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The CentraleSupélec Grand Établissement, resulting from the two Grands Établissements École Centrale Paris and Supélec, is founded on the historical international ambitions of these two institutions. With three national campuses, in Gif-sur-Yvette, Rennes and Metz, CentraleSupélec is developing international openness according to the strengths of each campus, with the following aims:

  • To train the best French and international students, destined for international careers, to the highest level
  • To develop research that is renowned for its excellence among peers and to serve society
  • To support global companies in their markets and large organizations in their activities


For more than 25 years, CentraleSupélec, along with the other members of the École Centrale Group (École Centrale Marseille, École Centrale Nantes, École Centrale Lille and École Centrale Lyon), has developed a worldwide network of top-ranking partner universities: in the major European countries with the T.I.M.E. network (Top Industrial Managers for Europe created in 1989 on the initiative of École Centrale Paris), in China with the 5+6 double degree exchange program created in 1995, and in Brazil with the 5+6 double degree network.

Since 2000, CentraleSupélec has furthermore developed bilateral relationships with the best institutions in the USA (in particular Stanford, Columbia, Penn State and Georgia Tech), in the UK (Cambridge, Oxford, LSE, etc.), in Singapore (NUS, NTU, etc.), and in Japan (Keio, Tohoku, Waseda, etc.), South Korea (KAIST, Hanyang, etc.), South America (USP, Unicamp, etc.), Australia (UQ, UNSW, etc.) and has coordinated large Erasmus Mundus partnership programs with many regions all over the world.

In the creation of CentraleSupélec, the partnership policy of the four national campuses will initially be shared, optimized and aligned with the institution’s global development strategy applied to the two existing Engineering programs, (École Centrale and Supélec) and research and innovation activities.

In a second step (slated for 2017), CentraleSupélec will develop a unified CentraleSupélec Engineering program, the format of which is to be defined, but having a strong international dimension and developed from the existing programs.

Already, CentraleSupélec has established a policy to intensify its international activities on each continent, strengthening its relationships with essential partners to go beyond simple student exchanges and even beyond double degrees.


In parallel, CentraleSupélec will pursue the policy initiated in 2005 by École Centrale Paris of developing a network of international campuses:

  • in China with an academic partner,
  • in India with an industrial partner and
  • in Morocco with a State partner.

This network of institutions, a truly regional web, will be one of the important aspects of CentraleSupélec’s globalization and of the internationalization of its future unified program, its students and its teaching body.

With this across-the-board internationalization strategy, CentraleSupélec is strengthening its partnerships around three major fields: training, research and business, adopting a spirit of innovation fully embracing new digital technologies.

The aim of CentraleSupélec is to rapidly reach a level of 40% international students (Master’s, Engineering and Doctoral students), especially from other European countries. For double degrees, the school will continue to test new multi-site partnerships enabling French and foreign students to finish their studies in France or to complete a true shared experience of studies between two countries in a co-developed program.

For credit exchanges, CentraleSupélec targets the spring semester for a maximum of exchanges with a significant and thematic English component offering. A mobility specialty program is offered to students at the end of their program or seeking a specialization is aligned with their initial training.

To increase the volume of its recruitment, CentraleSupélec will develop a fee-based training program and access routes for engineering training for students from non-partner universities outside of Europe. This offering will be progressively developed with the creation of training programs taught entirely in English as well as international doctorate programs, particularly in Cotutelle (an agreement on joint supervision on the doctoral degree level), already initiated for Université Paris-Saclay. Given the expected growth of French-speaking students in the world, particularly in Africa, the English offerings will not compromise the French programs, which will remain a major asset of CentraleSupélec.

For outgoing mobility, compulsory for all CentraleSupélec students, a special effort will be made to increase the attractiveness of major non English-speaking destinations that are currently less popular among students. Brazil in particular has experienced an increase in popularity among students as a result of CentraleSupélec team measures, and conferences, forums, student trips, etc., will be proposed for these destinations.

All of these types of mobility will benefit from the international development of the Université Paris-Saclay, which is seeking to forge strong partnerships worldwide. With its partners on the Saclay Plateau, CentraleSupélec will play a central role within the future School of Engineering.


Research and large European programs


In terms of research, CentraleSupélec has high ambitions in the field of engineering sciences, particularly in complex systems science. Internationally, its objectives are:

  • to be an active member of the Horizon 2020 program for European and international research;
  • to develop mobility, especially with its main partners, for doctoral students (Cotutelle in particular), post-doctoral students and teaching staff, within Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+ or Horizon 2020 programs;
  • to promote close collaboration between research teams with these partners.

