À l’occasion du centenaire de la disparition de Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923), diplômé de l’Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures en 1855, CentraleSupélec célèbre la mémoire de son plus célèbre alumni.

Une scénographie spectaculaire vous immerge dans l’univers d’Eiffel : des pièces inédites conservées aux Archives Nationales et un pont physique et symbolique créent des liens entre les siècles, les personnes, les œuvres construites par Eiffel dans le Monde, les différentes périodes de sa vie, sa scolarité à l’école Centrale, son rôle d’ingénieur et celui plus méconnu de chercheur.

Quel ingénieur était Gustave Eiffel ? Comment ses œuvres illustrent-elles une approche pluridisciplinaire des sciences ? Quel héritage ses travaux nous ont-ils laissé ?

Une occasion unique de mieux connaître Eiffel, d’éveiller des vocations scientifiques et de découvrir le campus de Paris-Saclay ! 

Pour les collèges et lycées, de la 4e à la Terminale, le Centre des diversités et de l’inclusion de CentraleSupélec propose des visites de groupes sur temps scolaire, incluant :

  • la visite de l’exposition Eiffel par un médiateur scientifique
  • la participation aux ateliers Meccano et Geomag pour tester vos talents d’ingénieurs en herbe
  • la visite du campus de Paris-Saclay
  • un goûter et cadeau souvenir inédit !


Du 18 octobre au 18 décembre - du lundi au vendredi - sur temps scolaire
De la 4e à la Terminale
Durée de la visite : ½ journée (temps de trajet inclus)
Possibilité de prise en charge du transport (location de car ou prise en charge des tickets de bus)

Renseignement et inscription: centre.diversites@centralesupelec.fr
Téléchargez le flyer de l'exposition


    Vos CV et LM sont reçues à l'adresse suivante : recrutement@centralesupelec.fr

    Nous les attendons avec impatience !!

    Site de Gif sur Yvette

    Catégorie B

    Catégorie A

    Travail d'été sur Gif-sur-Yvette


    Site de Rennes


    Site de Metz


    RECRUTEMENT – CONCOURS ITRF – Session 2024 :

    Les concours ITRF sont ouverts : vous avez jusqu'au 30/04/2024 pour candidater !

    Catégorie A :

    Catégorie B :


    Classement L'Etudiant 2022

    Classement Le Figaro 2023

    • 2ème position

           Voir classement complet


    Classement L'Usine Nouvelle 2023

    • 2ème position

           Voir classement complet



    CentraleSupélec figure dans les classements internationaux sous l'égide de l'Université Paris-Saclay

    Classement QS 2023

    • Classement universitaire mondial : 69ème 

           Voir classement complet


    Classement THE 2023

    • Classement universitaire mondial : 93ème 

            Voir classement complet

    • Classement THE Employability : 1er français; 18ème mondial

            Voir classement complet


    Classement Shanghai 2022 

    • Classement universitaire mondial : 16ème 

           Voir classement complet


    Impact CentraleSupélec est une association étudiante née en 2019 de la fusion entre ISF, côté Centrale Paris, et RemeD, côté Supélec. Elle a pour but de sensibiliser aux problématiques environnementales. 

    Impact mène diverses actions concrètes sur le campus comme la distribution de produits issus de fermes locales ou l’entretien d’un potager et d’un compost. Elle mène aussi des actions de sensibilisation telles que des rencontres avec des entreprises responsables, des formations, des conférences. Elle propose des contenus vulgarisés et a également mis en place une charte pour aider les associations à être plus respectueuses de l’environnement. Plus largement, les membres prennent part à divers groupes écologistes étudiants, comme le Gritec ou T4E.

    L’événement phare de l’association, la Green Week, est une semaine mobilisant toute l’association pour l’organisation de plusieurs activités autour des problématiques écologiques sur le campus. 

    Référent Développement Durable et Transition Ecologique : Pascal da Costa 
    Chargée de mission Développement Durable et Patrimoine : Sophie David

    Commission Développement Durable email : commission-dd@listes.centralesupelec.fr 


    • Fabien BELLET
    • Romain BOURDAIS
    • François CLUZEL
    • Pascal DA COSTA
    • Sophie DAVID
    • Aline FAES
    • Vincent JOLYS
    • Anne-Sophie MOURONVAL
    • Bruno NIVARD
    • Laurence PÉGORIER
    • Renée PILARD
    • Jean-Baptiste TAVERNIER
    • Alexandrine URBAIN


    • Elias AGHA
    • Milan GARNIER
    • Alexandrine HASSOUN 
    • Yuan LEGUENNIC
    • Paul MAYÉ
    • Matiss PECHOUTRES

    Elèves délégués transition 

    • Thomas BOSTARRON 
    • Erwan GARDIES
    • Paul MAYÉ
    • Matiss PECHOULTRES

    Référents DD laboratoires  email : correspondants.dd.labos@listes.centralesupelec.fr 

