethnographic study before simulation, 2016-05-16. (
    • Thomas Luft, Guillaume Lamé, Joseph Ponn, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal, Sandro Wartzack. A Business Model Canvas for iDecide - How to Design a New Decision Making App?, 2016-05-16. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Tu Anh Duong, Marija Jankovic, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal, Oualid Jouini. Analysis of Implementation of Care Coordination in a Multi-level Care Provider Organization: A Need for Systems Approaches, 2015-11-23. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Yann Leroy, Sébastien Lasvaux. Identifying needs for new ecodesign tools with the DSM value bucket tool - an example in the construction industry, 2015-07-27. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Yann Leroy. Ecoconception des bâtiments : pratiques actuelles et freins à l'utilisation des outils d'écoconception - Une étude en France, 2015-03-31. (
    • Yann Leroy, François Cluzel, Guillaume Lamé. Comparing Sustainable Performance of Industrial System Alternatives by Integrating Environment, Costs, Clients and Exploitation Context, 2014-08-17. (
  • POSTER - 5 documents
    • Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, M. Jankovic, Emmanuelle Kempf. « Tous les congrès où l'on va, on dit que ‘les données de santé, c'est l'avenir’ » : étude par entretiens des défis de la réutilisation des données de santé, 2024-04-04. (
    • S. Priou, H. Demeure, Guillaume Lamé, G. Chatellier, R. Flicoteaux, E. Kempf. Identification et caractérisation des patients pris en charge à l'AP-HP pour deux cancers, 2024-04-04. (
    • Sonia Priou, E. Guével, Guillaume Lamé, J. Wassermann, R. Bey, C. Uzan, G. Chatellier, Y. Belkacémi, X. Tannier, S. Guillerm, R. Flicoteaux, J. Gligorov, A. Cohen, M-A. Benderra, L. Teixeira, C. Daniel, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. 463P Impact of two waves of Sars-Cov-2 outbreak on the clinical presentation and outcomes of newly referred breast cancer cases at AP-HP: A retrospective multicenter cohort study, 2023-10-20. (
    • O. Rohr, Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, G. Chatelier, S. Babai, S. Gallien, R. Flicoteaux, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. 2080P Incidence and risks of intravenous chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (ICIN) in oncology: A multicenter retrospective cohort study on real-life data, 2023-10-20. (
    • Yann Leroy, Guillaume Lamé, François Cluzel, Soumaya Yazidi. Development opportunities of ecodesign tools for the building sector - A French case-study, 2015-08-30. (
  • Article dans une revue - 31 documents
    • Tanya Cassam Chenai, Mohamed El Mejdani, Ariel Cohen, Sonia Priou, Gilles Chatellier, Rémi Flicoteaux, Alaa Mhalla, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf, Guillaume Lamé. Hospital end-of-life care aggressiveness in adult solid tumour patients pre and post COVID-19: retrospective multicentre cohort study, 2024-03-27. (
    • Simon Marty, Guillaume Lamé, Etienne Guével, Sonia Priou, Gilles Chatellier, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. Impact of the Sars-Cov-2 outbreak on the initial clinical presentation of new solid cancer diagnoses: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 2024-01-29. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Alexander Komashie, Carol Sinnott, Tom Bashford. Design as a quality improvement strategy: the case for design expertise, 2024. (
    • Elisa Giulia Liberati, Graham P Martin, Guillaume Lamé, Justin Waring, Carolyn Tarrant, Janet Willars, Mary Dixon-Woods. What can Safety Cases offer for patient safety? A multisite case study, 2024. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Elisa Giulia Liberati, Aneurin Canham, Jenni Burt, Lisa Hinton, Tim Draycott, Cathy Winter, Francesca Helen Dakin, Natalie Richards, Lucy Miller, Janet Willars, Mary Dixon-Woods. Why is safety in intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring so hard? A qualitative study combining human factors/ergonomics and social science analysis, 2024. (
    • Etienne Guével, Sonia Priou, Rémi Flicoteaux, Guillaume Lamé, Romain Bey, Xavier Tannier, Ariel Cohen, Gilles Chatellier, Christel Daniel, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. Development of a Natural Language Processing Model for deriving breast cancer quality indicators : A cross-sectional, multicenter study, 2023-12. (
    • Etienne Guével, Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, Johanna Wassermann, Romain Bey, Catherine Uzan, Gilles Chatellier, Yazid Belkacemi, Xavier Tannier, Sophie Guillerm, Rémi Flicoteaux, Joseph Gligorov, Ariel Cohen, Marc-Antoine Benderra, Luis Teixeira, Christel Daniel, Barbara Hersant, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical presentation, treatments, and outcomes of new breast cancer patients: A retrospective multicenter cohort study, 2023-11. (
    • Emmanuelle Kempf, Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, Alexis Laurent, Etienne Guével, Stylianos Tzedakis, Romain Bey, David Fuks, Gilles Chatellier, Xavier Tannier, Gilles Galula, Rémi Flicoteaux, Christel Daniel, Christophe Tournigand. No changes in clinical presentation, treatment strategies and survival of pancreatic cancer cases during the SARS‐COV‐2 outbreak: A retrospective multicenter cohort study on real‐world data, 2023-08-04. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Sonya Crowe, Alexander Komashie, Geoff Royston. Joining forces: the value of design partnering with operational research to improve healthcare delivery, 2023. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Antuela Tako, Maaike Kleinsmann. Using participatory systems approaches to improve healthcare delivery, 2023. (
    • Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, Gerard Zalcman, Marie Wislez, Romain Bey, Gilles Chatellier, Jacques Cadranel, Xavier Tannier, Laurent Zelek, Christel Daniel, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. Influence of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak on management and prognosis of new lung cancer cases, a retrospective multicenter real-life cohort study, 2022-09-01. (
    • Carol Sinnott, Jordan M Moxey, Sonja Marjanovic, Brandi Leach, Lucy Hocking, Sarah Ball, Alexandros Georgiadis, Guillaume Lamé, Janet Willars, Mary Dixon-Woods. Identifying how GPs spend their time and the obstacles they face: a mixed-methods study, 2022-02. (
    • Emmanuelle Kempf, Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, Christel Daniel, Ali Bellamine, Daniele Sommacale, Yazid Belkacemi, Romain Bey, Gilles Galula, Namik Taright, Xavier Tannier, Bastien Rance, Rémi Flicoteaux, François Hemery, Etienne Audureau, Gilles Chatellier, Christophe Tournigand. Impact of two waves of Sars‐Cov2 outbreak on the number, clinical presentation, care trajectories and survival of patients newly referred for a colorectal cancer: A French multicentric cohort study from a large group of University hospitals, 2022. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Sonya Crowe, Matthew Barclay. ‘What’s the evidence?’—Towards more empirical evaluations of the impact of OR interventions in healthcare, 2022. (
    • Solène Huynh Dagher, Guillaume Lamé, Tu Anh Duong, Marija Jankovic. Design research in healthcare: a systematic literature review of key design journals, 2022. (
    • Anna H Noel-Storr, Patrick Redmond, Guillaume Lamé, Elisa Liberati, Sarah Kelly, Lucy Miller, Gordon Dooley, Andy Paterson, Jenni Burt. Crowdsourcing citation-screening in a mixed-studies systematic review: a feasibility study, 2021-12. (
    • Sarah Kelly, Patrick Redmond, Sarah King, Clare Oliver-Williams, Guillaume Lamé, Elisa Liberati, Isla Kuhn, Cathy Winter, Tim Draycott, Mary Dixon-Woods, Jenni Burt. Training in the use of intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring with cardiotocography: Systematic review and meta-analysis, 2021-08. (
    • Emmanuelle Kempf, Guillaume Lamé, Richard Layese, Sonia Priou, Gilles Chatellier, Hedi Chaieb, Marc-Antoine Benderra, Ali Bellamine, Romain Bey, Stéphane Bréant, Gilles Galula, Namik Taright, Xavier Tannier, Thomas Guyet, Elisa Salamanca, Etienne Audureau, Christel Daniel, Christophe Tournigand. New cancer cases at the time of SARS-Cov2 pandemic and related public health policies: A persistent and concerning decrease long after the end of national lockdown, 2021-06. (
    • Tu Anh Duong, Guillaume Lamé, Ouidad Zehou, Charbel Al Skayem, Patricia Monnet, Mohammed El Khemiri, Sonia Boudjemil, Gaëlle Hirsch, Pierre Wolkenstein, Marija Jankovic. A process modelling approach to assess the impact of teledermatology deployment onto the skin tumor care pathway, 2021-02. (
    • Solène Huynh Dagher, Guillaume Lamé, Thomas Hubiche, Khaled Ezzedine, Tu Anh Duong. The influence of media coverage and governmental policies on Google queries related to COVID-19 cutaneous symptoms: Infodemiology study, 2021. (
    • Sonia Priou, Guillaume Lamé, Gilles Chatellier, Christophe Tournigand, Emmanuelle Kempf. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on colorectal cancer care in France, 2021. (
    • Flore Vallet, Jakob Puchinger, Alexandra Millonig, Guillaume Lamé, Isabelle Nicolaï. Tangible futures: Combining scenario thinking and personas—A pilot study on urban mobility, 2020-03-02. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Rebecca K. Simmons. From behavioural simulation to computer models: how simulation can be used to improve healthcare management and policy, 2020. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Mary Dixon-Woods. Using clinical simulation to study how to improve quality and safety in healthcare, 2020. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Oualid Jouini, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal. Combining Soft Systems Methodology, Ethnographic Observation and Discrete-Event Simulation: A Case Study in Cancer Care, 2020. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal, Jouini Oualid. Methods and Contexts: Challenges of Planning with Scenarios in a Hospital’s Division, 2019-01. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Elisa Liberati, Jenni Burt, Tim Draycott, Cathy Winter, James Ward, Mary Dixon-Woods. IMproving the practice of intrapartum electronic fetal heart rate MOnitoring with cardiotocography for safer childbirth (the IMMO programme): Protocol for a qualitative study, 2019. (
    • Natasha Marie Kriznik, Guillaume Lamé, Mary Dixon-Woods. Challenges in making standardisation work in healthcare: lessons from a qualitative interview study of a line-labelling policy in a UK region, 2019. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel. Usage-driven problem design for radical innovation in healthcare, 2018-01. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Yann Leroy, Bernard Yannou. Ecodesign tools in the construction sector: analyzing usage inadequacies with designers' needs, 2017-04. (
    • Guillaume Lamé, Oualid Jouini, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal. Outpatient Chemotherapy Planning: a Literature Review with Insights from a Case Study, 2016. (
  • Pré-publication, Document de travail - 1 document
    • Guillaume Lamé, Tom Bashford, Sonya Crowe, Luca Grieco, Coco Newton, Saba Hinrichs-Krapels. Implementation of operational research methods in healthcare: protocol for a literature review, 2024. (
  • ISSUE - 1 document
    • Guillaume Lamé, Antuela Tako, Maaike Kleinsmann. Using participatory systems approaches to improve healthcare delivery, 2023. (
  • Chapitre d'ouvrage - 1 document
    • Bernard Yannou, Guillaume Lamé, François Cluzel. Radical Innovation Design: Innover par les usages grâce à l’identification de poches de valeur, 2018-01-01. (
  • Thèse - 1 document