Consequently, CentraleSupélec is developing an expertise for responding to international and European (Erasmus+ in particular), regional and national calls for tender, as well as coordination and management of these programs in cooperation with its partners to optimize funding and scholarships for its incoming and outgoing students and staff.

Companies and professional mobility


CentraleSupélec is extending its company partnership offer to include international companies and organizations, particularly in the countries in which it has schools, such as China, India and Morocco, but not exclusively in those countries. Through such means as projects, internships, events like job fairs, visits and study trips, CentraleSupélec boasts its entrepreneurial activity and presence on six continents. Supported by regional groups of alumni graduates, CentraleSupélec intends to create a network of partner companies abroad, a powerful network which promotes the professional mobility of its students and international insertion of its young graduates.




Beyond those activities cited above, CentraleSupélec will also pursue its goal to become more international within the Université Paris-Saclay itself by:

  • increasing recruitment of foreign instructors and researchers;
  • developing trips abroad for instructors, researchers and staff members;
  • increasing the international dimension of training programs by offering courses taught entirely in English and creating new international programs;
  • training support staff to work more closely with international student/instructor/researcher/staff profiles.

For CentraleSupélec, forging partnerships in programs or networks with high global visibility is aligned with its desire to gain an international reputation among students, companies and institutions all over the world.


Developing an international group


With a network of 176 partner universities in 45 countries, CentraleSupélec is building a truly global group of interconnected schools, which will continue to expand. We are an international institution with a 30% student population from overseas, representing nearly 70 nationalities. 50% of our local students opt for a double-degree internationally.

In November 2015, the 5 schools of the Groupe École Centrale revamped their organisational framework, reflecting the schools' desire to strengthen their cooperation and develop their international policy.

The Groupe Ecole Centrale has also been making strides in the developing the project of the Ecole Centrale Afrique Australe ​​in Mauritius. The group also signed, in October 2015, a memorandum of understanding with the University of São Paulo to study the advisability of opening a new school in Brazil.


CentraleSupélec, a higher education institution with a global vision 

In our diverse and changing world, international development is at the heart of CentraleSupélec’s strategy. An integral part of our DNA since the creation of École Centrale Paris and École Supérieure d’Électricité in the 19th century, their international openness has taken on a spectacular dimension in the past 30 years, particularly with the vision of the double degree program, the creation of the T.I.M.E. network, compulsory international mobility for our students and the creation of international campuses. The creation of CentraleSupélec in 2015, forged in a merger of the two historical mother schools, has enriched and consolidated this dynamic to project the institution into the future with a 2030 vision, in which only the most innovative and value-creating institutions will thrive.

Today, CentraleSupélec has already been recognized for its enthusiastic and innovative international actions, which make it highly visible and attractive both in France and worldwide:

  • The school is a key national actor as well as within the European Higher Education and Research Area.
  • It is positioned at the highest level among its academic peers worldwide.
  • It offers the best opportunities for international mobility and programs for students and staff.
  • It attracts and exchanges with the top professionals in the world of research and business and attracts and trains the best students.


The new CentraleSupélec, a founding member of Université Paris-Saclay and leader of the École Centrale Group, is forging a path through a complex and competitive terrain with the aim of becoming a school of reference in its field, visible and attractive in the panorama of higher education and research and ranked among the best institutions in the world.


  • Ingénieur d’Etudes informatique sur le domaine de la scolarité

    MISSION : Nous cherchons un ingénieur d’études pour le domaine Scolarité et Développement Commercial qui aura pour missions principales :

    • analyser les pratiques des utilisateurs opérationnels et comprendre leurs besoins
    • formaliser des propositions d’évolution des applications pour mieux répondre aux besoins et optimiser les processus
    • formaliser le cahier des charges à l’attention des développeurs internes ou externes
    • piloter les fournisseurs le cas échant
    • paramétrer les logiciels (sur étagère ou spécifiques)
    • effectuer les recettes suite aux développements ou aux paramétrages
    • créer les supports de formation et former les utilisateurs
    • assurer un support au quotidien



Centrale Supelec

École Centrale Group

The five Écoles Centrales located in France (CentraleSupélec, École Centrale Lille, École Centrale Lyon, École Centrale Marseille and École Centrale Nantes), form the École Centrale Group, an association governed by Law 1901 and chaired by CentraleSupélec, in which each school is a founding member. They share a vision of training generalized engineers who are internationally minded and trained to a high scientific level. Each conserving their distinct identity, autonomy and degree programs, they are committed to developing their enriching complementarities and synergies, as well as their combined potential for companies. 

