Eric Laboure

Laboratoire Génie Électrique et Électronique de PariS
eric.laboure [at]
Publications :
- Communication on a congress - 60 documents
- Anatole Desreveaux, Clement Mayet, Olivier Béthoux, Eric Labouré, Alessio Iovine, William Pasillas-Lépine, Francis Roy. Energetic Macroscopic Representation of a Partial Power Converter based Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle, 2024-10-07. (
- Anatole Desreveaux, Eric Labouré, Olivier Béthoux, Clement Mayet, Alessio Iovine, William Pasillas-Lépine, Francis Roy. Fast Computational Dynamic Model of Traction Drive for Electric Vehicles, 2022-11-01. (
- Ansaar Dada, Eric Labouré, Mohamed Bensetti, Xavier Yang, Benoît George, Mathieu Caujolle. Machine learning metamodeling of harmonic sources in LV distribution networks, 2022-05-29. (
- Hamid Ben Hamed, Olivier Bethoux, Antoine Cizeron, Hoang Emmanuel, Anthony Juton, Eric Laboure, Adrien Mercier, Eric Monmasson, Javier Ojeda, Loic Queval, Ghislain Remy. Electric Traction Chain with Segmented Power Supply, 2021-09-06. (
- Ansaar Dada, Eric Labouré, Mohamed Bensetti, Xavier Yang, F. Couronné, Mathieu Caujolle. Enhanced machine learning method for nonlinear harmonic source modelling, 2021-09. (
- H. Ben Ahmed, Olivier Bethoux, Antoine Cizeron, Hoang Emmanuel, Anthony Juton, Eric Laboure, Adrien Mercier, Eric Monmasson, Javier Ojeda, Loïc Queval, Ghislain Remy. Les enjeux du concept CTAF : Chaîne de Traction à Alimentation Fractionnée, 2021-07-06. (
- Guillaume Devos, Maya Hage-Hassan, Philippe Dessante, Cyrille Gautier, Adrien Mercier, Eric Labouré. Optimization strategy for the sizing of passive magnetic components, 2020-09-07. (
- Benjamin Loyer, Mickael Petit, Morgan Almanza, Eric Labouré. Impact of a Non-Perfect Transformer in the Behavior of Three Phase Resonant Converter, 2020-06-07. (
- Karim Kadem, Fouad Cheriet, Eric Labouré, Mohamed Bensetti, Yann Le Bihan, Mustapha Debbou. Sensorless Vehicle Detection for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer, 2019-09-03. (
- Karim Kadem, Yann Le Bihan, Mohamed Bensetti, Eric Labouré, Antoine Diet, Mustapha Debbou. Reduction of the shielding effect on the coupling factor of an EV WPT system, 2019-06-18. (
- Benjamin Loyer, Mickael Petit, Eric Labouré. Conception and command of a three phase series resonant converter under unbalanced condition, 2019-05-07. (
- Benjamin Loyer, Mickael Petit, Bertrand Revol, Eric Labouré. Méthodologie de choix de noyaux et comparaison de topologies de bobinages : application aux alimentations à résonance, 2018-07-03. (
- Shuangfeng Zhang, Eric Labouré, Denis Labrousse, Stéphane Lefebvre. Thermoelectric Cooling for Bare Dies Power Devices Embedded in PCB Substrates, 2018-06-05. (
- Shuangfeng Zhang, Eric Labouré, Denis Labrousse, Stéphane Lefebvre. Inverse Thermal Model of Temperature-to-Power Mapping for eGaN Systems, 2018-06-05. (
- Karim Kadem, Mohamed Bensetti, Yann Le Bihan, Eric Labouré, Antoine Diet, Mustapha Debbou. Caractérisation d’un coupleur magnétique pour le transfert d’énergie sans contact, 2017-12-13. (
- Houcine Daou, Menouar Ameziani, Dominique Lhotellier, François Costa, Mickael Petit, Eric Labouré. Dynamic electric model for IGBT power module based on Q3D® and Simplorer®: 3D Layout design, stray inductance estimation, experimental verifications, 2016-11-02. (
- Chenjiang Yu, Cyril Buttay, Eric Labouré. Improving the thermal management of power GaN devices, 2016-09-25. (
