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Founded in 1989 by École Centrale Paris and a dozen European universities, T.I.M.E. Association (Top Industrial Managers for Europe, renamed Top International Managers in Engineering in 2019) aims at developing long-term double degree programmes (at least three semesters abroad). CentraleSupélec is a major partner in the network, now composed of 57 universities located across Europe, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, China, Australia and Canada. 

École Centrale Casablanca was created in 2013 when the Moroccan and French governments signed a partnership agreement. Developed on the Écoles Centrale model, École Centrale Casablanca’s three-year post-Preparatory Class Engineering program leads to the award of a Moroccan national diploma.

During the first year, students complete a joint series of modules of the program, common to every option. Students are encouraged to go abroad for a semester to study with a partner school or university, or work in a company within the network.

For those who wish to explore the international dimension further, or gain a long-term professional experience, the school gives them the opportunity to complete a placement year at the end of the 2nd year.

Over the course of the 3rd year, students gain sectorial specialization and discover careers. The program ends with a six-month internship, and an end-of-studies project that supports their evolution towards the world of work.

Alongside its engineering program, École Centrale Casablanca also offers a Specialized Master’s degree in Leadership and Innovative Projects, aiming at training high-level professionals with the skills to manage complex projects.

Centrale Casablanca aims at becoming a pan-African hub of higher education, fully integrated in the West African, French-speaking entrepreneurship ecosystem. Centrale Casablanca opens the doors of the international network of other Écoles Centrale and to the best scientific research in the world. Its objective is to train today the African elites of tomorrow.

In 2014, a new École Centrale opened in India: Mahindra École Centrale (MEC).

Mahindra École Centrale is a private teaching institution created by CentraleSupélec with Mahindra Educational Institutes (Mahindra Group) in partnership with the Jawaharlal Technological University. The school is located on the Bahadurpally campus of Tech Mahindra in Hyderabad.

The Engineering program leads to the award of a Bachelor degree, an Indian national diploma. The first two years are modeled on the first two years of Preparatory Classes to French Grandes Écoles. Introductory lessons in engineering are progressively integrated with management and creativity lessons in the third year. The final two years enable students to specialize, either in Mechanical Engineering, IT and Logistics Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Civil Engineering.

The teaching methodology is inspired by CentraleSupélec’s own methodology, with lessons adopting a systemic approach, activities dedicated to developing skills including leadership, creativity, teamwork and a real openness to the world of business and the world via student exchanges, internships and participation of international professionals and instructors.

In 2005, Écoles Centrale Group, together with Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), created École Centrale Beijing. This initiative brings together the broad-based, international and business-oriented École Centrale education to Beihang’s high academic standards. Écoles Centrale Group thus became the first French Engineering Grande École group to export its excellence and teaching model abroad.

École Centrale Beijing offers a six-year program to train high-level generalized, versatile and trilingual engineers. After intensive language training, students spend two years completing Preparatory Classes before entering the three remaining years of the Engineering program, recognized by the French Commission for Engineering degrees.

École Centrale Beijing has signed privileged partnership agreements within the business world, a lever for it to develop economic links between France and China by providing general, bicultural engineers for employment.

Beyond initial training and close relationships with industry, the school has a strong culture of research. It collaborates closely with Beihang University on specific research projects.

Become an outstanding “French Engineer” in only two years 

While the regular engineering curriculum in France lasts for three years, CentraleSupélec offers the opportunity to top students to obtain the Engineering degree in only two years, with our CentraleSupélec Engineering Degree programme, a Master’s level degree.

After completing their Bachelor programme in their home country, students can apply to our CentraleSupélec Engineering Degree programme to take on science and technology challenges in business and industry, and open the doors of a wider world of recruitment. This programme is also an opportunity to experience the French flavour!

Courses are offered in both English and French.


Come to CentraleSupélec for a semester or a Summer School

Spring semester in English 

This programme is an opportunity to spend one semester at CentraleSupélec (the Spring semester of year 4 of higher education), even for 3rd- or 4th-year engineering Bachelor students coming from non-partner institutions.

Two tracks are offered in various fields: the semester by coursework, where students take courses in English in their area of interest and work in teams on a project; and the semester by research, where students spend the majority of the semester working on a project supervised by a researcher in one of CentraleSupélec’s laboratories and take 10 ECTS of courses taught in English in relation to their project. Options are offered on our three campuses – Paris-Saclay, Rennes and Metz – depending on the field of research.

Upon successful completion, students will be provided with a transcript of records. Home institutions can transfer them to their own grading system towards graduation of the students.

Even though a basic knowledge of French is recommended for daily life, it is not a pre-requisite to apply to this programme. 


Summer Schools

CentraleSupélec offers two summer schools: one on Artificial Intelligence and one on Industry 4.0. These programmes are aimed at 3rd- or 4th-year undergraduate students or 1st-year graduate students willing to know more about these fields. Both summer schools are entirely taught in English and combine classes, projects, conferences and of course, cultural visits in and around Paris. They take place during the first two weeks of July, on Paris-Saclay campus.

Upon successful completion and regular attendance, students will be awarded 3 ECTS that are transferable to their home university towards graduation of their degree.