Centrale Supelec

ESSEC Business School

Initiated in 2009 with the creation of the joint double degree, CentraleSupélec and ESSEC Business School forged an excellence alliance in 2014 to train the engineer-manager profiles of the future. Through this strategic bilateral alliance, the two institutions work to develop joint programs, share their international networks (especially their locations abroad), and to bring their ICTE resource centers closer together.


Centrale Supelec

Paris-Sud University

Paris-Sud University is particularly renowned for the quality of its fundamental research (mathematics and physics) and also in the fields of health sciences, law and sports science. Since its creation, Paris-Sud University scientists have been awarded two Nobel prizes and four Fields medals for research.

CentraleSupélec and Paris-Sud University offer a double degree, as well as a Biomedical specialization University Diploma to 2nd-year student-engineers, managed by the French Institute for Biomedical Higher Education (IFSBM) of Paris-Sud University.

Centrale Supelec

L’ENS Paris-Saclay

Scientific research and training are fundamental missions for ENS Paris-Saclay. Beyond career perspectives associated with higher education, the school also trains executives for public bodies and large companies. Over four years, the school prepares students for careers in higher education and research, and in public and private sector research and development departments that require significant scientific experience.

The degree awarded validates the equivalent of a Baccalaureate +5 years of higher education according to the international standard; this equates to a Master’s degree. ENS Paris-Saclay co-manages the CentraleSupélec LPQM laboratory.


T.I.M.E. (Top Industrial Managers for Europe) is the leading European network for the training bicultural and bilingual engineers. Created in 1989, it enables its 50 members (TUM, Politecnico di Milano, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Université libre de Bruxelles, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, etc.) to offer an Engineering graduate diploma (Master’s degree level); the members are major technological universities mainly located in Europe (Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, UK, etc.) as well as in Brazil, Australia, China and Japan.

5+6 program with China

The 5+6 double degree exchange program was created in 1995 between the École Centrale Group (lien vers partie dédiée GEC) and six Chinese universities. As a result, there are currently nearly 900 double-degree graduates.

Centrale Supelec

5+6 program with Brazil

For more than 13 years, the 5+6 program established between the École Centrale Group (lien vers partie groupe École Centrale) and six Brazilian universities has trained double-degree engineers. More than 700 Brazilian students and 150 French students have taken advantage of this program. Partner Brazilian universities of the five Écoles Centrales are:

Centrale Supelec


On the strength of their longstanding cooperation, Politecnico di Milano, CentraleSupélec, Technische Universität Berlin and University College London decided to create Alliance4Tech, a strategic alliance to develop together new approaches and programs of excellence that are both attractive and innovative, on a European scale and which meet the needs of companies in world markets. This association is developing joint actions in teaching and research and forging company relationships.

One of the first actions concerns à la carte mobility in the field of industrial engineering, but other fields will follow, including entrepreneurship, professional mobility and ongoing training.

Centrale Supelec

Georgia Tech / United States and France

Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA) and its international campus Georgia Tech-Lorraine, located in the Metz Technology Park, is an innovative teaching and research institution that offers training programs (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD) in engineering sciences disciplines, including Electrical Engineering, IT Engineering and Mechanics. CentraleSupélec and Georgia Tech have a strategic agreement in place covering research, teaching, innovation, entrepreneurship and academic mobility.

Centrale Supelec


The Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER) is a non-profit association of universities and large European institutions, founded in 1990. Its objectives are to guarantee high quality teaching in the field of Engineering Sciences, as well as to improve the links between partner institutions for research and ongoing training.