- Cyril Buttay, Chenjiang Yu, Eric Labouré, Vincent Bley, Céline Combettes. EDT for Power Devices, 2016-09-22. (
- Chenjiang Yu, Cyril Buttay, Eric Labouré, Vincent Bley, Céline Combettes, Gilles Brillat. Comparison of topside contact layouts for power dies embedded in PCB, 2016-09-13. (
- Hocine Daou, François Costa, Mickael Petit, Eric Labouré, Menouar Ameziani, Dominique Lhotellier. Module onduleur de puissance : Modélisation 3D, Estimation des éléments parasites, établissement d'un modèle électrique, 2016-06-07. (
- C. Buttay, C. Yu, E. Labouré, Vincent Bley, Céline Combettes. Embedded Device Technology for Power Devices, 2016. (
- Chenjiang Yu, Éric Labouré, Cyril Buttay. Thermal management of lateral GaN power devices, 2015-05-03. (
- Chenjiang Yu, Cyril Buttay, Eric Labouré, Vincent Bley, Céline Combettes. Highly integrated power electronic converters using active devices embedded in printed-circuit board, 2015-04-21. (
- Sidath Diao, Demba Diallo, Eric Labouré. A nonlinear observer for DC Bus Voltage estimation and Sensor Diagnosis for a Battery Charger used in Automotive Systems, 2015. (
- Julien Brunello, Jeremy Bourdon, François Forest, Thierry Meynard, Eric Labouré, Jean-Jacques Huselstein. Modèles analytiques simplifiés des composants de puissance passifs et actifs pour la conception optimale de convertisseurs, 2014-07-08. (
- Abdelfatah Kolli, Olivier Béthoux, Alexandre de Bernardinis, Eric Labouré, Gérard Coquery. Sensitivity analysis of the control of a three-phase open-end winding H-bridge drive, 2014-06-15. (
- Cyrille Gautier, Fabien Adam, Eric Labouré, Bertrand Revol, Denis Labrousse. Control for the currents balancing of a multicell interleaved converter with ICT, 2013-09-02. (
- Samantha Lacroix, Mickaël Hilairet, Eric Labouré. Design of an Integrated Fast Battery Charger Controller on a FPGA Board, 2012-10-25. (
- Fabien Adam, Cyrille Gautier, Bertrand Revol, Eric Labouré. Onduleur multicellulaire à ICT : équilibrage par la commande, 2012-07-05. (
- Samantha Lacroix, Mickaël Hilairet, Eric Labouré. Conception d'un correcteur RST adapté aux références sinusoïdales, appliqué à un convertisseur AC/DC, 2012-07-04. (
- Marwan Ali, Eric Labouré, François Costa, Bertrand Revol, Cyrille Gautier. Hybrid Integrated EMC filter for CM and DM EMC Suppression in a DC-DC Power converter, 2012-03-06. (
- Thierry A. Meynard, E. Labouré. Les convertisseurs multicellulaires : un saut qualitatif dans la conversion d’énergie électrique mais quel impact sur la CEM ?, 2012. (
- Samantha Lacroix, Mickaël Hilairet, Eric Labouré. A high performance RST controller for on board battery charger, 2011-11. (
- Cyrille Gautier, Fabien Adam, Eric Labouré, Bertrand Revol. EMC behavior of PWM inverter structure based on coupled interleaved cells using Intercell Transformers, 2011. (
- Samantha Lacroix, Mickaël Hilairet, Eric Labouré. Design of a battery-charger controller for electric vehicle based on RST controller, 2011. (
- Karim Zehani, Frederic Mazaleyrat, Vincent Loyau, Alexander Pasko, Eric Labouré. Effet de la température et du temps de frittage sur les propriétés du ferrite NiCuZn :Co fritté avec le procédé Spark Plasma Sintering ( SPS ) et réalisation d'une inductance intégrès., 2010-09-30. (
- Samantha Lacroix, Eric Labouré, Mickaël Hilairet. An Integrated Fast Battery Charger for Electric Vehicle, 2010-09. (
