Research at the heart of societal challenges



The CentraleSupélec Research Centre will take its place at the heart of investigation, exploration and knowledge creation for the world’s most demanding societal and technological challenges. Our work encompasses the whole of the engineering and systems sciences, with multidisciplinary projects established in close partnership within our academic and business network and in close and consistent dialogue with the wider economic sector.

Our dynamic and international research teams cover eight scientific domains, covering a considerable breadth of the engineering and system sciences:

  • Materials Science
  • Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Combustion
  • Applied Physics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Signal, Control and Telecoms

In focusing on future societal challenges, the CentraleSupélec Research Centre remains close to its academic and industrial partners.

Key figures for research

  • 18 laboratories and research teams which run in cooperation with major national research centres
  • 1 research federation in mathematics
  • 1080 staff including 450 faculty members and researchers, 560 PhD students, 60 postdoctoral students, 150 administrative and technical staff
  • More than 800 publications in international journals (source: web of science)
  • 80 patents
  • 20 research chairs 



    Centrale supélec



    The schedule for the new CentraleSupélec Engineering program:


    Autumn 2016: Model of the new program, including:

    • structure and organization of the program (double degrees, international experience, apprenticeship);
    • educational activities (classes, projects, internships, etc.) and their learning objectives (targeted skills);
    • methods of assessment, graduation conditions, to define the academic regulations;
    • cost of the program;
    • how the program is managed and the methods used to support the ongoing development of the program.


    September 2017: Specific sequences of the new program will be introduced to the two existing programs (École Centrale Engineering degree and Supélec Engineering degree): skill acquisition methods and personal projects will also be developed.

    Spring 2018: Some CentraleSupélec courses will be offered to students completing the two current programs.

    September 2018: The new program will be offered to students admitted to CentraleSupélec with dedicated entrance admission and a dedicated diploma upon completion of the program.

    December 2021: The CentraleSupélec Engineering diploma will be awarded to students for the first time.

    centrale supélec


    The nine skills of the CentraleSupélec engineer-entrepreneur:

    • Specialization in complex systems: resulting from an interdisciplinary scientific education enabling them to understand all aspects of a problem
    • Expertise in their field: having consolidated their knowledge in one field of engineering sciences while being highly trained in all others
    • Creativity: able to innovate and quickly adapt to the technological, social and economic changes of their environment
    • Reactivity: knowing how to identify and seize opportunities and to act at the right time
    • Multiculturalism: being at ease working in an international environment;
    • Familiarity with the latest digital evolutions: taking advantage of all digital technologies, developing and adapting with them, innovating and “disrupting”
    • Persuasiveness: knowing how to communicate, motivate teamwork and elicit commitment to their project
    • Leadership: of their project and team
    • Humanism: being aware of the human dimension of societal issues, respectful of others and conscious of their responsibilities

    Centrale supélec


    The six core principles for implementing the new program:


    • A program organized around skill acquisition: teaching the student to use skills better and apply them in new situations
    • The student as an actor in their program and goals: proposing a large variety of programs and rhythms, enabling each student to make motivated choices, developing their professional goals and acquiring targeted skills
    • Active learning: generating an environment that promotes the development and motivation of students with active learning, diverse teaching methods, more personal work, adapted assessment methods and higher requirements
    • Autonomous learning: giving students the ability to learn autonomously and effectively throughout their engineering training program, as they will have to do throughout their lives thereafter
    • An international school in a favorable environment: attracting the best students from around the world, able to work in an international environment and be recognized by the best companies and institutions. The program will continuously recruit international instructor-researchers and guarantee students the possibility of completing programs entirely taught in English.

    Evolution of teaching methods: promoting interaction, closer links with research, working in a single discipline or interdisciplinary teams, teaching innovations

    centrale supélec


    The new program is founded on a major innovative principle: to develop in students the skills that enable them to work in the newest and increasingly complex situations, with a contribution that is relevant, effective, creative and demonstrates their sense of responsibility. The students will personalize their program, selecting modules which enable them to work toward their own professional goals and in accordance with their level of knowledge.

    To do this, the school boasts high-quality instructors who support students to succeed, with digital teaching methods that encourage students to be autonomous, as well as privileged links with research organizations and companies to develop “project mode” classes.

    A sectorial analysis of the positioning of the two traditional programs as well as career prospects for graduates in France and internationally was undertaken, which enabled the school to define a “segmentation of sectors” for degrees awarded through the new program.

