Building on its experience in China and Morocco via its two schools in Beijing and Casablanca respectively, CentraleSupélec, together with the SOFRECO Group and Agence France Développement (AFD), has been working since April 2019 on a feasibility study for a Science and Engineering Complex of approximately 30,000m2 within the University of Nairobi campus in Kenya.
The report was finalized and approved in 2020. It develops the concept of centers of excellence, one of which is dedicated to innovation. In addition, the center's training and research activities will have a specific component for women. Finally, the construction is intended to be sustainable (materials, design, etc. ...).
Kenya has contracted a 35 million sovereign loan from AFD to build this complex and develop cooperation with French actors, particularly CentraleSupélec but also ParisTech, also in cooperation with the University of Nairobi on an ADESFA project and then Erasmus +.
This signature represents the concrete start of the realization of this center, which we hope to see open in 2024. CentraleSupélec should accompany its realization.