- Karim Zehani, Frédéric Mazaleyrat, Vincent Loyau, Serge Pasko, Eric Labouré. Effet de la température et du temps de frittage sur les propriétés structurales, diélectrique et magnétique du ferrite spinelle Ni0.195Cu0.2Zn0.599Co0.006Fe2O4 fritté avec le procédé Spark Plasma Sintering ( SPS ), 2010-08. (
- Bernard Cougo, Thierry Meynard, François Forest, Eric Labouré. Optimal PWM method for flux reduction in InterCell Transformers coupling double three-phase systems, 2010-06. (
- Anthony Lucas, R. Lebourgeois, Frédéric Mazaleyrat, Eric Labouré. Temperature Dependence Of Core Loss In Cobalt Substituted Ni-Zn-Cu Ferrites, 2010-06. (
- François Forest, Bertrand Gelis, Jean-Jacques Huselstein, Bernardo Cougo, Eric Labouré, Thierry Meynard. Conception et réalisation d'un Flyback à huit cellules 28V-300V-12kW utilisant des transformateurs intercellulaires, 2010-06. (
- Fabien Adam, Cyrille Gautier, Bertrand Revol, Eric Labouré. Modélisation CEM d'un convertisseur électronique d'énergie hautes performances multi-cellulaire entrelacé couplé par transformateurs intercellules, 2010-04-07. (
- Thierry Meynard, Bernardo Cougo, François Forest, Eric Labouré. Parallel MultiCell Converters for High Current, 2010-03-14. (
- Marwan Ali, François Costa, Bertrand Revol, Eric Labouré. Caractérisation et modélisation EM d'une carte d'alimentation DC-DC pour concevoir le dimensionnement d'un filtre CEM hybride, 2010-03. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Valentin Costan, Thierry Meynard, François Forest, Eric Labouré. A New Intercell Transformer for Interleaved Converters, 2009-09-08. (
- Foudil Dadouche, Olivier Bethoux, Eric Labouré, E.V. Johnson, Pere Roca I Cabarrocas, Claude Marchand, Jean-Paul Kleider. A system study on silicon thin-film pm-Si:H/µc-Si:H tandem cell structure, 2009-09. (
- Goran Radosavljevic, Andrea Maric, Goran Stojanovic, Eric Labouré, Dejan Vasic. Analiza performansi feritnog transformatora za primenu u DC/DC konvertima, 2009-06-15. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Thierry Meynard, François Forest, Eric Labouré. Winding Position in Power Transformers to Reduce Copper Losses: Non Sinusoidal Currents, 2009. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Thierry A. Meynard, François Forest, Eric Labouré. Calculation of Copper Losses in InterCell transformers by 2D FEM simulation, 2009. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Thierry Meynard, François Forest, Eric Labouré. Pre-Processing of Inductances for Intercell Transformer Optimization, 2009. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Thierry A. Meynard, François Forest, Éric Labouré. Preprocessing of Inductances for InterCell Transformer Optimization, 2009. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Thierry A. Meynard, François Forest, Éric Labouré. Calculation of Inductances in InterCell transformers by 2D FEM simulation, 2009. (
- Nadia Bouhalli, Emmanuel Sarraute, Thierry Meynard, Marc Cousineau, Eric Labouré. Optimal multi-phase coupled buck converter architecture dedicated to strong power system integration, 2008-04-02. (
- F. Forest, E. Labouré, Thierry A. Meynard, P. Cussac. Applications du concept d’entrelacement de convertisseurs parallèles par transformateurs intercellules ou coupleurs, 2008. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Thierry Meynard, François Forest, Eric Labouré. Positionnement de bobines de transformateurs de puissance minimisant les pertes cuivre, 2008. (
