Reward Published on 09/02/2024

ShanghaiRanking Consultancy published its Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) on August 15, 2024. Ranked 12th worldwide and 1st in continental Europe, Université Paris-Saclay confirms its position as a world-class research-intensive university.

Five years after its inclusion in this ranking, Université Paris-Saclay is pursuing the objective set by its founding members: to position itself as a key player in world-class research.

This result illustrates the dynamics at work within its research community, with its partners united around a common ambition: to combine their strengths to become a leading scientific player in the service of research and training, student success and innovation, with the ambition of contributing to the development of a fairer and more sustainable society.

Created in 2003, the Shanghai ranking list distinguishes the world's top 1,000 higher education establishments on the basis of six criteria, including the number of Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, Highly Cited Researchers and the number of publications in the scientific journals Nature and Science. Université Paris-Saclay is home to five Nobel Prize winners, including Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, and eleven Fields Medals, including Hugo Duminil-Copin, Fields Medal 2022, as well as twenty-seven scientists among the most highly cited in their discipline.

This result consolidates the national, European and international positioning of the University of Paris-Saclay as a major research-intensive university, while bringing to the highest level its mission to train responsible citizens and managers for the societal and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow. We can all collectively rejoice in this recognition, which is an asset not only for our University and our students, but also for our partners and French education and research as a whole. If we are to be able to cooperate effectively at international level, we need to promote the quality of French academia,” says Camille Galap, President of the University.