    This will comprise two dimensions: a scientific and an industrial dimension.

    centrale supélec

    The eight scientific/industry majors proposed in the New CentraleSupélec engineering program:

    • Energy
    • Health/Life and Environmental Sciences
    • Mathematics, Data Sciences and Big Data
    • Communicating Systems and Connected Objects
    • IT and Digital
    • Large Cooperating and Automated Systems
    • Transportation, Large Construction Works and Buildings
    • Physics and Nanotechnologies

    In the era of MOOCs


    From 2014, CentraleSupélec has been one of the first higher education institutions to be recognized for its teaching innovation. The school participates actively in the online education movement in France via a significant digital policy, and was among the first three French institutions to be selected to propose Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on Coursera.

    Coursera is the leading online training platform carrying MOOCs, having established partnerships with the largest universities and organizations in the world to provide online classes that are accessible to everyone.

    In keeping with this, CentraleSupélec began in January 2014 offering following MOOCs: “Discrete Inference and Learning in Artificial Vision”, developed by Nikos Paragios and Pawan Kumar, and “An Introduction to Functional Analysis” by John Cagnol.

    Today the school offers three MOOCs on Coursera and one on OpenClassrooms, and has recorded more than 313,000 class participants in less than three years across all of its online lesson offerings.

    Making lessons freely available all over the world fulfills CentraleSupélec’s aim to give access to excellent quality training to everyone who has an Internet connection.


    Focus on Build Your First Android App


    What you’ll achieve

    In this project-centered course*, you’ll design, build, and distribute your own unique application for the Android mobile platform. We’ll provide you with a set of customizable building blocks that you can assemble to create many different types of apps, and that will help you become familiar with many important specificities of Android development. When you complete the project, in addition to having a personalized app that you can use and share, you’ll have the skills and background you need to move on to more advanced coursework in Android development.

    What you’ll need to get started

    This project-centered course is designed for learners who have some prior experience programming in Java, such as an introductory college course or Coursera’s Java Programming Specialization ( You will need a computer with a stable Internet connection, but you will not need an Android phone - we’ll use free software that you can use to emulate a phone on your computer. We'll use Android Studio as IDE; it is compatible with most computer and operating systems.

    You can find detailed system requirements here

    *About Project-Centered Courses: Project-centered courses are designed to help you complete a personally meaningful realworld project, with your instructor and a community of learners with similar goals providing guidance and suggestions along the way. By actively applying new concepts as you learn, you’ll master the course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a head start on using the skills you gain to make positive changes in your life and career. When you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project that you’ll be proud to use and share.


    Build Your First Android App (Project-Centered Course)

    Dr. Virginie Galtier, Associate Professor, Computer Science

    Michel Lanotto, Associate Professor, Computer Science


    Time: 10 hours of study, 10 hours of active project work

    For more informations


    Centrale supélec




    Focus On Strategy: What Managers Can Learn from Philosophy - PART 1


    About this course

    In the expression “creative thinking”, the key word is not creative; the key word is thinking. With the help of great philosophers, you will rediscover the art of thinking.

    To help leaders to be rigorous even without figures, great philosophers have lots of ideas. Managers are invited to rediscover the art of thinking. They should understand the role of mental models, realize the importance of cognitive bias, agree on clear definitions and efficient criteria etc.

    Creativity demands the ability to free ourselves from conventional ways of thinking, to "think outside the box". But we need to go a step further. Once outside the box, we need to construct a new box or boxes (that is, new intellectual frameworks or models) to help us structure our thinking. Only once we have done so can we generate truly game-changing ideas.


    Luc de Brabandere, professor at CentraleSupélec

    For more informations


    Centrale supélec



    Focus sur :Two Speed IT: How Companies Can Surf the Digital Wave, a BCG Perspective


    Transform or disappear, the Darwinism of IT: In order to adapt to a digital world, a two-speed IT is needed. Despite the importance of IT in today’s digital world, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) often struggle to get their voices heard by executive committees. Faced with this challenge, IT departments are being forced to reinvent themselves to adapt their companies to the fast paced evolution of technology. The Boston Consulting Group has developed a business approach that allows IT to shed off its appearance of a heavy cost center and to adopt a new, more realistic persona as a quality service provider, partnering with users and the management.

    Whether you are a professional, a student in engineering, a student in a business school or just interested in digital transformation and its implications on IT, learn with three BCG experts why and how to manage an IT department as a business in order to transform a company and adapt it to a digital world.