- B. Gelis, F. Forest, J.-J. Huselstein, E. Labouré, Thierry Meynard, P. Cussac. Dimensionnement de transformateurs intercellulaires pour un convertisseur Flyback multicellulaire de forte puissance, 2008. (
- Valentin Costan, Éric Labouré, François Forest, Thierry A. Meynard. Intercell Transformers for Automobile Interleaved Converters, 2007. (
- Éric Labouré, François Forest, Thierry A. Meynard. Intercell transformers and Power Integration, 2007. (
- Valentin Costan, Thierry A. Meynard, F. Forest, E. Labouré. Magnetic couplers for Interleaved Converters, 2007. (
- Valentin Costan, Thierry A. Meynard, F. Forest, E. Labouré. Core losses measurements in intercell transformers for interleaved converters, 2007. (
- PATENT - 8 documents
- Francis Roy, Eric Labouré, Olivier Béthoux, Clement Mayet, Alessio Iovine, Anatole Desreveaux, William Pasillas-Lépine. Dispositif formant bus de tension continue pour un système électrique polyphase, véhicule automobile comprenant un tel dispositif, 2023-10-27. (
- Hoang Emmanuel, Eric Labouré. Chaîne de traction multicellulaire comprenant une machine électrique alimentée en basse tension, 2023-09-06. (
- Hoang Emmanuel, Eric Labouré. Machine électrique alimentée en basse tension et chaine de traction multicellulaire associée, 2023-03-21. (
- Hoang Emmanuel, Eric Labouré. Electric machine powered at low voltage and associated multicellular traction chain, 2021-04-20. (
- Karim Kadem, Mustapha Debbou, Eric Labouré, Mohamed Bensetti. Inductive charging track for electrified vehicles and dynamic charging system incorporating same, 2021-02-04. (
- Karim Kadem, Mustapha Debbou, Eric Labouré, Yann Le Bihan, Mohamed Bensetti. Inductive coupler and magnetic induction charging system for electric and hybrid vehicles, 2020-10-15. (
- Hoang Emmanuel, Eric Labouré. Machine électrique alimentée en basse tension et chaine de traction multicellulaire associée, 2019-04-12. (
- Thierry Meynard, F. Forest, Frédéric Richardeau, E. Labouré. METHOD AND DEVICE FOR SUPPLY TO A MAGNETIC COUPLER, 2007-01-18. (
- Article in a review - 41 documents
- Mohamed Bensetti, Karim Kadem, Yao Pei, Yann Le Bihan, Eric Labouré, Lionel Pichon. Parametric Optimization of Ferrite Structure Used for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer for 3 kW Electric Vehicle, 2023-07-18. (
- Karim Kadem, Mohamed Bensetti, Yann Le Bihan, Eric Laboure, Mustapha Debbou. Optimal Coupler Topology for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicle, 2021-07-02. (
- Karim Kadem, Fethi Benyoubi, Mohamed Bensetti, Yann Le Bihan, Eric Labouré, Moustapha Debbou. An Efficient Method for Dimensioning Magnetic Shielding for an Induction Electric Vehicle Charging System, 2021-05-11. (
- Khaled Tamizi, Olivier Béthoux, Eric Labouré. An easy to implement and robust design control method dedicated to multi-cell converters using inter cell transformers, 2020-01-20. (
- Antoine Cizeron, Javier Ojeda, Eric Labouré, Olivier Béthoux. Prediction of PWM-Induced Current Ripple in Subdivided Stator Windings Using Admittance Analysis, 2019-11-21. (
- Antoine Diet, Marjorie Grzeskowiak, Marc Biancheri-Astier, Yann Le Bihan, Eric Labouré, Madjda Bouklachi, Gaelle Bazin Lissorgues. Flexible serialized complementary coils for the detection of moving LF RFID tags, 2019-04. (
