Benoit Valiron

benoit.valiron [at]

Mots clés :

  • méthodes formelles, logique et langages de programmation, calcul quantique

Publications :

  • Pre-submission / Working document - 2 documents
  • Communication on a congress - 32 documents
  • HDR - 1 document
  • Work chapter - 1 document
  • PROCEEDINGS - 2 documents
    • Shane Mansfield, Benoît Valiron, Vladimir Zamdzhiev. Proceedings 20th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic, 2023-07. (
    • Benoît Valiron, Shane Mansfield, Pablo Arrighi, Prakash Panangaden. Proceedings 17th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic, 2021-09-06. (
  • Article in a review - 14 documents
    • Pablo Arrighi, Christopher Cedzich, Marin Costes, Ulysse Rémond, Benoît Valiron. Addressable quantum gates, 2023-04-24. (
    • Théodore Chapuis-Chkaiban, Zeno Toffano, Benoît Valiron. On new PageRank computation methods using quantum computing, 2023-03. (
    • Nicolas Heurtel, Andreas Fyrillas, Grégoire De Gliniasty, Raphaël Le Bihan, Sébastien Malherbe, Marceau Pailhas, Eric Bertasi, Boris Bourdoncle, Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, Rawad Mezher, Luka Music, Nadia Belabas, Benoît Valiron, Pascale Senellart, Shane Mansfield, Jean Senellart. Perceval: A Software Platform for Discrete Variable Photonic Quantum Computing, 2023-02-21. (
    • Benoît Valiron. Semantics of quantum programming languages: Classical control, quantum control, 2022-08. (
    • Nicolas Heurtel, Shane Mansfield, Jean Senellart, Benoît Valiron. Strong Simulation of Linear Optical Processes, 2022-06-21. (
    • Timothée Goubault de Brugière, Marc Baboulin, Benoît Valiron, Simon Martiel, Cyril Allouche. Decoding techniques applied to the compilation of CNOT circuits for NISQ architectures, 2022. (
    • Timothée Goubault de Brugière, Marc Baboulin, Benoît Valiron, Simon Martiel, Cyril Allouche. Gaussian elimination versus Greedy methods for the synthesis of linear reversible circuits, 2021. (
    • Timothee Goubault De Brugiere, Marc Baboulin, Benoît Valiron, Simon Martiel, Cyril Allouche. Reducing the depth of linear reversible quantum circuits, 2021. (
    • Timothée Goubault de Brugière, Marc Baboulin, Benoît Valiron, Cyril Allouche. Quantum circuits synthesis using Householder transformations, 2020-03. (
    • Benoît Valiron. A Formal Analysis of Quantum Algorithms, 2018-01. (
    • Pablo Arrighi, Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Benoît Valiron. The vectorial λ-calculus, 2017-06. (
    • Artur Scherer, Benoît Valiron, Mau Siun-Chuon, D. Scott Alexander, Eric van den Berg, Thomas Chapuran. Concrete Resource Analysis of the Quantum Linear System Algorithm used to Compute the Electromagnetic Scattering Cross Section of a 2D Target, 2017-01-25. (
    • Benoît Valiron, Neil J. Ross, Peter Selinger, D. Scott Alexander, Jonathan M. Smith. Programming the quantum future, 2015-08. (
    • Ali Assaf, Alejandro Díaz-Caro, Simon Perdrix, Christine Tasson, Benoît Valiron. Call-by-value, call-by-name and the vectorial behaviour of the algebraic λ-calculus, 2014-12-09. (
  • Other submission - 1 document
  • Dissertation - 1 document