    Two Speed IT: How Companies Can Surf the Digital Wave, a BCG Perspective

    Antoine Gourévitch, Senior Partner and Managing Director at The Boston Consulting Group

    Vanessa Lyon, Partner and Managing Director at The Boston Consulting Group

    Eric Baudson, Managing Director at The Boston Consulting Group


    For more informations


    Centrale supélec



    Focus on Financing Your Company


    It’s no secret: every company needs money to function. However, when you are preparing to launch your own company, what are the concrete steps to follow? When you want to raise funds from business angels or venture capitalists, how do you go about it? Are you even sure you want to work with business angels or venture capitalists? And what is their motivation for providing capital?

    This class presents fundraising processes and the nature of relationships forged with business angels and venture capitalists.


    Fee-based classes

    For more informations


    Centrale supélec



    Focus on Sustainable Development


    The aim of this class is for participants to address the technical, economic, social and environmental issues of the 21st century. These issues, by their nature, are strongly interactive and complex and require an interdisciplinary approach to adopt a global exploration, going beyond prejudices and received ideas. This is why specialists renowned in the fields of economics, demographics, energy, climate, water and agriculture, from the most prestigious institutions and research centers of France (CentraleSupélec, INED, Cnam, CEA, AgroParisTech), enthusiastically speak to students to explore different points of view and debate issues. The general approach adopted for this class consists of examining sustainable development issues pertaining to rigorous and recent scientific studies, in order to:

    • provide and discuss key figures (from an assessment of the current situation to exploring possible future scenarios),
    • help students understand how these figures are established (hypotheses and limits of the underlying scientific models),
    • together address the issues in their various dimensions (particularly from a local to a worldwide scale).


    Centrale supélec

    Four formats adapted to your objectives


    Centrale supélec

    Our Specialized Master’s: to obtain an diploma


    CentraleSupélec Specialized Master’s degrees are accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) and deliver a diploma equivalent to six years of higher education. Some of these are registered with the RNCP (French National Directory of Professional Certification) and confer a Level 1 title.

    Full-time or part-time (compatible with professional work), these last for 12-18 months.

    Find out more



    Our certifying training programs: to acquire new skills


    This training program delivers CentraleSupélec Executive Education certification. These training programs are developed from a combination of coherent modules focused on a specific theme and upon which acquired knowledge is assessed.

    Compatible alongside a professional activity, our certifying training programs are completed over a period of 14-22 days. They contribute to the award of a Level 1 (five years of higher education RNCP (French National Directory of Professional Certification) certification.

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    Centrale supélec



    Centrale supélec

    Our short training programs: to develop or complement skills


    These inter-company training programs bring together various company employees around a united theme. The diversity of companies encourages exchanges and initiation to new practices. These training programs are constantly updated to adapt to the new issues we face.

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    Intra-company customized training programs: let’s co-develop your training programes


    Our customized training programs are designed so that the employees of a company can gain the essential knowledge needed to attain a common goal. One of the main specifics of these training programs is that working in collaboration with a company is done before and after the training, to obtain a specific training that meets the requirements of the company objective.

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    Centrale supélec




    Four main fields of education


    By supporting professionals through the various stages of their career in the fields of engineering sciences and management, we extend our foremost mission, which is to train leaders with a developed scientific and technological literacy, as well as innovators able to take up the major challenges of their time.



    Centrale supélec

    Innovative managers leading major projects will design complex systems, generate added value and develop human capital.




    Efficient organizers, focused on continuous improvement and developing approaches, will be at the heart of changes and will mobilize all available resources.

    Centrale supélec



    Centrale supélec


    Brilliant architects who master systems and create revolutionary tools, will optimize operations and align IT with their careers. ent-->



    Pragmatic scientists, aligning their work with the realities of today’s market, will optimize the competitiveness of their companies and the quality of our daily lives.

    Centrale supélec



    École Centrale Paris (founded 1829) and Supélec (founded 1894), two large engineering schools, have created a joint and unique large institution, CentraleSupélec. One outcome of this union is CentraleSupélec Executive Education, an entity that is entirely dedicated to ongoing training.

    CentraleSupélec Executive Education offers a range of qualifying and certifying diplomas, short courses or customized programs, with the aim of developing managerial, organizational, scientific and technological skills in our future leaders.


    Centrale supélec

    The training programs go far beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge: the aim is to shape individuals who are conscious of the major economic, environmental and social issues of our era to transform daily life. Through these high quality training programs, and through the school’s close links with prestigious companies and research centers, and through its international presence, CentraleSupélec Executive Education guarantees you an unrivalled educational experience.

    Some of our certifying training programs enable you to gain a coherent set of skills recognized as Level 1 on the French National Directory of Professional Certification (RNCP) (equating to five years of higher education).

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