    • François CLUZEL
    • Pascal DA COSTA
    • Federica DAGHIA
    • Anne DUBOIS
    • Mario FERNANDES
    • Nicolas GUIBLIN
    • Yoann GUILHEM
    • Pierre HAESSIG
    • Israel HINOSTROZA 
    • Ngoc Diep LAI
    • Véronique LECHEVALIER
    • Pascale LEGALL
    • Yann LEROY
    • Anne-Sophie MOURONVAL
    • Jean-Christophe PESQUET
    • José PICHERAL
    • Benham TAIDI
    • Aymeric VIE
    • Delphine WOLFERSBERGER

    Application Fees

    In France: €100


    Living Cost

    Monthly approximate covering housing, food, etc.: €1,000


    ESSEC Scholarships

    Academic Excellence Scholarship

    Description: To sustain the academic excellence of the Global BBA, ESSEC Business School offers scholarships to the most outstanding international candidates.

    Eligibility: Open to all applicants and awarded on the basis of the overall quality of their application i.e. academic excellence demonstrated in the file and in the selection interview.

    Amount: Can cover up to 25% of total tuition fees.

    Scholarship are awarded with the admission decision at each session of admission.
    No additional applications or request.

    Regional Diversity Scholarship

    Description: Varied cultural perspectives and backgrounds enhance the education and experience of all our students as well as being a key factor in the excellence of our programs. With this in mind, ESSEC seeks to create further diversity in its already diverse student body.

    Eligibility: Be a citizen of a country in one of the following regions: Africa, Asia, Asia-Pacific, Europe (except France), North America and South America.

    Amount: Up to 25% of total tuition fees.

    Scholarship are awarded with the admission decision at each session of admission.
    No additional applications or request.


    Other Scholarships

    Scholarships for International Students

    In order to help international students in their search for financing options, Campus France has set up a search engine allowing you to find scholarships for which you may be eligible.

    For more information: Campus Bourses - Grant search engine

    LIFE Scholarships (Lebanese students only)

    A platform to channel the influence of Lebanese finance executives worldwide in order to establish stronger bonds, nurture the next generation and promote Lebanon. 


    1. Be Lebanese or of Lebanese descent.

    2. Achieve and maintain academic excellence.

    3. Demonstrate interest in pursuing a career in Finance. 

    4. Be in financial need. 


    Up to 12,000$ per year for the duration of the academic programme. 

    Application procedure: 

    ESSEC submits applications for LIFE Scholarships on your behalf.


    Bank Loans


    Banks in Cergy offer ESSEC students loans at preferential rates, which can be paid back following graduation. ESSEC has also established a partnership with the bank Le Crédit Lyonnais (LCL) in Cergy to offer financing that covers full tuition fees for any of our academic programmes.

    Loan applicants are required to have a guarantor living in France. According to the banks, the guarantor must earn enough to cover the monthly loan payments but also either be a French citizen, a close family member and/or both. Additional fees and expenses will be the responsibility of the student.

    Loan Amount: Variable

    Duration: can last approximately eight years including deferred payment.

    US Federal & Private Loans

    Many US citizens or permanent residents opt to take out the US Federal Stafford and private Sallie Mae loans. These loans can cover up to the full cost of attendance and all applicants having a co-signer in the US are eligible for these loan programmes. ESSEC is listed as “ESSEC Business School", and has a code number of G30959.

    More information on Sallie Mae

    More information on US Federal loans

    Do I have the profile that fits


    • Have you graduated or will you graduate shortly from high school with good grades?
    • Are you high-achiever planning to pursue an international career?

    Apply here

    The application deadlines

    The online application portal is currently open. Application deadlines for the 2024 intake are as follows:

    Application rounds

    Online application deadline*

    Mathematics test

    Shortlisted results**


    Final admission results **

    Round 1

    November 6, 2024

    November 12, 2024

    November 28, 2024

    December 5-10, 2024

    December 16, 2024

    Round 2

    January 6, 2025

    January 9, 2025

    January 27, 2025

    January 30 to February 5, 2025

    February 11, 2025

    Round 3

    February 12, 2025

    February 14, 2025

    March 10, 2025

    March 17-21, 2025

    March 25, 2025

    Round 4

    March 26, 2025

    April 1, 2025

    April 18, 2025

    April 24-30, 2025

    May 5, 2025

    Round Parcoursup

    Available soon

    Available soon

    Available soon

    Available soon

    Available soon

    * 12 PM Paris time (noon)

    ** At the latest

    English Tests: TOEFL iBT, TOEIC, IELTS, Cambridge

    Given that English test centers are currently closed in some countries, candidates who have not already taken the test are allowed to apply to all rounds by submitting the TOEFL ITP (for candidates based in Mainland China) or the TOEFL iBT® Special Home Edition.