- Olivier Bethoux, Eric Labouré, Éric Berthelot, Abdelfatah Kolli, Alexandre de Bernardinis. An advanced control for a PM synchronous motor drive in power degraded mode, 2019-02. (
- Richard Lebourgeois, Eric Labouré, Yves Lembeye, Jean-Paul Ferrieux. LTCC magnetic components for high density power converter, 2018. (
- Olivier Béthoux, Eric Laboure, Ghislain Remy, Éric Berthelot. Efficiency-optimal power partitioning for improved partial load efficiency of electric drives, 2017-01. (
- Chenjiang Yu, Cyril Buttay, Eric Labouré. Thermal management and electromagnetic analysis for GaN devices packaging on DBC substrate, 2016-06-27. (
- Olivier Béthoux, Eric Labouré, Ghislain Remy, Éric Berthelot. Real-Time Optimal Control of a 3-phase PMSM in 2-Phase Degraded Mode, 2016-06-22. (
- Mohammad Ibrahim, Laurent Bernard, Lionel Pichon, Eric Laboure, Adel Razek, Olivier Cayol, Dimitrios Ladas, Irving Jo. Inductive Charger for Electric Vehicle: Advanced Modeling and Interoperability Analysis, 2016. (
- F. Costa, Patrick Poulichet, F. Mazaleyrat, E. Labouré. The Current Sensors in Power Electronics, a Review, 2015-09-22. (
- Nikola Lecic, Goran Stojanovic, Snezana Djuric, Eric Labouré. Design and Analysis of Planar Symmetric Six-Phase Coupled Inductors, 2015-06. (
- Karim Zehani, Vincent Loyau, Behzad Ahmadi, Yannick Champion, L. Bessais, Martino Lobue, Eric Labouré, Frédéric Mazaleyrat. Structural, Dielectric, and Magnetic Properties of NiZnCu Ferrites Synthesized by Reactive Spark Plasma Sintering Process, 2014-04. (
- Marwan Ali, Eric Laboure, Francois Costa. Integrated Active Filter for Differential-Mode Noise Suppression, 2014-03. (
- Cyrille Gauthier, Fabien Adam, Eric Labouré, Denis Labrousse, Bertrand Revol. Multicell interleaved converter with ICTs. Dynamic balancing of currents, 2013-08-30. (
- Snezana Djuric, Goran Stojanovic, Mirjana Damnjanovic, Eric Laboure. Analysis of the Coupling Effect in Different Meander-Type Winding Planar Transformers, 2013-07. (
- Kolli Abdelfatah, Olivier Béthoux, Alexandre de Bernardinis, Eric Labouré, Gérard Coquery. Space Vector PWM Control Synthesis for a H-Bridge Drive in Electric Vehicles, 2013-07-01. (
- François Forest, Thierry Meynard, Eric Labouré, Bertrand Gélis, Jean-Jacques Huselstein, Julio Brandelero. An Isolated Multicell Intercell Transformer Converter for Applications With a High Step-Up Ratio, 2013-03. (
- Snezana Djuric, Goran Stojanovic, Mirjana Damnjanovic, Milan Radovanovic, Eric Labouré. Design, Modeling, and Analysis of a Compact Planar Transformer, 2012-11. (
- Marwan Ali, Eric Labouré, François Costa, Bertrand Revol. Design of a Hybrid Integrated EMC Filter for a DC-DC Power Converter, 2012-11. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Thierry Meynard, François Forest, Eric Labouré. Optimal PWM method for flux reduction in InterCell Transformers coupling double three-phase systems, 2012. (
- Karim Zehani, Frederic Mazaleyrat, Vincent Loyau, Eric Labouré. Effect of temperature and time on properties of Spark Plasma Sintered NiCuZn: Co ferrite, 2011-03-16. (
- Antony Lucas, Richard Lebourgeois, Frederic Mazaleyrat, Eric Labouré. Temperature dependence of core loss in cobalt substituted Ni-Zn-Cu ferrites, 2011-03-11. (
- François Forest, Bertrand Gellis, Jean-Jacques Huselstein, Bernardo Cougo, Eric Labouré, Thierry Meynard. Conception et réalisation d’un Flyback à huit cellules 28V-300V-12kW utilisant des transformateurs intercellulaires, 2011. (