CentraleSupelec Management:

  • Mr Romain Soubeyran, President of CentraleSupélec
  • Mr Philippe Dufourcq, Deputy Director General

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of founding members representing the following public authorities:

Ministry of Higher Education:

  • Françoise Moulin-Civil

Ministry of Industry:

  • Vincent Thery

Regional Council:

  • Olivier Mousson

Paris-Saclay University:

  • Sylvie Retailleau, President


Qualified representatives:

  •     Christine Benard, former Director of Research and Studies at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and former Scientific Director of MICHELIN
  •     François Darchis, former Executive Director of AIR LIQUIDE (research, innovation)
  •     Delphine Ernotte Cunci, President of FRANCE TELEVISIONS
  •     Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi, President and CEO of ESSEC
  •     Christian Galivel, Deputy Director General of RATP
  •     Marie-Luce Godinot, Deputy CEO of BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION
  •     Valérie Kniazeff, President of ALCIMED
  •     Laurence Lafont, VP Industry Sales Google Cloud EMEA
  •     Hugues Lavandier, Senior Partner, McKinsey New York
  •     Carmen Munoz-Dormoy, Director of EDF's downstream R&D activities
  •     Laurent Tardif, Chairman of the Board, PRYSMIAN Cables and Systems France
  •     Catherine Langlais, member of the Académie des Technologies, former Deputy R&D Director of SAINT-GOBAIN Recherche
  •     Corine Dubruel, President of the CentraleSupélec Alumni Association, VP&Chief Public Affairs Plug Power Europe
  •    Jean Luc Barlet, Vice-President of the CentraleSupélec Alumni Association - Group Chief Compliance Officer of MAZARS
  •     Philippe Carli, President of the CentraleSupélec Foundation - President of EBRA, CREDIT MUTUEL press division


Representatives of University Professors and equivalents:

  • Didier Clouteau
  • Sylvie Guessab
  • Pascale Le Gall
  • Dominique Marcadet


Representatives of other teaching and research categories:

  • Marc-Antoine Weisser
  • Benoît Valiron
  • Jérémy Fix

Representatives of non-teaching staff:

  • Erika Jean-Bart
  • Célestin Kynyock
  • Virginie Martinez

Representatives of users:

  • Margaux Fallion-Dalmonte
  • Ibtissam Hamich
  • Etienne Cassel-Dupont
  • Jean Prolhac


Composition of the Board of Directors:

  • President: Delphine Ernotte Cunci
  • Vice president: Sylvie Guessab
  • Clerk:

Ways and Means Committee

Qualified persnnalities :

  • Carmen Munoz
  • Christine Benard
  • Jean-Claude Barlet
  • Valérie Kniazeff

First College Professors:

  • Dominique Marcadet
  • Sylvie Guessab

Second College Professors:

  • Jeremy Fix

Non-teaching staff:

  • Erika Jean-Bart
  • Marie-Agnès Loiseau


The Scientific Committee:

  • Romain Soubeyran, Director
  • Olivier Gicquel, Director of Training
  • Paul-Henry Cournède, Director of Research
  • Christophe Bidan from the Rennes campus
  • Claude Marchand, director of the GeePs laboratory
  • Bernard Yannou, director of the LGI laboratoryRomain Soubeyran, directeur

Qualified representatives, named by the Dean of the Institution:

  • Bruno Aïdan, Air Liquide, Chief Data Officer
  • Hervé Arribart, GEC, es directeur scientifique de Saint-Gobain
  • Patrick Bastard, Groupe Renault, directeur de la recherche
  • Brigitte Cardinael, Orange, VP, responsable du domaine de recheche "Software Infrastructure"
  • Jean-Paul Chabard, EDF, directeur scientifique
  • Eric Deustch, Institut Gustave Roussy, professeur, chef du département d'oncoloradiothérapie
  • Valérie Guénon, Safran, directrice des affaires institutionnelles R&D
  • Hélène Oriot, Onera, maître de recherche
  • Anne Pacros, ESA, Solar Orbiter Mission and Payload Manager
  • Henri Souchay, GE Healthcare, Clinical Research Manager for France
  • Martine Soyer, CEA Iramis, adjointe au chef Institut Aramis

As elected representatives of the professors:

- First College

  • Hervé Gueguen
  • Véronique Aubin
  • Zeno Toffano

- Second College:

  • José Picheral
  • Damien Rontani
  • Wassila Ouerdani

As elected representatives of the non-teaching staff:

  • Jean-Baptiste Tavernier
  • Nadège Terny

As elected representatives of the users:

  • Hugo Waltzburger
  • Fanny Pan


  • Matthieu Roux

Also members of of the Scientific Comitee as representatives of partners:

  • Etienne Augé : Université Paris-Sud, Professeur de Physique, Vice-président de l’Université Paris-Sud en charge de la Recherche et de l’Innovation.
  • Sylvie Boldo : INRIA, Directrice de Recherche, Déléguée Scientifique Adjointe de l’INRIA Saclay- Ile-de-France.
  • Laurent Nicolas : CNRS, Directeur de Recherche, Directeur adjoint scientifique à l’institut des Sciences de l’Ingénierie et des Systèmes (INSIS-CNRS).