    Step 1: Start your online application

    The application form is to be filled in online.

    Create your account and you will receive an email with your login and pin number. These are required each time you sign in so don’t lose them! You can fill in the application form at your ease and come back to it at any point.

    Apply here 


    Step 2: Upload supporting documents

     Together with the online application form, you will need to provide official or authenticated copies (stamped and signed) of the following:

    Academic transcripts

    Of the last 3 years of high school.

    High School Diploma or enrollment certificate

    The enrollment certificate must clearly indicate your current grade, the diploma you are pursuing, and your expected graduation date. All documents must be official.

    An English test score

    You will need to provide one of the following English proficiency tests as part of your application form:

    • TOEIC (Listening and Reading) with a minimum score of 850

    • TOEFL IBT (internet-based test) with a minimum score of 90

    • IELTS (Academic) with a minimum score of 6.5

    • Cambridge (FCE First Certificate in English) with a minimum score of 175)

    The English test is not required if the last 2 years of your academic curriculum are taught entirely in English.

    Tests that have been sat more than 2 years ago (at this application deadline) will not be accepted.

    It can take several months to prepare and register for an exam slot, so keep this in mind before starting your application as, without a test score, it will be incomplete.

    Your CV

    One page.

    Your passport or ID card (in English)


    Academic recommendation (optional)


    If you want your referees to fill out a recommendation letter/survey for you, kindly enter their details as soon as possible, after you start your application. This will give them enough time to fill out your recommendation form before the deadline.

    Application fees


    €100 non-refundable fee.

    Applications fees must be paid on the online application portal (for all campuses).

    All documents must be provided in English or French.
    Official translations must also have to be provided for documents in other languages.

    Please note that each section of the online application must be filled in conscientiously. Candidates who fail to upload all the required documents by the stated deadlines will not be considered. Make sure that all your documents are ready before you submit your application.


    Step 3: Submit your online application

    Once you have completed your online application and have attached all the supporting documents, the final step is to submit your online application.


    Step 4: Online mathematics test

    After submitting your application, you will receive login details to access a platform to take the online Mathematics test on the date indicated above.

    The mathematics test is compulsory as it is a criterion for eligibility to the Program.

    Click here to discover the Mathematics test – Instructions & exercises.


    Step 5: Check if you have been shortlisted

    Your application will be fully studied by the admission committee. Each part of your application is considered. The result will then be published online, and you can access this via your online application portal.

    Shortlisted results will be announced on the dates communicated in the table above.


    Step 6: Sit your interview

    Shortlisted candidates will only be contacted to organize a motivational interview in English - Online.

    The interview will last 25 minutes in front of two interviewers (a member of the Faculty, or a professional from CentraleSupélec and ESSEC). Please be aware that no interview will be scheduled out of the announced dates.


    Step 7: Get your results

    Results will be published online in your online application portal.

    If you have been successful, you will be notified by email.

    Where Will ESSEC - CentraleSupélec AIDAMS Program Take You?

    ESSEC & CentraleSupélec Accompany You

    Helping you to shape your career


    Interact with major companies

    Career Services

    Career guidance and support to students and graduates are provided in order to help them find and pursue their chosen dream career.

    Career Portal: about 6,000 job offers and 21,000 internship offers each year.

    To help you see more clearly, the career services team offers a complete service to support you, answer your questions and help you move forward.

    You will:

    • Develop interpersonal and professional skills and perspectives that will be valued in your future internships and career.
    • Find an internship that will allow you to further your career plan.
    • Define your professional project through numerous coaching workshops led by specialists.
    • Learn more about the professional world and find internships during recruitment events and panel discussions with our corporate partners.
    • Prepare your CV and your job interviews.
    • Acquire all the skills that will help you strive during your career.


    Benefit from 2 powerful networks

    Alumni Worldwide

    Enrolling in the BSc in AI, DATA and Management Sciences makes you a member of both ESSEC Business School and CentraleSupélec global alumni communities.

    As a student and graduate you are able to leverage this significant network as alumni stay involved and in touch with each other and the schools. As well as sharing their experience with students, they also organize events all over the world via the various local chapters, conferences, round tables, brainstorming sessions, get-togethers, etc.


    What to do next?


    Enter the job market

    Positions that combine business studies & analytics:
    • Product Manager, Business Analyst, Project Management, Digital Marketing, Consulting, Data Scientist/Analyst...

    Continue at a Master’s level:
    • Management (MiM), Engineering, Digital Marketing, Business Analytics and Decision Making, Finance & Financial Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, IS Management, AI...

    Across different industries:
    • Web/digital/software, finance, consulting, medicine, electronics/industries, business...

    Be an entrepreneur and launch your own start-up thanks to both ESSEC Business School and CentraleSupélec incubators.

    After graduation - Types of jobs
