Founded in 1997, LORIA is a joint research unit (UMR7503) under the supervisory authority of CNRS, Inria and the Université de Lorraine, located at CentraleSupélec Metz Campus. Since its creation, LORIA has worked on fundamental and applied research in computer science. LORIA is a member of the Fédération Charles Hermite, which regroups research laboratories in Lorraine's Mathematics and Computer Science Research. LORIA belongs to the scientific cluster AM2I (Automatics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Interactions) and is one of the largest laboratories of the Grand Est Region.


Research work is conducted by 5 departments and 28 teams, around 7 cross-cutting axes

Research departments

  • Algorithms, Computation, Image and Geometry (ABC, Adagio, Caramba, Gamble, MFX, Pixel, Tangram teams)
  • Formal methods (Carbone, Mocqua, Mosel-Veridis, Pesto, Types teams): proofs, software validation and certification
  • Networks, Systems and Services (Coast, Optimist, Resist, Simbiot teams): integrative approach for design, modelling, engineering, and assessment of robust and safe cyberphysic systems
  • Natural Language Processing and knowledge discovery (K team, Multispeech, Orpailleur, Semagramme, SMarT, Synalp teams): data mining, machine learning, visualization, clustering
  • Complex Systems, artificial Intelligence and robotics (Bird, Biscuit, Capsid, Larsen, NeuroRhythms teams): autonomous systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence

Cross-cutting Axes

  • Robotics and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Cybersecurity
  • Health
  • E-education
  • Automatic Language Processing and artificial intelligence
  • Energy
  • Factory automation

Application Domains

Artificial intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Cybersecurity, Robotics, cyber-physical systems, health, education, energy, factory automation, Industrial systems (aerospace, construction, energy, transportation); environment (plants, hydrology, landscapes, acoustics); life sciences (medicine, molecular biology, genetics, epidemiology); markets and companies (finance, capital markets, business intelligence); information technology and networks (internet, multimedia, knowledge management).

Industrial Partners

  • Antsway,
  • Cyber-detect,
  • Deezer,
  • EDF,
  • Eviden,
  • Linagora,
  • Meta,
  • Naval Group,
  • Orange,
  • Scytl,
  • Tessael,

Academic Partners

Inrae, CHRU de Nancy, Kyutech University, Université de Rabat, JAIST, CISPA, Université Fédérale de Rio Grande Do Norte, Université catholique de Brasilia (UCB)

More information

Visit the laboratory website

Download the 2023 laboratory report HERE


Director: Yannick Toussaint



Latest submissions

Communication on a congress
Article in a review
Inversion of downhole resistivity properties through infrared spectroscopy and whole‐rock geochemistry using machine‐learning
Mehdi Serdoun, Frédéric Sur, Gaétan Milesi, Elodie Williard, Pierre Martz, J. Mercadier
Article in a review
Objective and subjective evaluation of speech enhancement methods in the UDASE task of the 7th CHiME challenge
Simon Leglaive, Matthieu Fraticelli, Hend ElGhazaly, Léonie Borne, Mostafa Sadeghi, Scott Wisdom, Manuel Pariente, John R. Hershey, Daniel Pressnitzer, Jon P. Barker
Article in a review
Few-shot remaining useful life prognostics through auxiliary training with related data-set
Alaaeddine Chaoub, Alexandre Voisin, Christophe Cerisara, Benoit Iung
Article in a review
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