- Antony Lucas, Richard Lebourgeois, Frederic Mazaleyrat, Eric Labouré. Temperature dependence of spin resonance in cobalt substituted NiZnCu ferrites, 2010-11-02. (
- François Forest, Bertrand Gelis, Jean-Jacques Huselstein, Bernardo Cougo, Eric Labouré, Thierry Meynard. Design of a 28V-to-300V-12kW Multi-Cell Interleaved Flyback Converter Using InterCell Transformers, 2010-02. (
- François Forest, Eric Labouré, Bertrand Gelis, Vanessa Smet, Thierry Meynard, Jean-Jacques Huselstein. Design of Intercell Transformers for High-Power Multicell Interleaved Flyback Converter, 2009-03. (
- François Forest, Eric Labouré, Thierry Meynard, Vanessa Smet. Design and Comparison of Inductors and Intercell Transformers for Filtering of PWM Inverter Ouput, 2009. (
- Eric Labouré, François Forest, Thierry Meynard, Bernardo Cougo. Positionnement de bobines de transformateurs de puissance minimisant les pertes cuivre, 2009. (
- Bernardo Cougo, Thierry Meynard, François Forest, Eric Labouré. Positionnement des bobines de transformateurs de puissance minimisant les pertes cuivre, 2009. (
- Bertrand Gélis, François Forest, Jean-Jacques Huselstein, Eric Labouré, Thierry Meynard, Philippe Cussac. Dimensionnement de transformateurs intercellulaires pour un convertisseur flyback multicellulaire de forte puissance, 2009. (
- Eric Labouré, François Forest, Thierry A. Meynard, Philippe Cussac. New power converter topologies using InterCell transformers, 2009. (
- Eric Labouré, François Forest, Thierry Meynard, Philippe Cussac. Nouvelles architectures de convertisseurs électroniques de puissance utilisant des transformateurs intercellulaires, 2009. (
- Eric Labouré, Alain Cunière, Thierry Meynard, François Forest, Emmanuel Sarraute. A Theoretical Approach to InterCell Transformers, Application to Interleaved Converters, 2008. (
- F. Forest, E. Labouré, Thierry Meynard, Madjid Arab. Analytic Design Method Based on Homothetic Shape of Magnetic Cores for High Frequency Transformers, 2007-09. (
- François Forest, Thierry Meynard, E. Labouré, Valentin Costan, Emmanuel Sarraute, Alain Cunière, Thierry Martiré. Optimization of the Supply Voltage System in Interleaved Converters Using Intercell Transformers, 2007. (
- François Forest, Eric Labouré, Thierry Meynard, Jean-Jacques Huselstein. A Multi-Cell Interleaved Flyback Using Intercell Transformers, 2007. (
- Patrick Poulichet, F. Costa, E. Laboure. A New High-Current Large-Bandwidth DC Active Current Probe for Power Electronics Measurements, 2005. (
- Patrick Poulichet, F. Costa, E. Laboure. High-frequency modeling of a current transformer by finite-element simulation, 2003. (
- POSTER - 1 document
- Khadim Ullah Jan, Anne Migan-Dubois, Demba Diallo, Florence Ossart, Eric Labouré, Jordi Badosa, Vincent Bourdin. Model-based Approach to Test and Validate the Performance of an Islanded Photovoltaic Plant using Simscape Power Systems, 2020-12. (
- Other submission - 1 document
- Shuangfeng Zhang, Eric Labouré, Denis Labrousse, Stéphane Lefebvre. Thermal management for GaN power devices mounted on PCB substrates, 2017-07-01. (
- Work - 2 documents
- François Costa, Cyrille Gautier, Eric Labouré, Bertrand Revol. Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics, 2014. (
- François Costa, Cyrille Gautier, Eric Labouré, Bertrand Revol. La compatibilité en électronique de puissance, 2013. (