The Board of Studies:

  • Romain Soubeyran, Director
  • Olivier Gicquel, Director of Training
  • Didier Dumur, Director of Engineering Studies
  • Erick Herbin, Department Director
  • Philippe Benabès, Department DirectorRomain Soubeyran


As qualified representatives, named by the Dean of the Institution:

  • Nathalie Lassau, Institut de Formation Supérieure BioMédicale, directrice
  • Fabien Mangeant, Airbus Group Innovation, directeur du département Applied Mathematics and Simulation
  • Félix Papier, ESSEC, directeur général adjoint
  • Philippe Sajhau, IBM France, vice-président
  • Isabelle Demachy, Université Paris-Sud, vice-présidente Transformations Pédagogiques de l'Université Paris-Sud
  • Yves Bernard, Université Paris-Sud, directeur de Polytech Paris Sud
  • Emilie Poirson, Ecole Centrale Nantes, Professeure et Directrice de la formation ingénieur généraliste
  • Véronique Le Courtois, Ecole Centrale Lille, enseignant-chercheur
  • Nicolas Gazeres, Dassault Systèmes SE, R&D Biosphère Technology Director

As representatives elected by the First College of Professors:

  • Paul-Henry Cournede
  • Jean-Louis Gutwiller

Second College:

  • Yves Houzelle
  • Nabil Sadou

As representative elected by non teaching staff:

  • Jean-Daniel Polizzo

As representatives elected by the users:

  • Chiara Widua
  • Luca Froger
  • Molka Ben Marzouk


  • Paul Saurou
  • Laure Coquelet
  • Matthieu Dominici


Strategic Orientation Committee

The Strategic Orientation Committee is an advisory committee directly reporting to the Director of the Board of Directors. The committee issues recommendations and analyses relating to the Institution’s strategic development. Its recommendations provide input and assist the Director in his deliberations. The committee is composed of top-level experts from the business world as well as from academia who are committed to an international and long-term-based approach.

Composition: Members are named for a two-year term by the Director in charge of convening and chairing the meetings:

  • Christine Bénard, former Director of Research and Scientific Studies at the ENS, former Scientific Director of Michelin

  • Sébastien Candel, professor emeritus at CentraleSupélec, president of the Académie des Sciences

  • Rémi Carminati, Professor, Director of Research, ESPCI Paris Tech

  • Henri de Combles, Partner, McKinsey

  • Gérard Creuzet, President of the Institut Photovoltaïque d'Île-de-France, member of the Académie des Technologies

  • Philippe Dufourcq, Deputy Director, CentraleSupélec

  • Delphine Ernotte Cunci, Chairman of the Board, President of France Télévisions

  • Gilles Gleyze, entrepreneur and entrepreneur in the field of professional training

  • Etienne Klein, research director at CEA

  • Valérie Kniazeff, President of ALCIMED

  • Ghita Lahlou, Director of the Ecole Centrale of Casablanca

  • Hugues Lavandier, Senior Partner, McKinsey

  • Jean-Claude Lehmann, former President of the Academy of Technologies, former Director of Research at Saint Gobain

  • Martine Liautaud, President of Liautaud et Cie

  • Daniel Rigout, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of CentraleSupélec

  • Bernard Salha, Director of Research and Development, EDF

  • Martin Sion, President of Safran Electronics & Defense

  • Romain Soubeyran, Director of CentraleSupélec

  • Laurent Tardif, Chairman of the Board, Prysmian Câbles et Systèmes France

  • Pierre Vareille, Director of Bernos Advisors

Missions and values


The Supélec Foundation, recognized for its public utility and labeled as a Research Foundation, had capital of €17 million in 2015, including €11.6 million of long-term provision (adjustable for inflation). Budgets and programming are established on the basis of capital income and supplemented by donations in the form of capital flows, according to donors’ intentions.

The Supélec Foundation has always positioned itself atypically, ever since its creation in 2003, with a capital model to help the school in its long-term development in France and internationally. These two dimensions that have guided the Foundation are today integrated within the CentraleSupélec strategy.

