CentraleSupélec, in collaboration with Université de Lorraine, Université de Rennes 1 and INSA, also contributes to various co-accredited master's degrees. Please find details below.
Metz campus
The Master's degree programmes on the Metz campus of CentraleSupélec are co-accredited with Université de Lorraine. Master's degrees are organised in the following sepcialisations.
Students who are interested in applying for these Master's degrees should contact the head of their 3rd-year specialisation of the engineering curriculum.
- Mathematics and Applications
- Computer Science
- Master - 2nd year: Apprentissage, Vision, Robotique (in French)
- Master - 2nd year: Informatique Décisionnelle - Parcours Optimisation et Algorithmes (in French)
- Master - 2nd year: Ingénierie des Logiciels - Parcours Méthodes Formelles pour des Logiciels Sûrs (in French)
- Master - 2nd year: Sécurité de l'Information et des Systèmes - Parcours Sécurité Informatique, Réseaux et Architectures Virtuelles (in French)
- Management
- Applied Physics and Physics Engineering
For more information on Master's degrees in Mathematics, Computer Science and Management, please contact Hervé Frezza-Buet or Frédéric Pennerath.
For more information on the Master's degree in Physics, please contact Marc Sciamanna.
Rennes campus
The Master's degree programmes on the Rennes campus of CentraleSupélec are co-accredited with Université Rennes 1 and INSA Rennes. Master's degrees are organised in the following specialisations.
Students who are interested in applying for these Master's degrees should contact the head of their 3rd-year specialisation of the engineering curriculum.
- Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation
- Master - 2nd year: Systèmes Embarqués (in French) (contact: Jacques Weiss)
- Master - 2nd year: Signal, Image, Systèmes, Automatique (in French) (contact: Hervé Gueguen)
- Complex Systems Engineering
- Computer Science
- Master - 2nd year: Computer Science (in English) (contact: Guillaume Piolle)
For more information on the Master's degrees offered on the Rennes campus