Even though the engineering curriculum is CentraleSupélec’s original mission, the Institution also offers a broad range of Master’s degrees, Masters of Science (MSc.) and PhD. 

Master’s degrees

CentraleSupélec coordinates and collaborates in several high-level Master’s degree programmes, open to European and international students who completed at least their Bachelor degree or are finishing their engineering curriculum. These programmes lead to the award of a French national degree by Université Paris-Saclay, easily identifiable on the international scale. Upon graduation, students can either pursue their studies with a PhD or join the job market in high-ranking company positions.

CentraleSupélec’s Master’s degrees reflect the areas of development of its research, in link with the needs of its industrial and academic partners.  

Some of these Master’s programmes are taught in English.


Masters of Science (MSc)

CentraleSupélec offers two Masters of Science, one in Artificial Intelligence and one in Data Sciences and Business Analytics.

MSc. in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is now omnipresent in our daily lives. This programme aims at providing students with both the common core knowledge and the most advanced techniques in the field, so that they are well-equipped to become leaders of this technological shift. 

This 12- to 16-month long programme is entirely taught in English.


MSc. in Data Sciences and Business Analytics

Most programmes are either in Data Sciences or in Business Analytics. CentraleSupélec and ESSEC Business School are offering a unique programme that combines both, for analysts who are even more competent and perform ever better!

This Master’s programme is entirely taught in English.



CentraleSupélec, together with Université Paris-Saclay, Université de Rennes 1 and Université de Lorraine, is conducting research of high scientific level and welcomes hundreds of PhD students every year in its laboratories. Over half of the PhD. students hosted at CentraleSupélec come from abroad, totaling 40 different nationalities on campus.


Obtain your home university’s and CentraleSupélec’s degree at once

Since 1989, CentraleSupélec has been developping double degree programmes with high-ranking foreign institutions. Eighty agreements now enable students to complete their study programme at our school and obtain both their home university degree and the Engineering degree of CentraleSupélec.

Depending on the partnership agreement between your home university and CentraleSupélec and your study level, you can either follow the first and second years of the engineering curriculum (3rd and 4th year of higher education) or the second and third years (4th and 5th year of higher education). In the latter option, students are required to complete a 23-week long internship before graduating. In either case, students are expected to have a French level equivalent to B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages.  

Applicants should consult their Study Abroad office, which in turn will nominate eligible students to CentraleSupélec. A jury will review each application and our Department of International Affairs will send admitted students an acceptance letter. Accepted students will need to complete on online application on a specific website.

More information for international students can be found in the International Students Guide and on our Factsheet.

For more information, please send us an email


Study at CentraleSupélec for one semester or one year

Students who have completed at least three years of higher education at a partner institution are eligible to an exchange programme at CentraleSupélec. It will be your chance to experience the French general engineering curriculum for one semester or one full year.  

Applicants should consult their Study Abroad office, which in turn will nominate eligible students to CentraleSupélec. A jury will review each application and our Department of International Affairs will send admitted students an acceptance letter. Accepted students will need to complete an online application on a specific website.

Courses are offered either in French or in English, and students can take up to 30 ECTS per semester. Results are sent directly to the home university, which will transfer them to its own grading system.

More information for international students can be found in the International Students Guide and on our Factsheet.

For more information, please send us an email.


Boris Vian Week

  • Lecture and testimonies on Boris Vian, the Ecole Centrale and jazz on Monday, November 9, 5:30-7pm (Gif-sur-Yvette, bât Eiffel) by Mr. Jean-François Belhoste. Testimonies of Joëlle Lhespitaou-Vian, niece of Boris Vian, Pierre Vareille (ECP 1981), Yvon Gattaz (ECP 1948). Musical interlude by the pupils of the school. Your booking must be confirmed online. Videoconference transmission: From a smartphone/computer with the Chrome browser, connect to, then enter the identifier 2213 and the code 2674.
  • Les Pistons at Angoulême : Theatrical representation by the Clarance Company of an original play adapted from an unpublished "La chronique d'Angoulême" (The Chronicle of Angoulême), depicting the schooling of students in Angoulême in 1939-1940. The performance will be followed by a jazz concert by CentraleSupélec students. November 10 at 8:30 pm (Gif-sur-Yvette, Bouygues building, Joël-Rousseau theater).. Your booking must be confirmed online. Want to see more? Right there !
  • Boris Vian Exhibition : Le Bison ravi on the 3 campuses of the school from November 9 to November 30. Inauguration in Gif on November 9th after the conference.
  • Cercles de lecture (Reading club) at Metz and Rennes, Thursday, November 12th
  • Exhibition of books on Boris Vian in the libraries of Gif, Metz and Rennes
  • Boris Vian's centenary guestbook at CentraleSupélec: do you like Boris Vian? Did his work mean something to you? Leave a testimony on the guestbook of the centenary of Boris Vian at CentraleSupélec [link to come].
  • Presentation of the archives of Boris Vian's schooling at Ecole Centrale (on deposit at the National Archives): Monday, November 9 and Thursday, November 12.