Capitalized donations help the school each year by supporting the innovative projects of our instructor-researchers, doctoral students and students.

THE MISSION of the Supélec Foundation is to contribute to the worldwide reputation of CentraleSupélec and partners’ scientific research and higher education.

THE VALUES of the Supélec Foundation are focused on four axes:

  • shared responsibility among all actors involved in our projects to help leading talents to emerge in society to confront the major challenges of the future;
  • transparency, ethics, integrity and rigor in the way in which we collect and manage funds;
  • international cooperation to multiply our network, exchange and share, beyond borders;
  • lasting commitment, as all the projects and relationships we develop with our students, former students, teaching body, researchers, industrial partners and all other actors are, for us, investments in the future.


The founders

ABB, EDF, FIEEC, RTE, Schlumberger, Schneider Electric and “Les Supélec”, now called EPSCP CentraleSupélec.


A few words from some beneficiaries



Xiang Liu - (GeePS, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory of Paris and L2S, Signals Laboratory/DRE) - Gif-sur-Yvette campus


“Thanks to the Supélec Foundation, I am completing my program in France and my research on electromagnetic system modeling within the school’s teams. Thank you for this opportunity, which is an important step in my career as an engineer and as a future doctoral graduate.”



Supélec Foundation supports the school’s talents

Damien Rontani’s experience


Damien was one of the very first beneficiaries of the Supélec Foundation who, in 2006, defended his thesis, completed over three years (internationally co-directed between Supélec and Georgia Tech). After that, Damien was awarded the Supélec Foundation Publication Prize in 2011, as a Supélec doctoral graduate having achieved the best publication results from the beginning of his thesis right up until the end of the year in which he defended it.

Publication Prize Awards, given during the 2011Prestige Evening, hosted by the Supélec Foundation


He completed a post-doctoral degree in the Department of Physics of Duke University (USA) between 2011 and 2013. Today, he is a senior lecturer within the OPTEL research team and received an IBM Faculty Award in 2015. The IBM Faculty Award rewards researchers of physics applied to IT processing; his subject explored “Cognitive Computing” and focused on the development and characterization of a neuro-inspired time-space optical calculator.


A few figures

  • €17 million in donations
  • €1.4 million donated in support of CentraleSupélec in 2015
  • More than 50 beneficiaries supported through funding, including 20 thesis completions, four sabbaticals, four visiting professors, five chairs, 12 instructor-researcher positions created, student scholarships, five publication awards, and more.
  • 1,700 private donors
  • 26 SMB donors
  • six associations or institutions
  • 20 large companies or company foundations



More informations

Follow our news at



Email :
Tél : +33 (0)1 69 85 12 74

The Supélec Foundation warmly thanks all donors.


La Fondation Supélec remercie chaleureusement l’ensemble de ses donateurs.

The CentraleSupelec Foundation was born from the merger between the Centrale Paris Foundation and the Supelec Foundation.

Our mission is to support CentraleSupélec's strategic projects and to offer our students the best conditions to reach their full potential, with the vision of extending the influence of French engineering education throughout the world.

Key figures

  • -Capital of €22 million in 2019, including €15 million in non-consumable assets and €7 million in consumable assets.
  • Nearly 7,000 individual donors and more than a hundred corporate sponsors.
  • 7 chairs managed by the Foundation, funded by our corporate partners
  • 180 students have received financial support from the Foundation: €405,000  in allocated financial aid    and €145,000 in loan guarantees.
  • 25 M € collected for the construction of the new Saclay campus.

10% of the new CentraleSupelec campus was funded by Alumni donations which were raised during the Saclay 2017 patronage campaign : 5,000 graduates of the School were involved and they raised €25 million.

The team

To apply for financial support, please contact:

Julie Barrot or Fanny Monseur

01 75 31 66 86 or 01 75 31 61 76 -

There are four student support committees per year (end of October, mid-January, April and end of May).

For all questions relating to individual patronage, companies, legacies and donations you can contact :

The CentraleSupélec Foundation warmly thanks all of its individual and corporate donors.


CentraleSupélec research is at the heart of major technological and societal challenges

Covering all of the engineering and system sciences. Our research sustains and guarantees the teaching excellence of our faculty members, and consistently brings new knowledge and innovative answers to the major technological challenges, and societal values ​​of the 21st century.

To do so, the school focuses on seven major themes:

  • Energy
  • Environment and Risks
  • Health and Biotechnologies
  • Nanoscience
  • Communication Systems
  • Company Systems
  • Transportation and Aeronautics




Partners in France


The CEA is a public research agency, focusing on four fields: Defense and Security, Nuclear Energy (fission and fusion), Technological Research for Industry and Fundamental Research (matter and life sciences).


The National Center for Scientific Research is a multidisciplinary public research agency. It undertakes research in all scientific, technological and societal fields, ranging from Mathematics, Physics, Science and IT and Communication Technologies, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Planetary and Universe Sciences, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, and Environment and Engineering Sciences.


The French National Institute for Research in Computer Sciences is a scientific and technological public research agency. It promotes “scientific excellence applied to technological transfer and society”. Inria has 2,700 employees hand-picked from the best universities all over the world, who together are tackling the challenges of information sciences and mathematics.


The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research is a scientific and technological public research agency specialized in medical research, under the dual authority of the Ministry for Research and the Ministry of Health.


The French National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture is a public research agency which, for over 30 years, has worked on the major issues concerning responsible agriculture and sustainable urban planning, water management and associated risks, drought, floods, the study of complex ecosystems and biodiversity in their interrelations with human activities.


ONERA is the French National Aeronautics, Space and Defense Research Lab. A multidisciplinary agency with unrivalled resources for experimentation in Europe, it places its skills at the service of programming agencies, institutions and industrial actors.

European Center of Biotechnology and Bioeconomy 

Located in a town called Pomacle, the European Center of Biotechnology and Bioeconomy in the Champagne-Ardennes region brings together four private and public research teams via its innovation platform: the CentraleSupélec Biotechnology Center, the Agro-Bio-Industry Center of AgroParisTech, the NEOMA Business School Bioeconomy Center and a future center supported by the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne.


International partners

CentraleSupélec co-manages five international laboratories with local partners in Canada, China, Brazil, Singapore and the United States.




School of Entrepreneurship at CentraleSupélec has developed a unique environment: companies closely associated with the whole curriculum, dedicated training courses and modules, a digital pathway, an Open Innovation Institute of which we are a founding member, as well as a (link to site) technology incubator and a Fab Lab, which have already accompanied more than 70 startups.

CentraleSupélec offers numerous training courses dedicated to entrepreneurship as part of its engineering curriculum as well as its specialised masters. At the same time, the school has developed, in parallel, an ecosystem around training for entrepreneurship.

Our developments 

The Digital Track / Paris Digital Lab

In early 2015, CentraleSupélec launched a Digital Track, the Digital Tech Year, an additional year in the engineering curriculum, intended for full-time technological immersion at Paris Digital Lab In the service of business innovation. Its objective is to offer the students who are most motivated by information technologies an innovative experience working with businesses, centred on innovation. Integrated within the Innovation Factory it hosts 25 high potential students selected from CentraleSupélec.


The Open Innovation Institute

CentraleSupélec is a founding member of the Open Innovation Institute. It aims to build lasting, constructive and balanced relationships between key accounts and start-ups.

The activity of the Institute is divided into 3 parts: creation and running of business accelerators, training courses dedicated to open innovation, conducting studies and research.

The Incubateur CentraleSupélec: a technology incubator

CCreated in 2001, the CentraleSupélec incubator welcomes and supports innovative and ambitious projects, at a very early stage, carried out either by graduates of CentraleSupélec or others within the network. The incubator now specializes in supporting technological projects focused exclusively on one of the seven major societal challenges: Health and Biotechnology, Nanosciences, Transport - Aeronautics, Business Systems, Communication Systems, Environment - Risks and Energy.


Over 13 years, the CentraleSupélec Incubator has seen:

In 13 years, the incubator of CentraleSupélec has seen:

  • 70 companies created
  • € 201 million in combined sales,
  • 76.3 million funds raised
  • 541 jobs created, as well as hundreds of internships,
  • business survival rate of 79% (including projects that were halted during incubation)
  • business survival rate of 88% among companies that came out of the incubator.

1 MOOC dedicated to corporate finance and incubation

CentraleSupélec has been committed to teaching innovation since 2013, and was the first in France to offer a MOOC dedicated to corporate finance and incubation, taught by Jean-François Galloüin, Managing Director of Paris & Co and Professor at CentraleSupélec. His course saw than 11,000 participants.

